

Derik gulped air to steady himself. Straightening his arm at Kevin, he wrapped his fingers around the gun, not taking his eye off him. “Give me one reason I shouldn’t drop you where you stand.”

“Derik, wait!” he hollered, hands raised a bit higher. “I’m not your enemy. I may be one of them, but I’m certainly not a killer.”

Derik glared, his fierce eyes filled with rage and hatred. “You pinned a rod through a man’s eyes, how do you explain that?”

“Those guys deserved what they got and you know it. Heck, they raped Natasha and walked away free, while she suffers in the hospital. I couldn’t live with that.”

“You could have just left it to the authorities.”

“I was just doing the cops a favour.”

“That doesn’t change the fact that you’re a shifter and a killer.” he countered.

Kevin remained silent.

“Does Natasha know? Does she know what you are?” he asked him, his fingers tightening around the gun.