
Starting my new life in another world as a zombie?

Eldrich gods a gamer system dropped in the middle of a zombie apocalypse as a zombie of all things. Well, I ask myself what could go wrong? The best way to answer this question is yes. I don't own the picture on the cover. List of traveled world's + Highschool of the Dead +Campione

Victor_Moura_ · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
25 Chs

08- I am the man with an ax in his hand and a heart full of violence!!!

After Solomon's "incredible" presentation the room descended in awkward silence...

The first one to break the silence and react to his presentation was the blonde woman who clapped her hands and said with a cheerful voice.

"Soo cool! Let me try it too!"

She pointed to herself with her thumb and said with her best impression of Solomon, she even tried to make an intimidating smile but failed miserably, she possessed the same intimidation factor of a baby rabbit...

"I? I am Shizuka Marikawa and I will be the nurse queen!!!"

Solomon couldn't stand for much time before a laugh escaped his lips started as a muffled laugh and quickly evolved into a roaring laugh.

"pfft hahaha HAHAHA"

And he was not the only one, suddenly all the room was laughing, her antics seemed to break the tension in the room, suddenly like a chain reaction a wave of presentations began.

The first one to talk was the nail gun boy

"Hirano Kouta"

"Saya Takagi," said the pink-haired girl before turning her head to the other side

"Saeko busujima," said the stoic purple-haired woman with the wooden sword.

"Takashi Komuro" the black-haired man and by last almost gritting her teeth was the "screamer".

"Rei Miyamoto," she said in a low voice

"So what are you all planning to do? Because staying in this school doesn't sound like a great idea"

After some moments of discussion, they concluded that the best option would be to use the school bus, but they would need to cross the schoolyard that was full of zombies, but they didn't have a way to safely make the travel.

At the same time, all the discussion was happening Solomon finally found something he was searching for some time a weapon!

He broke the safety glass and takes a fire ax,

swinging it a few times and testing the balance of the improvised weapon, at first his swings were a little sloppy but after a few more tries he seemed like someone who used it for years, a really impressive feat for a world like this one, it's all thanks to one of his "new" skills.

[Perfect warrior Lv: 03/50](Rank A)


(What makes a warrior? The answer is the mentality, a random person with a weapon can't be considered to be a warrior, only those who never forfeit, only those who never lose their hope, and can truly enjoy the thrill of Battle can be considered a warrior/You Improve at a faster rate in battle the more difficult the battle faster is the improvement. Every new level amplifies the effects described above, + 100% weapon learning speed per level)

They finally decided to go any way they didn't have any other options.

"So you carry this wooden sword all the time or is it just the best weapon you could find around?"

"I am in the kendo club I was going there when things started to go to hell"

Solomon already knew that, by the way, she carried that sword with too much ability to be amateur so why did he ask? He wanted to talk to her and see if he could understand her better, recently something about her behavior started to catch his attention her smile, or to better explain the specific moments she smiled every time she mutilated or crushed a zombie skull, you could see a small smile at the corner of her mouth.

"Interesting," said Solomon with a mischievous smile.

"What is interesting?"

Solomon has many options of what to say at that moment he could simply lie he could say nothing but he chose to be frank with her, he approached her and said in a volume only her could hear.

"The way you try to hide the euphoric smile from your face when you crush them is almost cute in my opinion"

A little blush appeared on her face she immediately suppressed, and made a serious expression, she opened her mouth to protest but before she could make any retort Salomon said this time with a serious voice:

"But you shouldn't suppress it, this kind of thing will always come out the only thing you're doing is accumulating sooner or later it will explode and you will not like It, I can speak from personal experience."

"So what should I do?" She asked with a now intrigued gaze.

"Put to good use, the way the world is right now violence will be extremely needed."

"So your solution is to use violence? That doesn't sound right to me."

"Once someone said to me that God made people like us so we can punish those who are evil."

"And you believe it?"

"Of course not, but in my opinion sometimes good old violence can be an extremely beautiful thing, and that is not counting how relaxing it is"

He said with an innocent smile on his face almost like a child talking about his favorite candy, before walking away from her.

Seeing his smile Saeko blushed again this time way harder than before, she watched as Salomon slowly walked away with a contemplative expression on her face.

They finally reached the entrance but it was like they expected, it was full of zombies.

They started to talk about some solutions to their problems until Saya said:

"They seem to be incapable of sight so if we make silence we could pass by..."

Before Saya could finish what she was talking Saeko touched her shoulder and pointed to the left Saya stopped and looked to where she was pointing and one by one the others did the same.

Their jaws immediately dropped what they saw left them speechless...

In the middle of the discussion, Solomon was already bored so bored that he could die at any moment just from the amount of boredom he was feeling, so he just stopped hearing and started to go in the bus direction.

When the first zombie closed on him his ax hit his head before he could try anything, and situations like this kept on repeating each zombie was eliminated with little effort he barely needed to use force his technique made up for it, all of this was made with precise strikes no movement was wasted every swing of his weapon left bodies on the ground, the bodies began to pile up around him but he didn't stop, his walking pace did not increase or decrease since the beginning, he was simply walking with calm steps.

And the most impressive of all, he did without any superhuman ability, this was all thanks to other of his "new" skills.

[Killing machine Level 39/50](Rank A)


(This skill is the culmination of lifetime perfecting the art of killing, brutal efficiency, no waste of movement, extreme precision, and fluidity of movement, you use minimal effort and deal maximum damage/Each level up will improve your ability to kill things)

"What are you all waiting for?"

They fastly pulled themselves together and wasted no more time before starting to follow him...

They arrived at the bus and one by one they entered when they were ready to go they heard some voices next to the door of the bus.



Said a group of people being led by a man in glasses.

When he saw the man Solomon have to suppress the urge to vomit, the word "fake" was all he could feel when he looked at the man from his smile to his attitude all was fake he was the kind of person Solomon hated the most those who hid their ugliness behind a wall of lies, he could tolerate an "evil" person, after all, he was one himself, but an "evil" person who tries to appear like a good guy he hated them with all his guts.

He immediately notices the strange way that Rei started to act, he started to make some theories on his head none of them were good when Rei opens her mouth to make a protest Takashi has already let them in.

'The audacity of this little shit, he didn't even ask anyone's opinion or the most important MY opinion, I need to talk to him later, with this kind of attitude he doesn't have the qualifications to be one of my minions '

He looks at Takashi 'I'll put you on notice one more mistake and I'll demote you from minion to zombie food.'

After all of them settled in the man in glasses started to talk "What about we elect a leader? In this kind of situation having someone to make the important decisions fast can save lives"

Everyone seems to understand where this talk is going, and judging by the reactions from my group I can say they don't like it at all, even the normally airheaded Shizuka seems not to like it.

But the most uncomfortable with the situation

is Rei she seems ready to leave the bus at any moment.

"And who would be that leader?" Takashi asked.

'Again? Since when can you talk in my place little shit? Very well is decided, I except you can be a better minion as undead'

"What about a vote?"

"So who is in favor of me being the leader raises one hand"

All his group raised their hands.

'They have a better qualification as minions than Takashi.'

"So is decided I will be the leader"

All this time I just looked at the situation with a calm smile I get up from my seat and slowly walk in his direction clapping my hands.




"Congratulations Mr leader now you and your group get out of my bus!"

He seems to finally realize my presence.


I interrupted before he could talk any of his bulshit.

"You want to lead, you can lead, but outside MY BUS!"

"Who do you think you are?"

"I am the man with an ax in his hand and a heart full of violence that need to be shared."

"Which of you should I share with first?"