
Starting my new life in another world as a zombie?

Eldrich gods a gamer system dropped in the middle of a zombie apocalypse as a zombie of all things. Well, I ask myself what could go wrong? The best way to answer this question is yes. I don't own the picture on the cover. List of traveled world's + Highschool of the Dead +Campione

Victor_Moura_ · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
25 Chs

17- "Be my shadow!"

Since she noticed the presence of the outsider she couldn't take it out of her head, all she could think now is how interesting it was, interesting indeed... It was extremely attuned to the night similar to her, she also could feel his body constantly rejecting the call of her son but his essence was something else entirely, the best way to describe it would be chaotic even more than her father but in a completely different way, it was madness, pure madness his mere presence was changing the reality around him, how exactly she still didn't know but she would, there is too much time she doesn't go to the mortal plane anyway, is time to her make a little visit...

Ignoring his secretary's pleas for him to change his mind, Solomon had already set the notion in stone, at this point, almost nothing could change his mind, once he was outside the building, he looked up to the sky and said.

"This must be my lucky day."

Once he took a deep breath he simply "vanished" in a burst of speed...

Appearing in a clearing in a forest a few miles away he saw a woman, she had long black hair who touched the ground but no dirt seemed to affect it, her eyes were red like his, Solomon couldn't see her body because the night seemed to cover her almost completely like a cloak of darkness.

"Good night! The moon is beautiful today, right?" Said Solomon looking at the full moon.

"Yes, it really is"

"You don't seem to be affected by the curse of madness, why?"

"Because I am me, no matter what humans think of me, even if they forget me I will never change I am not like the other fools who are suffocated by the faith of human beings!"

She was lying even if slowly her mind was being affected by the curse of madness, slowly but surely turning her into a Heretic God, and both of them knew about this fact.

"So before we start fighting I'm going to ask a question that might save me a lot of effort, would you accept to be my familiar? If you don't know what a familiar is, they are..."

"You don't need to explain I know what they are, any other god would feel truly insulted by your question, but as I said I am not part of that bunch of deluded fools, so my answer is, are you worthy enough of me?"

"Maybe a little good ol' violence can prove my worth to you?"

"I invite you to try," said the woman with a proud little smile on her face.

Solomon dashed in her direction but before he could even touch her the woman seemed to melt in the night and when she reappeared one of her delicate hands was already piercing his guts, If it was before he became a Campione that would probably mean his defeat since the wound would not heal, but becoming a Campione automatically raised his existence level, to a level almost on par with the gods, but even then the wound would heal much slower than normal, but today was not a normal day. It was a full moon night, at this point the wound was probably "healing" even faster than usual...

'Teleportation, or something like that.' Concluding that his eyes wouldn't be of much use against someone who can simply teleport into his blind spots, he chose to close them and instead focused his effort on his other senses.

After being eviscerated a few more times Solomon seemed to get the gist of it.

And immediately a counterattack began the mysterious woman was extremely strong, but she was clearly not a warrior, her attacks were devastating but clearly amateur ones, Solomon deflected an ax kick aimed at one of his shoulders with minimal effort as her foot made contact with the ground, the ground opened for miles around creating a ravine and initiating a localized earthquake.

But this did not diminish the intensity of the fight between the two, after one of her teleports the woman ended up leaving an opening in her guard, and this small lapse was enough for Solomon to initiate a crushing counterattack, in just some moments the woman had already been hit thousands of times but what Solomon felt made him open his eyes in surprise, and what he saw confirmed his theory the woman was completely unharmed.


'It must have a limit.' They keep fighting until morning when the night ended the woman's invulnerable state ended but Solomon was no better without the support of the full moon and being exposed to the sun his condition was terrible.

When the woman finally collapsed to the ground she looked up at the sky and said. "So this is how you kill me, it seems that my return will be early, this time I didn't want to go back, everything is so boring there, thank you! Our fight was really fun!"

"How about you accept my proposal, by my side you will probably never have a boring day in your life again!"

"Let me think hmm..." said the woman in a playful tone.

"OK, I accept!"

"From now on you will live for me, never again the curse of madness will touch you, give me some of your blood from time to time and you will be my shadow! My eternal night, so the sunlight can never bother me again and I in return will protect you, give you all the respect you want, I'm going to help you grow stronger and show you a bunch of awesome things, do you accept this deal?"

"I do!"