

Ana, as people call Kiana, a beautiful eighteen year old girl, lives with such a perfect family, a normal life vanishes instantly since her older sister Naya decided to commit suicide, her older sister's departure forever changes the meaning of a family for Kiana.  The first love pinned on her father just disappeared when a secret was revealed for real where the cause of her brother's death was an affair committed by her father, the girl's hatred deepened when she was made a bet by her own father and was forced to marry a cold, flat man.  and cruel.  This is where Kiana's life journey begins again, big problems arise when love begins to exist, misfortune befalls the girl again where the husband's infidelity is happening right in front of her eyes, it doesn't stop there like thousands of knives are stabbed, it's revealed who the woman who was cheating on her father was when  it made Kiana feel very devastated, plus the cause of her mother's accident which was planned by her best friend's biological mother.  With all these complexities, will Kiana be able to survive in the midst of her young pregnancy or choose another way to save her future child from all the problems she is experiencing?

Yoong_Fa · ย้อนยุค
13 Chs

Part 2

He's not your daughter he's just my daughter, my son is very unfortunate to have a father like you, a bastard man like you doesn't deserve to be a father to my daughter!" Liana snapped back making the slap fly across her cheek.

"Enough Liana, your words have crossed the line!" snapped the man furiously.

"Crossed the line? My words crossed the line? then what are you doing that doesn't cross the line? sleeping with that bitch doesn't cross the line Jarvis! Tell me answer all my questions why are you just silent!" he snapped very loudly, Kiana who was there could only be silent and stunned when she heard all the quarrels of her parents.

"Do you care about your daughter? She admires Jarvis' father figure so much why would you betray your own daughter!"

"Liana!" Jarvis snapped which didn't change the woman's anger at all.

"What's wrong? I can no longer keep all these secrets Jarvis, I can no longer continue to cover up your mistakes, you still haven't realized your mistakes? or you no longer have shame for all those mistakes! Jarvis opened your eyes wide, his death was due to an act you vile!" Liana snapped, staring intently at her husband.

"Enough Liana!"

"No Jarvis let your daughter also hear the truth, you know why Naya got hospitalized for one week here, this is all because of you, she admires her father so much that even the girl is always angry when I try to tell the truth, but what are you doing? now you made him take his own life, you know what he saw? he clearly saw you sleeping with that bitch!" said Liana which made Jarvis look at her very sharply, Kiana who heard that was like being stabbed by a thousand knives, she was no longer able to stand up she was so weak when she heard her mother's words.

"What is it Jarvis! why are you silent? Are you shocked? or is it just your fake face? I always cover up all your problems, I always answer all your children's questions when they ask where their father is, but your stupidity kills one of them! Naya decides to drink poison because she is disappointed to see the actions of a man she admires so much, you are satisfied Jarvis! For that bitch you killed your own daughter!" Liana shouted with tears continuing to run down her cheeks.

"Liana, allow me to see my daughter, just for a moment," said the man who was getting weak. "Get out of this room, get out!" Liana snapped very loudly.


"Go out!!" snapped the middle-aged woman and pushed her husband's body violently, she closed the door of the room and leaned there, the middle-aged woman took a shaky breath and vented all her anger, her body was shaking this was the first time she dared to yell at her husband after so many problems. befall them. Liana turned to look at Kiana where the girl was curled up with a voice that was so soft, she knew this situation would damage her youngest daughter's mind, but she couldn't hold it in and cover it up anymore.

"Son, I'm sorry mother," he said as he stood up and approached the princess, he hugged the girl who was curled up very weakly there.

"Are all those words true Ma'am? Why did you hide it from me? And what is the cause of Big Brother's departure really that problem? Why did you hide everything from me Ma'am? Since when did this happen?" he said with a blank stare, Liana just kept quiet and wiped the princess's tears. "I'll explain everything to you son," he said very quietly.

"That man, the man I consider the perfect male hero to me, he made a mistake Ma'am, I misjudged him, Mom did that man really do it?" Kiana said very sadly, she stood up and looked back at her brother's body.

"He was lying there because of that man? infidelity and a big thing you covered it from me Mom," he said with his gaze still on the body of his brother. The girl wiped her tears and walked out of the room making Liana feel very worried. "Kiana... Kiana is back son..." Liana shouted very loudly, she couldn't do anything now, her whole body was weak she could only stay silent and stare at her unfortunate fate.

While Gisel had just entered with some white papers in his hands, he walked quickly and hugged the middle-aged woman gently. "Auntie calm down, don't be like this, Bi," he said and gently stroked the woman's back.

"Kiana Son Kiana..."

"Where's Kiana Bi?" Gisel also looks very worried now.

"She went somewhere, the girl is not in good condition now, hurry up and follow her I beg you."

"I can't leave Auntie like this, calm down I'll look for her later, Kiana is a smart girl she won't act stupid in a situation like this, calm down Bi," said the girl and helped Liana to stand up.

"Bi, all the letters have been completed, now the ambulance will take Sis Naya home," said Gisel very carefully. Liana just kept quiet and looked back at the princess's body.

"Has Naya really left son? Is she not coming back again? Wasn't there a miracle that brought her back?" said the woman and still stared at the princess's very pale face. "Auntie don't be like this, if you mourn her departure, Sis Naya will not be calm," said the girl very slowly, Liana just kept quiet and still looked at the princess. "Come on, Bi, where are the things, I'll help Auntie to pack," he said quietly.

They started packing all the things while in the hospital, quite a lot of clothes and a few other things because Liana had been there for a week to take care of the princess. After they finished packing, the girl's body began to be put into the ambulance that was waiting in front of the hospital, several black cars were lined up neatly there, the convoy of vehicles started.