

"Sometimes you fall in love with the most unexpected person at the most unexpected time". Wandering here and there in the fresh air feeling like a bird freely flying in the cool breeze having no restrictions no boundaries seems like I have the whole sky for me I can go anywhere and fly higher and higher in the sky.A bird who just seeks sincere love and freedom and terrifies from being caged. Feels like a dream and suddenly you woke up and realized it was a dream. Kevin Richard the only son of the billionaire Jackson Richard.Boy with love,emotions,feelings and a soft heart.The one who never showed off his father's money always stayed simple. Oh! I forgot to tell you that he's the only son of his parent's.His parents Mr Jackson and his wife Mrs Jackson (Tina).They both always quarrels and never had a good relation since there wedding actually they were not lovers there parents forced them to get married. Kevin poor innocent boy grown up watching his parents quarrel and never got the love he deserved.Now it was his 19th birthday finally he got a dinner with both of his parents it was the first time they sat together on the dinning and........ Ohh dear! do you want me to tell you the entire thing here come on let's just start the story......... . . . . . . . i love you all❤️

A_jennie_ · แฟนตาซี
75 Chs

Nobody lives here.

"Now you tell me what's going on,beach date at night with one of the hottest guy?",Ana asked while narrowing her eyes.Jennifer got a flashback of last night which was beautiful and full of love.

"I've already mentioned it that we were at the beach site and then we decided to stay there and not to disturb both of you",Jennifer replied to tease Ana.

"Yeah as If I don't know,bitch just remember one thing if I came to know that there's something fishy going on in between you two then I'll happily go to jail",Ana said and smirked.Jennifer just laughed at her she was about to say something both boys entered.

"What's the plan ladies?",Roby asked.

"According to her present condition I guess we can't go for boating",Jennifer replied,after getting her words Ana blushed and hit her elbow on her tummy.


Roby smiled and Zen took a glance at Jennifer with a smirk,"what about you Jen? Where do you wanna go?",he asked politely.His gaze was soft when he was staring at her.

She was too stunned to speak after making an eye contact with him.Ana and Roby were staring at them,Roby decided to spoil the moment so he fake coughed to grab the attention.

"We were discussing the plans right?",he said and smirked while staring at Zen giving him a playful smile.

"Yea-yeah",Zen replied and brushed his hair with his fingers.

"Take it easy,I had a conversation with the manager he told me that there's a guide for us he'll let us know that where we should go so just get up and let's explore Thailand",Zen said with an excitement Jennifer stood up from her place and went to her room after getting ready she came back in a white long pretty sleeveless dress half hair tied with a bow.Zen was staring at her without even blinking.

"Uhhh here we go again, excuse meeee",Roby said to grab his attention.

"It's already 12 o'clock, it means already wasted half of our day in stupid discussions",Ana said and tried to get up but her feet trembled and she was about to fall Roby held her waist and pulled her closer then carried her in his arms.

"Baby girl,I already warned you that you're not in a condition to walk properly",he whispered in her ear and then kissed her ear.Her cheeks were tomato red.

"How'd I be able to walk?",she asked innocently with doe eyes.

"There's no need to walk on your feet when I'm here, you'll get the most comfortable ride baby girl",Roby replied and attached his forehead with hers.

"Okay okay love birds let's go",Zen said and all of them went out.

[Zen's POV]

After that we spent the whole day outside visiting cafés and bookstores.It was fun we had a great time, Ana and Roby were behaving like clingy couples but it was cute though.

Miss Jennifer was busy in ignoring me,she wasn't actually ignoring me but was avoiding interacting with me because of her shyness.I never thought that she will be this shy, everything looks more beautiful when I'm around her.I decided to ask her and clear the confusion.



"You're trying to avoid me",I said my voice was low and disappointment was clearly shown in it.

"No,I'm not",she replied cutely.

"Yes you are"

"And why do you think that I'm trying to ignore you?"

"Because you're not talking to me"

"But I'm staring at you"

"So what"

"I don't have words to speak but my eyes are enough to adore you",she said and melted my heart with the most beautiful words.Her melodious voice fluttered my heart and lightened my mood.


"Jennifer,Zen it's quite late we can't go back at this hour,Mr Chang called me and asked me about our current location,so he suggested me to stay in any hotel near us because our villa is far and it's obviously not safe to travel back",Roby told them and put his phone back in his pants pocket.

