

Clara Massey is an eighteen-year-old girl. After leaving High School at Pine Hill High School, Clara meets her father, who she has been separated from for sixteen years. Clara grew up without a father figure in her life, ever since her parents decided to separate when she was two years old. Right at the age of eighteen, she managed to meet the man she had been missing for a long time. Her meeting with Mario Duke Massey was the most beautiful gift she received on her birthday. After a fairly long process, she finally succeeded in reuniting with her parents. In the process of uniting her parents, she met David Moran. David is the son of Mario's sister. This nephew is the same age as Clara. The love story of these two people began when they were in college. The time they spent together both on campus and at home made their relationship even more intense. However, as time went on their relationship became increasingly tenuous. David wanted something difficult for Clara to give, her virginity. What is the fate of their relationship? Will Clara be able to maintain her virginity from the person she loves so much?

Ernita_GST · สมัยใหม่
3 Chs


Diana did not expect that her eldest daughter would ask her father for her birthday this time.

Clara then lay on Diana's lap, she tried to persuade Diana to let her bring Mario back.

She didn't answer Clara's words, she was just silent while stroking Clara's hair. In her silence, she remembered the past when she was still with Mario.

At that time, Diana was pregnant with Melanie for about three months. She was no longer able to live in Mario's hometown. In that village, they live with Mario's parents and Clara who are still 2 years old.

Mario works as a farmer and to increase his financial coffers, Diana helps Mario by selling snacks in front of the house.

Initially, all went smoothly. Diana's snacks were selling well and orders continued to grow. Likewise with Mario's abundant harvest.

However, smooth finances do not necessarily make their household fine. Mario began to frequently come home in the middle of the night, he often spent time outside drinking with friends and relatives.

Many times Diana tried to stop him and complained to Mario's mother, but found no solution. Mario's mother asked Diana not to interfere in her son's affairs and just focus on her pregnancy.

Day after day Diana passed by crying uncontrollably, she tried to hold herself back for Clara and Melanie, who were still in her stomach at that time.

However, Diana's powers did not last long. The loneliness and jealousy that she felt increasingly tormented her day by day. Diana then decided to leave the house and return to town.

She returned to her parent's house with Clara who was then two years old. Meanwhile, Mario, who knows his wife's departure, tries to return to the city and meet Diana's parents.

At that time, Diana's parents followed their daughter's decision. They deliberately did not reveal Diana's whereabouts at their request.

After four months had passed, Mario was getting tired of finding out Diana's whereabouts. In the end, he married the woman of his parents' choice without completing his separation from Diana legally. Meanwhile, Diana, who knew about Mario's marriage to another woman, could only stroke her chest.

'Besides, I'm the one who doesn't want to see him. He didn't even fight for me and our daughter. He's busy with drinks and women at the cafe.' The memory of when she heard the news of Mario's marriage came back to her.

"Don't you want another gift, honey?" Diana tries to make a bid on the gift her daughter wants.

"No, Mom. I also have to know who my biological father is, right?"

"True, but I wasn't sure he would remember you or Melanie. I am afraid he will not accept us."

"Regardless of how daddy's response will be after meeting us, the important thing is that we have to meet him first, Mom." Clara persuaded Diana that her wish could be granted.

Diana did not have the heart to refuse her daughter's request. She knew very well that one day he had to meet them. Her daughters have the right to know who their real father is, even though this is very difficult for her to do.

"Okay, if that's what you want, honey. Tomorrow we will meet your dad. We celebrate your birthday at dad's residence, OK. Get ready, we will leave in the morning. For tickets, let me order."

Clara, who heard Diana's words, suddenly got up from her mother's lap, as if she did not believe Diana could quickly agree to her request.

"Thank you, Mom. I love you." Clara said, then she hugged her mother.

After thanking Diana profusely, she ran to the warehouse to get the suitcase. Clara was very excited to pack her clothes and equipment to stay at Mario's residence for a few days.

She imagined the fun things that would happen when she met her father.

"My dad will welcome me well, right? I am his daughter, he can't ignore me. He should be happy that I can grow into an extraordinary girl even without him. He didn't even support me for eighteen years, he should have treated me well." Clara said while she was packing clothes and skincare that she would take to Germany.


"Happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you, happy birthday, happy birthday, happy birthday dear Clara." Melanie and Diana approached Clara's room when it was already 00.00.

Melanie is holding a birthday cake measuring 20 cm x 20 cm. The cake looks very aesthetic with makeup knick-knacks such as powder, lipstick, mirror, and blush brush. Melanie accidentally buys a cake that can describe her sister's hobby, and to beautify the cake, she also asked the cake maker to put a small candle and writing


Clara warmly welcomed the celebration and then hugged Diana and Melanie simultaneously.

"Thank you, I love you guys!"

They hugged for a long time, then Clara cut the cake and gave it to her mother and sister.

That night, they spent lots of laughter and happiness. Moments like this rarely happened at Clara's house, because her mother rarely came home.

At Amsterdam Airport…

[Ladies and gentlemen, welcome onboard 412A with service from the Netherlands to Germany. We are currently third in line for take-off and are expected to be in the air in approximately seven minutes time.]

[We ask that you please fasten your seatbelts at this time and secure all baggage underneath your seat or in the overhead compartments. We also ask that your seats and table trays are in the upright position for take-off.]

[Please turn off all personal electronic devices, including laptops and cell phones. Smoking is prohibited for the duration of the flight. Thank you for choosing Transavia Airlines. Enjoy your flight.]

Diana and Clara were already on the plane to Germany to meet Mario. They go alone because Melanie can't leave her class.

"Are you ready to meet your father, honey?" Diana asked back how Clara was feeling right now.

"Enough, Mom. I've been waiting for this moment for a long time, right? I want a father, Mom. I want to be like other children, when I come home too late, my father picks me up. When I'm sad there is a father who comforts me, when I fall in love there is a father who accompanies me, so that the man I love is not arbitrary to me." Clara tried to explain all the contents of her heart that had been hidden for so long.

After about 1 hour and 8 minutes, their flight finally arrived in Germany. Clara heads to the baggage conveyor to collect their suitcases. Meanwhile, Diana, who was carrying their bags and gifts for Mario, was already at the airport exit.

After all the goods they brought were safe, they continued their journey toward the city of Heidelberg. Heidelberg is an autonomous city in Baden-Württemberg, Germany, located on the banks of the river Neckar. Heidelberg is famous for its world-famous castle, old town, and the old university. As of 2008, more than 145,000 residents lived in this 109 km² city.

Not to forget, in this city there is a unique old bridge over the Neckar river which is the main attraction for tourists. The city occupies the second place for health services due to the large number of doctors. The number of students is also quite large so it is often referred to as a student city (Position 4). The dropout rate here is very low (Rank 1).

Clara and Diana had arrived in the city of Heidelberg, at the exact address she got from one of her siblings. Clara examines the houses around their location one by one. It didn't take long for Clara to find Mario's house.

However, unfortunately, Mario was not at home at that time. He was harvesting oranges in his garden which is not far from his residence.

To wait for Mario, they finally decided to go to the nearest coffee shop. After sitting and talking for about 2 hours, they returned to Mario's residence.

Mario is seen repairing an old red car. Diana, who recognized the face of the thin man in front of her, suddenly burst into tears. Clara who witnessed this automatically realized that the man in the striped shirt in front of her was the real father she had been looking for.

"Daddy..." Clara said softly. She was scared when she saw her father.

Mario, who recognized Diana's face, immediately realized that the one who called him was his biological daughter, the daughter he had not seen for dozens of years. He looked nervous and confused about how to react when he saw his biological daughter.

"Hi, Clara, right?" he answered nervously.

As if she had known him for a long time, Clara immediately ran and hugged Mario.

"I missed you, Dad."

Mario did not answer his daughter's words. He seemed still confused by what was going on. Mario never thought he would see Diana and his daughter again.

"How are you? Why do you look so skinny, Dad?" she continued to lighten the mood.

"Y-you are so big and so beautiful, honey."

Mario again did not answer Clara's question. He focused on seeing his daughter who was now grown up. After hugging Clara, Mario's eyes fixed on Diana who was near them.