
Starting in Harry Potter with the Celestial Forge (Rewrite)

Waking up in the Body of a mechanic in the 1940s with the Celestial forge was not what i was expecting on a Friday evening. This will focus on the Second World War and the Cold War. This is really my first attempt to make any thing in fanfiction. So it will be trash as is my grammar so feel free to trash me as much as you want. Thank you reading. If you like the Celestial Forge system and how it works I recommend Celestial Mouse, Child of Iron, and The Ringing of a Forge of Stars. They have amazing writing and take place in cool settings they are all on QQ. Also this will suck I struggle with writting and I’m trying to improve and I’m just doing this for fun. Go read the previous listed for WAY better quality stuff.

Damon_Jager · หนังสือและวรรณกรรม
17 Chs


Mc Name is Now Ringean Blár

June, 21st 1940

After writing a number of letters to some Half Bloods and Mundane born people I had been friends with while at Hogwarts. While making my way to Diagon ally I began to think on what to do about the magical side of the war and it's future.

One, was to kill Gellert and Tom Gellert no problem morally killing him her worked with Nazis. But Tom is a little iffy but I'll probably kill him just to be safe no matter what and after that wash my hands of them and never look back.

Two, was to actually work with them and work towards integration of the two governments and work towards advancing them technologically. This would require decades of work and effort to do and has the lowest chance of success.

Third, is to sap the wizarding world of their biggest work force the Mundane born and half bloods, most already work in deadend jobs and are the grunt of the world. After a about 7 years of no mundane born most of their economy would collapse even more so if we get the ones who are adults to come back into the mundane side of Britain.

But, no matter what I chose I'll need help of the mundane government to get things done. So I made my way to the ally to send these letters and to scout out just how bad it is here.

Entering the ally it is the same as I remember it, old cobble street and a number of shops throughout the twisting and turning ally. I first had to make my way to Gringotts as I needed to exchange money and some gold I had acquired through scraping of old equipment. While their I also want to see if I have any claim to any titles.

Enter, stranger, but take heed

Of what awaits the sin of greed,

For those who take, but do not earn,

Must pay most dearly in their turn,

So if you seek beneath our floors

A treasure that was never yours,

Thief, you have been warned, beware

Of finding more than treasure there.

I waited in line I thought about the Goblins, they were awful creatures that hordes money but they were good at their jobs.

Goblin-"What do you want Wizard."

Ringean-" I want to exchange mundane money, gold and have my blood check to see if I have any claim to titles."

Goblin-"Fine Follow him to the back and here is your money."

I was guided to through the back and showed to a office. Their a old Goblin sat behind a desk with him was a bowl, knife and stack of parchment.

Goblin-"You are Ringean Blár?"

Rin-"Yes I am, I am here to see if I have any claim to any title which I doubt I do but their is a chance."

The forge triggered as I was talking to him.


-Goibnu (Irish Mythology) (600CP)

The greatest of the Tuatha smiths, Goibnu could create a spearhead with three strikes of his hammer, and it would be so sharp the man it cut would surely bleed to death. Like this legendary smith, you can forge or assemble anything you've the materials for, no matter how complex or intricate, in moments and whatever you forge shall be of mythic quality, whether armor lighter than cloth and harder than a mountain or plows that can turn over ten acres with one pass. Truly you are worthy to be called the smith of the gods.


Then my world shifted again, my body changed to be stronger, tougher, and my mind became sharper. I had suddenly became the son of the Irish God of Smiths, while a young god I had become a god none the less.

Goblin-"Hmmm, fine I'll need you to place three drops of blood to identify your heritage or if you have any claims."

Three Drops were placed on the paper and the goblin then cast a spell, and a family tree appeared and with it a list of what I could claim.


Inherence Test Results:

Name: Inherence Test Results:

Name: Ringean Blár

Birthday: September 15, 1917

Mother: N/A

Father: Goibnu

Heir to:

Clan Blár of Män: Patriarch of the clan.

