

Kevin noticed nothing unusual when they arrived at De-Marie. Everything seemed perfectly normal—maybe too normal. They rushed into the hospital and quickly head for room 231. When they got to that room, they discovered that the door was locked, and Alex tried to open it.

“That’s odd.” his eyes narrowed when it refused to open.

Suddenly they heard a rustling noise from inside the room. “Someone is in there with her.” he whispered to Kevin, taking out his gun from the holster, leaning against the door.

Soon, back-up arrived; armed police officers trooped into the hospital, making loud noises with their feet. When they had surrounded the room and secured the exit, Alex signalled to one of them to pull the door down.

The officer took the clue. Stepping forward, he fired at the doorknob and forcefully kicked the door down. Immediately, the rest of the police officers swarmed into the room with their guns pointed in all directions.