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Your_fantsy0 · วิดีโอเกม
4 Chs

Breaking skin (Prologue)

(Not much info on this König fella? Huh ) you thought to yourself as you close the folder and tossed it into your bag.

You prepped your medical tools as you waited to meet your destination.

Beforehand you had read a different folder that described who was injured and the extent of injury, the two men who were in critical condition were listed on pages two and five, Simon Riley and König.

"We're landing" your sister called out over the mic "Got it" you responded as you threw on your gloves and gathered your essentials. Glancing out the window you see what looked like a small camp in the middle of nowhere,...even from the height you were at you could see the heavy bloodshed that dyed the sand a hue of red...the beautiful shades of red and peach that you knew well...

As you continued to scan out the area you noticed a man trying to flag down the helicopter "I see someone" you pointed out to your sister and with a nod and with that your sister landed the helicopter, In one swift movement, you flung open the door throwing your bag over your shoulder as you stepped out of the vehicle.

"Sergeant MacTavish!" You shouted jogging towards the man as you had recognized the man from his...hideous haircut, and we'll his mugshot in your files.

"You the medic!? " The man strained "My colleagues yar lookin' a bit , Peely Wally"

"...What?" You questioned

"...They're not looking too good" the man sighed

"That's why I'm here... you're wounded too are you not? "You mumbled looking at the gunshot wound that bloodied his sleeve

"We'll yes...but some need more attention than others at the moment"

You nodded as the man led the way into the camp, Patches of blood riddled the sand along with scattered bodies laid to rest in no peaceful manner.

The sight that revealed itself to you as MacTavish pushed back a curtain made you wince, only two of the injured men looked as if they could walk, (Garrick and MacTavish)

"Good God"… you huffed as you made your way to the man with the most injuries…. "König" was sitting on the floor with his back pressed against a mud wall, beside him laid Horangi with a deep gash in his right leg. (He could limp but he sure as hell couldn't walk)

"You sure took your sweet time huh?" Horangi chuckled accompanied by a groan.

You were in the middle of unpacking your supplies but you spared him a glance...or more like a judgmental stare through his broken visor.

"Tuff crowd," he coughed taking a long drag of the blunt he had seated in his left hand.

You watched him out of the corner of your eyes as you picked up a flashlight to examine Your patient's eyes he was your main focus at the moment.

They were a beautiful mix of hazel and blue.

His eyelids were droopy but his pupils were dilated and his eyes were bloodshot, his sclera glossy yet a dusty pink, He was high and you could tell.

"Has he had any of that?" you asked "Just to clarify that this was nothing more than "Stoner's eyes"

"Oh yeah, I gave him a hit just to take his mind off of his wounds...yuh know?" Horangi sighed lifting his left hand to reveal the half-used blunt.

"I see" you huffed picking up a medical injection

"This is going to hurt like hell, so bear with me König?" you sighed looking into the man's eyes for confirmation.

To which you got in the form of a grunt.

You positioned his top half over your shoulder part of his mask was now draped over it exposing his jaws to the flesh of your shoulder, Lifting his shirt you injected him with the medicine, a quick stab to the side.

You heard the man cough and choke before you felt the warmth of the crimson liquid that poured out of his mouth coating your shoulder and running down your back.

Then he went quiet...

"Just hang in the- "Scheiß," the man growled cutting you off as he sunk his teeth into your shoulder, you had to bite your lip to contain the yelp you were about to let out, Your eyes when wide and watered as you gritted your teeth and planned to bare it till he stopped but he wasn't stopping... he was now In fact...Breaking skin

As the last of the liquid left the injection you quickly shoved the man away from you.

...you stared at him bewildered he was smirking Even with his mouth now covered you could see it in his eyes, In his...Cunty smile.