

"Status" is a captivating novel that delves into the captivating story of Kwan, a yakuza heir, and Anna, the daughter of Japan's most influential conglomerate. Set against a backdrop of conflicting worlds, their passionate love defies societal norms and challenges the constraints of status. As their connection deepens, they confront hardships, discovering the true meaning of love while navigating the complexities of their backgrounds. "Status" explores themes of love, loyalty, and sacrifice, inviting readers to question the significance of status in a world where heart and honor intersect. "Status" is an enthralling novel that delves into the world of Kwan, an heir to a powerful yakuza legacy. When Kwan's heart becomes entwined with the daughter of Japan's largest conglomerate, their love defies societal boundaries. As their story unfolds, they navigate through trials, discovering the profound meaning of love amidst challenges. This tale takes readers on a journey that explores the complexities of status, the essence of true love, and the realities of the world they inhabit. Get ready to immerse yourself in a gripping narrative that showcases the interplay between love, loyalty, and the forces that shape their destinies.

UnstableWritternim · แอคชั่น
2 Chs

Chapter 1: Unexpected Encounter

Chapter 1: Unexpected Encounter

Anna's classes had just concluded, leaving her ravenous and in search of a place to satiate her hunger. As she roamed the streets, her eyes fell upon a distressing scene: a group of rowdy teens harassing an elderly woman. Swiftly, she approached them, her voice resonating with authority. "Hey! What are you doing to that old lady?" Her confrontation was met with dismissive retorts from the teen thugs, who commanded her to mind her own business.

The old woman, sensing danger, pleaded with Anna to leave. In an unfortunate turn of events, the thugs violently pushed the elderly lady and her cart to the ground, rendering her unconscious. Consumed by both anger and hunger, Anna's emotions ignited as she lunged toward the thugs, swinging her bag at them. However, one of the thugs managed to seize her bag, halting her progress. The situation escalated further, and they subdued her with forceful grips, their language growing increasingly vile.

In her fury, Anna lashed out defiantly, cursing at them and vowing retribution through her father. Yet, her words were stifled and became unconscious when a tall, commanding figure emerged from the shadows. With a series of powerful slaps, he meted out swift justice to the four teen thugs, leaving them stunned and subdued.

Addressing them with unwavering authority, he warned, "Your actions are disgraceful. If you value your lives, disappear from here and never return. Cross my path again, and you'll regret it." His piercing glare seared into their consciousness as they fled, remorseful and repentant.

With the thugs now gone, the fine young man turned his attention to the fallen old lady, helping her to her feet. The old woman, visibly shaken, offered a bow of gratitude.

"Sir," she stammered, "do you know this young lady?"

Inclining his head, the fine young man replied, "Nah, she just decided to jump into a mess she shouldn't have."

Expressing annoyance, he muttered, "What a pain in the ass."