
Starting from Jobless Reincarnation

Andy, a simple man, was hit by a car and found himself in a pure white world. Good News: He got to start a new adventure. Bad News: The system wanted to erase his existence. However, he was ultimately allowed to stay and write his own story. --- English isn’t my main language, and this is a trnslation. I will try to avoid generic Chinese slogans, but please forgive me if you encounter lines like "courting death." If you have any questions, ask me in the comments or leave a review. Genre: Romance, Reincarnation, Harem (?), Action Words: Jobless Reincarnation, Sword Art Online, Demon Slayer

OberonLA · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
12 Chs

Chapter 7: Rudeus’s savior

Two years had crawled by since Rudeus' reincarnation. This new life, instead of being the fantastical adventure he craved, felt like a cruel joke. Reborn as a baby, he should have been able to explore his desires with unfettered glee. Yet, a constant thorn in his side, a "damned brat," thwarted him at every turn. Today, that brat would pay for his humiliation.

Fueled by this resolve, Rudeus tiptoed towards Roya's room. The door gaped slightly ajar, and he crept in, careful not to make a sound. Then, with a burst of childish bravado, he flung the door open. The scene that greeted him was far from what he'd expected.

Across the room stood the object of his annoyance, a vision of youthful beauty complete with delicate, pale fingers that clutched a dagger. Unlike any weapon Rudeus had ever seen, the blade was an abyss of black, ensnared by countless shadowy threads.

Roya's gaze flicked towards the intruder, icy and detached despite his young age. The dagger danced in his grasp, a dark butterfly fluttering with deadly grace. A genuine spark of awe ignited within Rudeus. "Cool!" he blurted out, mesmerized.

The cool facade shattered. Roya's eyes, previously devoid of emotion, now held a chilling sharpness. "Rudeus," he spoke, his voice surprisingly young yet carrying the weight of subtle authority, "don't you know how to knock?"

Rudeus, suddenly feeling inexplicably small under Roya's scrutiny, waved his chubby hand in a futile attempt at explanation. Then, to his own surprise, the words tumbled out, "Sorry."

A sigh escaped Roya's lips. "Just... don't do that again," he said dismissively, waving Rudeus away. Curiosity gnawed at Rudeus. "Roya, was that… magic you used? What kind?" he peppered his brother with questions. "Why didn't you have to chant?"

Ever since discovering the existence of magic at the tender age of one, Rudeus had been obsessed. He poured over spells, practiced tirelessly, and even managed to develop his own rudimentary chantless magic.

A cold smile, or at least what Rudeus perceived as one, crept across Roya's lips. "Who told you chanting was a magic prerequisite?" he countered, a hint of mockery lacing his voice.

Rudeus sputtered, his mind reeling. "But... all the books! They all say you need long incantations!"

Roya cast him a sidelong glance. "Magic isn't some cumbersome chore. You actually believe those useless magicians? Look, listen to what they have to say, but don't take it as gospel. If they can't grasp the core concept, why chain yourself to their methods?"

Rudeus, rendered speechless, stared at his younger brother. The four-year-old Roya exuded an aura that both fascinated and frustrated him. Here he was, secretly training and cultivating his magical abilities, believing himself exceptional due to his reincarnated knowledge. Yet, Roya seemed to possess an effortless understanding that defied everything Rudeus thought he knew.

A wave of dejection washed over him as Roya continued, his voice laced with a hint of amusement, "This is a technique I developed myself. I call it the Magic Sword."

Hope flickered in Rudeus' eyes. "Can you teach me?" he ventured cautiously.

Roya, unsurprised by the revelation of Rudeus' hidden training, pondered for a moment. "Let's see your control," he finally said. "How well can you manage your magic?"

"It's decent," Rudeus replied, puffing out his chest in a meagre attempt to salvage his pride.

"Can you condense it?" Roya pressed.

"Yes," Rudeus confirmed, nodding eagerly.

"Don't focus on transforming it – no wind, fire, water, or earth. Magic is just magic, raw and unrefined. Compress it, squeeze it tighter, make it denser," Roya instructed.

Rudeus furrowed his brow, concentration etching lines on his young face. A pallor crept across his skin as he pushed his limits. With a defeated sigh, he admitted, "I can't. I don't have enough magic. This technique… it requires too much power."

Roya waved a dismissive hand. "Seems you're not quite there yet," he sighed, his words carrying a weight that struck a deep chord within Rudeus. "you're not quite there yet " – The pronouncement struck Rudeus like a physical blow.

For a moment, a furious blush burned across Rudeus' face. He glared at the seemingly emotionless boy before him. Though Roya's expression remained unchanged, Rudeus felt a surge of certainty – he was being mocked.

The warmth of the summer sun streamed through the window, painting the room in a golden glow. Wispy white clouds drifted lazily across the cerulean canvas of the sky, a stark contrast to the stifling heat radiating from outside. Roya, gazing out the window for a moment, turned and said, "Let's go outside."

Rudeus recoiled instinctively at the suggestion. The cool embrace of the room was infinitely preferable to the oppressive heat that undoubtedly awaited them outdoors. However, before he could voice his protest, Roya's icy voice cut him off. "This is an order, not a request."

Rudeus plastered a strained smile on his face. "But Roya," he whined, "it's so hot out there! Why can't we stay inside? It's much cooler here."

Roya met his gaze with an unreadable stare but did not explain. Under that unwavering scrutiny, Rudeus's voice choked in his throat. He couldn't bring himself to defy his brother directly.

With a resigned sigh, he mumbled a curt farewell to Lilia and followed Roya out the door, his face glum as if he would be going to sell his kidneys.

Stepping outside, Rudeus was greeted by a sight that surprised him. The day's heat wasn't as unbearable as he had anticipated, and a gentle breeze carried a welcome coolness. Lush golden fields of wheat stretched before him, dotted with industrious farmers and children playing carefree. Despite the pleasant scenery, a sliver of fear gnawed at him. Even after two years in this new life, his timid nature hadn't completely vanished.

Suddenly, a warm hand engulfed his small one. Startled, Rudeus looked up to see Roya regarding him with a faint smile. It was a small gesture, like a ray of spring sunshine or a gentle autumn breeze, yet it held an undeniable warmth. The sunlight danced in Roya's golden hair, which swayed softly in the wind. His eyes, ever calm and serene, held the tranquillity of a crystal-clear spring. For a reason he couldn't explain, Rudeus found himself mesmerized.

Roya led the introverted boy towards the golden wheat field and whispered, "Reach out and touch it."

Hesitantly, Rudeus extended his hand. Roya guided it towards a stalk of wheat, its full head swaying proudly in the breeze. As Rudeus's fingers brushed the soft grains, a tingling sensation spread through his hand. He noticed a tiny bug crawling on the stalk, sending a shiver down his spine. He looked back at Roya, feeling utterly lost. Those clear, bright eyes seemed to pierce through him, laying bare his deepest anxieties.

Roya spoke slowly, his voice resonating with a quiet wisdom. "I don't know what burdens your heart, but remember, life is fleeting. Focus on what truly matters – your health, your purpose, and the love you share with those close to you."

Rudeus stared at him, speechless. The golden light filtering through the leaves bathed Roya's face in a celestial glow, making him appear almost divine. At that moment, a shift occurred within Rudeus. The pedestal that once held Roxy aloft in his heart in the light novel was now occupied by Roya. He had elevated his brother to a godlike status.