
starting a new in a fantasy world

1. **Introduction to Sam**: Sam is introduced as a young man living in a small apartment, repairing phones for a living. He reflects on modern technology and the impact of VR sets. 2. **Tragic Accident**: While watching the news about a tragic lightning accident, Sam himself is struck by lightning on his balcony. He experiences immense pain and then everything goes dark. 3. **Reflections in Darkness**: Sam finds himself in a blank, dark space where he reflects on his life, thinking about his family, especially his girlfriend Pooja, and regrets he had. 4. **Transition to Reincarnation**: Sam feels a pull towards a dim light and panics, fearing judgment or punishment. He feels sensations that confuse him until he realizes he's being born again. He perceives being wrapped in a white cloth and placed in the arms of a woman, suggesting he might have reincarnated. 5. **Uncertainty and New Beginning**: The story ends with Sam pondering if he has indeed reincarnated, leaving the question open. The narrative mixes themes of mortality, reflection on life choices, and the possibility of an afterlife or reincarnation. It explores Sam's emotional turmoil and his final moments before potentially transitioning to a new life.

red_skull225 · แฟนตาซี
29 Chs

chapter 16

Alex strolled alongside Sam and Roy through the bustling streets. Roy's mood was visibly dampened, evident from his disgruntled expression and the scar left on his left shoulder from an unfortunate encounter with an arrow.

"Hey Alex, you don't happen to have a slave, do you?" Roy asked, curiosity tinged with a hint of mischief

"No, why do you ask?" Alex replied, genuinely interested.

"You see, Alex, we're aiming to enroll in the academy just like you. In the academy, having a slave can be quite handy for handling chores like cleaning rooms, washing clothes, and such," Sam explained, jumping into the conversation with a touch of aspiration in his voice.

"But can't you manage those tasks yourselves?" Alex questioned, curious about their perspective.

"We could, but among the rich students, owning a slave is a symbol of status. So, to fit in, we're considering getting one as well," Sam elaborated, nodding in agreement with Roy's desire.

"Do you already have a slave, Sam?" Alex inquired, wanting to know more about their plans.

"Yeah, I do. He's quite diligent. Once Roy turns 12, Dad plans to get him one too," Sam disclosed with a hint of pride.

"And when do you intend to start at the academy?" Alex asked, shifting the topic slightly.

"Next year, when I turn 15. I'll be taking Bob along with me," Sam responded, showing excitement at the prospect of entering the academy. In their world, any qualified student under 16 could attend the academy, functioning as a preparatory institution before college.

"And Alex, are you planning to attend the academy as well?" Roy chimed in, genuinely curious.

"Yes, and I'll be aiming for a scholarship too," Alex affirmed confidently.

"Judging by your progress, I reckon you'll hit E rank within a year. By the time admissions roll around, you might even be nearing the late E rank," Sam predicted, his tone reflecting genuine admiration for Alex's potential.

"Well, progress may seem slow now, but remember, when I was your age, Alex, I hadn't even reached F rank. I started my training at 8, spent a year mastering spells and their battle applications. Then, when I acquired my slave, who was at his peak E rank, I began honing my skills through practice and hunting. Now, at 14, I'm at level 2 of E rank," Sam recounted proudly, reflecting on his journey.

"That's quite a journey, Sam. I started my training at the age of 5. By my 7th birthday, I had already slain a level 1 F rank horned rabbit to join my father in hunt ," Alex revealed, prompting a moment of surprise from both brothers, who regarded him with a mix of admiration and curiosity.

"You started at 5? Were you just bored, in a hurry to learn combat skills, or do you genuinely enjoy the thrill of battle?" Sam probed, half-teasingly.

"And if you were in such a hurry, why not start as a toddler?" Roy chimed in sarcastically, his tone laced with humor.

"No, neither was I in a rush nor do I derive pleasure from killing," Alex responded, his gaze sharp as he addressed Sam's jest.

"Alright, let's set that aside for now. We've never been to a slave market before. Let's go check it out," Roy suggested, steering the conversation toward a new topic.

"Absolutely, Sam. A visit to the slave market might just prove interesting. We could even consider selling this 'useless' brother of yours and make a fortune within hours," Roy joked, sending a shiver down his spine as he contemplated the notion.

Hearing this, Roy paled slightly, though Alex and Sam couldn't help but laugh heartily at the jest.

"By the way, Alex, what do you plan to do with the loot you received?" Roy inquired, shifting the subject away from their playful banter.

"Don't change the subject, Roy. We're heading to the slave market, possibly to sell you. Sam, any idea how much we could fetch? It better be at least 2 silvers," Alex quipped, continuing the light-hearted exchange as they proceeded toward the tool shop. In major city towns, establishments selling daily necessities and weapons were often separated for convenience.

At the tool shop, Alex's main intention was to acquire a space bag. During their recent skirmish, the spear wielded by the village chief had been stored in such a bag. Upon inquiring about it, the village chief had explained that such items were commonplace in cities, their limited storage capacity making them more affordable compared to space rings.

"Excuse me, do you sell space bags in this shop?" Alex asked the shopkeeper, noting their youthful appearance had drawn some skepticism.

"Are there no adults accompanying you? It would make the purchasing process smoother if the buyer were present," the shopkeeper responded cautiously.

"We're here to buy one for me," Alex clarified.

"Alright then, how much storage capacity are you seeking?" the shopkeeper inquired further.

"Hmm, and what would be the cost?" Alex pressed, keen on understanding the pricing structure.

"It varies. For your needs, ranging from 500 coppers to 3 silvers. The higher the price, the more it can accommodate," the shopkeeper explained, detailing the price points.

"And what about a space pouch that can accommodate clothing and a few weapons?" Alex queried, adjusting his focus based on the shopkeeper's suggestions.

In response, the shopkeeper produced a purple pouch adorned with black runes. "This pouch offers 1 cubic meter of storage space, ideal for your requirements. It's priced at just 1 silver," he offered, showcasing its practicality and affordability.

Satisfied with the pouch's capacity for now, Alex made the purchase with the funds at his disposal. Its only drawback was the need for organized packing, akin to a bag, for ease of access.

Subsequently, Alex transferred his bow, arrows, and other belongings from his backpack into the storage pouch. However, the spear he had acquired from the bandits was nearly 2 meters in length, necessitating him to carry it separately.

Having completed their transactions, they proceeded to the weapon shop. Sam, who already owned two swords, decided to sell the one he had acquired from the bandit, as well as his armor, having found better equipment among their group.

Following their shopping expedition, their hunger pangs intensified, prompting them to seek out a local eatery recommended for its affordability.

"Why don't you whip up a sandwich instead? It'll save us from spending more at a restaurant," Roy suggested, eyeing the potential savings.

"This is my first time dining at an inn, and I'd rather not cook after all that walking," Alex countered, relishing the prospect of a relaxed meal.

"I could give it a shot. How hard could it be?" Roy volunteered, eager to display his culinary prowess.

Hearing Roy's offer, both Alex and Sam exchanged a knowing glance before responding in unison, "No."

One evening during their journey, the group's chef had entrusted Roy with seasoning the meat with salt and herbs. Initially compliant, Roy soon grew bored and decided to enhance the seasoning with herbs they had gathered along the way, hoping to impress everyone. Unfortunately, the next day, several in the group suffered from loose motions a consequence of his improvisation.

Thereafter, whenever the chef took charge of meal preparation, he made it clear that Roy was to keep his culinary experiments at bay.