"Here?",Ana asked with wide eyes because the street in which they were standing was quiet and extremely horrible.There was a complete silence on the road.

"Not exactly here,our guide will take us to the hotel",he replied and took a glance at her,she was sweating because of fare.

Zen moved his sight towards Jennifer she was looking frightened as well so he decided to tease her more.He walked near to her and drew his face closer to her ear then,

"Are you scared little kitten?",he asked in his deep husky voice.

She flinched and her eyes widened meanwhile heart beat increased.

"ZEN",she said while breathing heavily,After seeing her reaction he caged her in his embrace and asked her,"you okay?"

She hugged him back and nodded then took a long breath.

"I'm sorry I didn't meant to scare you",Zen said with a low voice and patted her head.

"I know, it's okay",Jennifer replied.

Ana and Roby were staring at them, Ana patted Roby's arm he drew his face closer to her,"yes".

"They're just trying to act smart",she said and smiled.

"Yeah ,I think you're right just look how concerned he is towards her and how comfortable she is in his embrace",Roby replied.

"Hope so they'll confess soon",Ana said and hugged Roby.

They were busy in cuddles,a black car came and stopped right in front of them.A man wearing a black suit came out ,Roby and Zen went near him.The man was well heighted and had a strong physique.

"I'm here to receive you",he said in his sharp voice.

"Where is our previous guide?",Zen asked curiously because he wasn't there guide.

"Company sent me to receive you because now his shift is over",he told them.

"Oh ohkay",Roby said and all of them sat in the car and the man drove the car almost after ten minutes he stopped the car Infront of a big old mansion.

It was a huge antique palace like place but was quite old and only a few front lights were on.They found the place suspicious.

"Don't you think that this is very odd place to stay at night?",Jennifer said to Ana.She nodded and called Roby.

"Guys I don't think this place is safe",Ana said and Jennifer nodded.

"Girls it's okay let me ask Mr Chang and confirm",Zen said and took out his phone to call Mr Chang.

"Oh no"

"What happend?"

"No signals"

"What the fuckkkkk",Ana almost shouted.

"See I told you this place is looking haunted"

"Come on Jen"

"It's just for one night so it's okay no need to worry girls",Roby said and the manager opened the door to enter.

As they stepped inside, the main gate closed by itself.Both girls flinched because of the scary moment they witnessed.

"Don't be afraid there'll must be other people then it won't sound scary to you okay",Roby said and insisted them to walk.After hearing his word a smirk appeared at the corner of guide's lips and he narrowed his gaze but nobody noticed.

"I don't think that there are other people inside this mansion",Jennifer said as she noticed off lights and there was no sound, a complete scary silence.

"She is right",the guide said in a husky voice,at his words they stopped right at the moment and started staring at him with wide eyes.

"What does it mean?",Zen asked on a serious note,the guide keep on moving and replied,"I told Mr Chang about it and he was okay with this condition".

"This man is looking suspicious from the start I think we shouldn't take risk let's go back",Ana whispered in Jennifer's ear Jennifer nodded and grabbed Zen's hand,he drew his face closer to her."Yes ma'am?".

"Ana and I think that this isn't the right place to stay and secondly this man is looking suspicious since the beginning so don't you think that we shouldn't take any risk",she said.

"Don't worry okay",Zen replied and patted her head then smiled and moved his sight towards the manager.

"I saw in a movie that there were four friends and they died in a haunted mansion by ghosts it was and old mansion like this Jennieeee do something these two stupids will never listen to me",Ana whispered and gulped then clear her forehead which was covered with sweat.

Roby insisted them by saying that they don't have any other option because it's late and they won't find any other hotel at this hour.

All of them stopped at the gate of the house the suspicious man along with them opened the gate for them to enter,as the door opened they revealed a treasure of darkness inside the house.

"We're not suppose to go inside ri-right?!",Ana said while grabbing Jennifer's hand tightly.Jennfier nodded and gulped.

"Oh come on ladies let's go",Zen said in a teasing way and followed the guide.

He entered and turned the lights on.It was such a pretty place,old but was manufactured beautifully,the interior was designed like a royal palace.They were staring at the interior with jaw dropped expressions.Jennifer decided to break the glass of silence so she asked the guide,"why nobody lives here?"

hey cuties!

I'm back.... I know all of are upset because of me and I'm really sorry for not updating you people. I was really busy but from now on I'll try my best to update you atleast twice a week <3

A_jennie_creators' thoughts