
Stat God system

Not_Me_4808 · อื่นๆ
2 Chs


I woke up with new memories on how to use a system and saw a screen in front of me.

/ system stats /

Energy: 100

Stat points: 8

Skills: creation you can spend stat and energy to make things and reabsorb it back can give memories: cost stat point and 10 energy minimum , followers get stat points from followers of you , immortal can't die of old age/

I was on a island with trees and made 5 humans. 2 boy and 3 girl and left them alone. After a day I came back to them and showed them how to make basic tools. And gave them one. An ( they don't speak any language yet but monkey see monkey do )

I stayed with them and told them how to speak English so they can talk. After they could talk I made a religion and got double the stat points back. I absorber the humans again and didn't lose stats.

/ system stats /

Energy: 180

Stat points: 18

Skills: creation, followers, immortal /

I got all of there memories and made 10 regular and one with 2x stats. Taught them English and how to make tools. The one with 2x stats was stronger and smarter then the others. I made another religion and left them be for a while well I tried my abilities.

I made a knife with 4 stats and a stone with 1 I had one stat left and I could still hold the knife it was a regular knifes weight. I dropped the knife on the stone and it was like going through water. little resistance and it was through. I absorbed both of them back.

After a few more tests I got 24 new stat points from my followers. I went back to the humans after a few days and they made a house for the 2x human and the rest lived in tents. The 2x human was using the others as slaves to do his work.

I absorbed him and made another with some memories of kings and queens and made some rules for them to follow and if they don't they get absorbed. I left again after making 20 more humans with some different memories. I tried to sleep for the first time and saw a screen.

/ fast forward sleep /

Max time 10 days

Each stat is 1 day cool down 2 days

I accepted max time and blacked out and woke up a second later I went back to the humans and saw more huts and tents with the 2x guy with a girl on a thrown. I was surprised by there progress. After testing with my powers more I found out I can add or take away from an existing object of mine.

I checked my stats.

/ system stats /

Energy: 500

Stat points: 50

Skills: creation, followers, immortal/