Baron of Drumcolm: A Island in the channel home used to have a number of mundane and Magicals but was abandoned after the 1400s.


A Island half the size of the Island of Män in the English Channel.

A number of Vaults holding about $10,000 which is about 420,000 in modern day money.


I was completely surprised that I even had a single thing to get out of this but few money was great. So, I went to my vaults and had them convert all but $1,000 to mundane funds and completely gutted anything else whether trash or magic artifact I wanted to catalog the entire thing.

The Goblins could care less about my vaults so long as they had at least some of my money, so I went and payed to have all my letter delivered which had my current address of the apartment the military had set up.

Which my business down in the magical world I still had the day to myself and decided to travel to Drumcolm which is the island I had inherited through the Irish God Line.


The isle of Drumcolm is about 100 square miles and holds 2 Decent sized castles one in the East, the West, and a small watch tower in the center. A number of villages that used to hold probably at its height 40,000 people.

It obviously had been abandoned for awhile from the rotting and collapsing buildings, and the over grown fields. Even the elves on the island had been left to die of old age.

While exploring the Island a plan had begun to form in my head, This would be perfect for Stewart's plan it is away from prying eye and would be great train a magical side of the military. Also I wanted to have a base away from the mainland for my More volatile research like Fusion and nuclear energy.

The castle were not to bad in terms stability but they will require some TLC to get it in usable condition. Most of the roofs were collapsed but the walls and foundations were fine and even the old armory contaminated a number of enchanted weapons and the smithy here was interesting to explore as it wad a number of magical implements that could be used in manufacturing.

Like enchanted forges that could heat steels and iron to melting point. Which would be useful to implement in our manufacturing industry, or used in flamethrowers which gave me a interesting idea about Magical Napalm.

After exploring the island I made my way back to the facility in Scotland to get back to work, and wait on the letters from my old classmates.


When I got back to the facility I went to work on developing with the aeronautics department a jet engine which they were very excited to use. With the assembler we were able to get a prototype done after 2 about two weeks.

The plane was based of the Messerschmitt Me 262, while expensive to make a but in theory would fly circles around the Nazis, their quick strike capability would be great during the Battle of Britain which is quickly approaching as today is the first week of July and the battle truly starts around July 15.


The Test Flight June, 30th 1940

The Aeronautical Department and I were excited Hugh Caswall Tremenheere Dowding the Air Chief of the entire British Airforce. He had been told of our research and our prototype and wanted to see it for himself, with him was Stewart who had brought with him a couple of new faces.

Stewart-"Good Morning Doctors allow me to introduce Air Chief Downing, I had alerted him about your research and the prototype and he wanted to see it for himself."

Downing-"Good morning, Doctors thank you for your research as your AAD has been a great help in scrap accusation, from what I've heard production is up 20% in areas with one.

But we are not here for that instead let's test this new fighter you have made." He spoke with a deep Scottish voice

We made our way to the Airfield juts North of the facility where the Thunderbird had been set up.


The test is fairly simple, it will take off then do; Speed, height and maneuver testing all pushing it to the limit of what the craft can do.

Maximum speed: 900 km/h (560 mph, 490 kn)

Range: 1,050 km (650 mi, 570 nmi)

Service ceiling: 11,450 m (37,570 ft)


In comparison to the Spitfire currently used

Maximum speed: 370 mph (600 km/h, 320 kn)

Range: 479 mi (771 km, 416 nmi)

Service ceiling: 36,500 ft (11,100 m)

The chiefs reaction was of pure joy, he saw our Jet speed through the sky as it fired on pre set targets.

Downing-"I want 1,000s of them as soon as possible. We could strike Berlin today with these, I want you to look into Bombers using these engines this could turn the war in our favor."

We would talk back and forth on how long it would take to retool the factories and train the personal needed to build the engines. We also got order to build a large scale AAD to make fighters and tanks for easier prototyping and to have them stationed at the near by air field in the event of someone targeting the Facility.

After the Air Chief left Stewart took me the side with his two new assistants.

Stewart-"Good Show out their Blár with that new fighter. But these gentlemen are Agent J & M they are apart of the new magical division of MI6, they are currently being trained by me and are the test phase while the Queen and the military cabinet work on the Army side of things."

Both agents from what I could guess are under a spell that made their feature weird like if you tried to describe them all you could say General detail about them. Both of them just nodded and kept to themselves.

Stewart-"The Army wants them to be top Secret along with their base, that is why I am coming to you. They want to offer you the position of lead the Magic and Mundane research division, which is only on paper right now as they are still recruiting. But I think you should take it, with your skills you could do some amazing things."

I sat in thought about it, by doing this I would be putting a lot of work on my shoulders but I could build some amazing things and I would be able to research my more dangerous stuff with less observers and I could use my forge knowledge and skill and Blair magic on my speed.

Ring-"I'll do it but I have conditions." We spoke back and forth about my island in the channel which her became greatly interested as a base out their would be great for a forwarding operating base to attack France. He promised to relay my conditions and made his way to London this time teleporting out with his agents.


During the two weeks I made a trip down to London and visited Wool's Orphanage, To try and figure out if Tom could be saved or if he needed to die. I was conflicted quite deeply as this kid would kill and inspire an entire regime of hatred and murder for years.

But if I do this it would keep a lot of people alive and the price was the life of a child, and asshole child but a child non the less.

The orphanage was nice but a little run down do to the war, but still nice as I made my way to the building a older matron greeted me.

Matron-"Hello dear can I help you?" She asked in a slightly worried voice.

Ring-"Yes, hello I am Dr. O'Mally you see a child in your care by the name of Tom Riddle as showed great skill and knowledge and I would like to offer him a scholarship to further his education." While I talked to her I cast a spell that made the woman more open, I also was using magic to completely change what I look like.

Matron-"Oh that is lovely, Tom has always been a quite boy but he is rather knowledgeable he even goes to a private school in Scotland." Trying to play the boy up as much as she could, she then lead me up into the building to a room in the third floor. "Tom a man is here to see you about a scholarship, I'm letting him in."

Sitting in the room is a young boy about 13-14 sat their with a curious look on his face as I entered, the matron then left us their and I sat face to face to one of the most evil people on Earth.

When she left the room I cast a silencing spell around the room.

Ring-"Hello, Tom."

Tom-"Hel…." And I cast a stunning spell at Tom knocking him out, I then delved into his mind. Which I would come to regret, he was a deeply broken child he most born a psychopath and liked to cause pain to those around him. He also had already planned on making his Horcruxs, he had also chosen his target.

This made up my mind, sadly I could just kill him here so I decided to poison him. You see in addition to all the good parts of the Fallout world it also gave me the bad, VX which is a nerve agent so dangerous even if touched by bare skin spells death in minutes.

I had put it in a gel tablet like you would take vitamins, I dropped it in his mouth and got him to swallow it with an hour he would be dead. Even if they took him to a hospital they could cure him, even with magic.

So, I left the building and made my way back to the facility and to answer the letter that my old friends from school had sent. When I made it home the forge would trigger again and this time a person appeared in bright red robes and a skull floating around her.

-Attendants (Warhammer 40k - Adeptus Mechanicus) (0CP)

Choose: A dozen servo skulls, a five-servitor workforce, or a trio of personalized cherubs. All are dull but reliable servants, coming equipped for a variety of tasks. The patterns of each are easy to re-fit for more specialized work.

-Engine-sister (Warhammer 40k - Adeptus Mechanicus) (100CP)

Voluminous red robes cannot hide the curves beneath, to this woman's eternal embarrassment. Friendly and perky in conversation to both man and machine, she is torn between her desire to be closer to the machine and her attachment to humanity. The possibility of a harmonious union between the two has inspired her to follow you. She has all 100, 200, and 400cp enginseer perks. She also has 'subtle bionics' 'artisan' and one pick of 'magos designation.'