
Unleashing my attack, I chant...

"Raphael… you should leave," Chaos spoke, his eyes taking a golden glow while his arms were still folded.

Raphael with a sad look on her face responded, "As you wish."

Although it hurt her that she couldn't stay and watch her master in action, she understood that everything he does, he does for a reason.

With that her body broke down into tiny bat forms before flying away and disappearing into the atmosphere.

"Now then… I believe I mentioned the time for chaos has come." He uttered, staring down at the two individuals in front of him.

Decar, still implied by the blood pikes, coughed out blood, slowly raising his head to look at the man in black, floating above him.

"R-Regardless of what you do, we've won.. haha, blurrh grruhhh!" He coughed again, although a victorious smile was still on his face.

"Is that so? Very well then."

Chaos responded calmly, his arms now stretched in front of him as he began.

The ground rumbled.

Buildings broke and mirrors crashed as beautiful blue glowing waves of magic began to show in the atmosphere, like the wind had decided to take on a color.

The sand began to rise from the ground like gravity decided to take a day break.

Hair stood straight on the body of every individual close to the scene and magic flowed around in the air.

The fallen God Hindra, had his eyes widened in fear as he looked up at Chaos, the man in black, completely ensnared in magic,

Was it fear? Desperation? His undeveloped brain acting up? Or perhaps his instinct telling him to run, whatever it was, the god didn't want to be a part of it, every cell in his body was screaming for him to run, run away, run away!.

"I…it's coming." The god muttered under his weak breath, his limbs trembling as he desperately tried to escape, falling from the wheelchair and landing forcefully on the ground.

The god Hindra crawled, his desperate way of trying to escape whatever was coming, he suddenly paused when he heard the voice coming from the man in the sky.

"However tarnished this world has become, however destructive it is and the despair it harbors, Darkness endures, Life survives…" Chaos spoke, his voice calm and collected filled with so much authority that everything around him responded to it.

The god Hindra still on the ground began to notice the tiny liquid droplets that started to form all around him, they glowed like magic crystals, blue colors that lit up the ground and everything around it, even the sky shared its beauty.

What is this? What is going on? Why am I afraid? These questions echoed in the head of the god, his body trembling in fear despite still being trapped in the protective barrier.

"L-Lord Hindra…R-Run." Decar managed to mummer, and then,

The voice continued….

"And so I watch, but a spectacle in the face of Chaos, unleashed like a tempest roar to cleanse that which is uncleansed, as I chant…."


With the final words from Chaos, the water droplets dripped to the ground, and upon first impact, the power of the man known as Chaos was unleashed on South Walo.

A radiant of blow light swallowed both Dacar and the god Hindra, every building containing even the guards were enveloped by the light and for a brief second, it felt like their body was at peace, relaxed and carefree was the only way to describe how everyone who was within the light felt.

And then, the full force of the power imploded everything in its sight, before Chaos was a view with everything being blown into oblivion, the ground shattered buildings and people were erased from existence in less than a nanosecond.

The blue magnificent light from this explosion lit the sky, turning the whole place into a blue abyss, although destruction laid before him, the beauty in it was overwhelmingly peculiar.

The members of The Black Haven, who managed to escape before their master delivered his attack, watched from the river bank with over 100 little demons behind them, the beautiful blue light that had taken over the sky.

Even people from the capital could see it, every eyes turning towards that direction,

Everything was destroyed, but yet, the ground remained in tact, empty and free from every building that once resided in it.

"Wonderful…" Said Chaos as he looked at the aftermath of his power,

"Truly it's wonderful…" He uttered again, this time with a grin on his face before tilting his head to the sky, a minicail laugh leaving his mouth.

"I really am… The Strongest!!!" Chaos yelled to the sky, his arms spread apart with a glorious smile on his face and sparkling stare in his eyes.


Back at the main capital, the people who bore witness to the battle that happened in the city began making their reports to the knights, everyone had different descriptions of the scenario.

"They were drunk adventurers who were fighting for money."

"Members of a yakuza family attacking each other in broad daylight is unacceptable!!!"

Now it's not like the knights didn't want to believe all these other claims, but only one managed to catch their attention more than the rest.

One of them, an old man, reported that he saw a man, dressed in all black, with golden eyes and he whispered to him after helping him fight a street thief.

"Hear me, to all you living beings out there, the hour of Chaos has arrived, The Black havens are prepared to take their throne, be prepared, for I, Chaos, the abyss itself swear it, stay safe".


[Richard's mansion]

I didn't think talking to the black haven would take so much of my time,

I sighed,

I'm currently standing in the balcony of Richard's mansion, simply because I have a mission I must accomplish before I end my day.

Knock! Knock!

Gently knocking on the window, I whispered, "Ava? Are you awake?".

"W-who's there?!"

Her frightened voice bounced back to me,

"It's me, Aether." I responded.

Almost immediately, Ava opened the window, her swiftness even caught me off guard.

"Hey!" I waved with a slight smile as soon as I noticed the concern on her face.

"Y-You're alive…." She muttered, dropping to her knees before she spoke again, "Thank goodness".

For a 12 year old, I do find her quite emotional and for some reason mature at heart, and that is exactly why I am here.

Although I couldn't see her face, I still proceeded to ask,

"Ava, can you come with me?"

"Uhn?" She raised her head a bit to peek at me.

"Don't worry, you'll be fine."

Grabbing her hand, I yanked up from where she was, her body flying towards me, she's definitely too light.

With her in my arms, I smiled,


"Ready? Ready for waaaaaaaaa!!!"

She screamed as soon as I leaped down from the balcony, our body falling fast to the ground.

She hugged me so tight that I could feel her every breath on my skin.

"It's okay, you can open your eyes now." I reassured her.

I watched as she slowly opened her eyes, only for shock to hit her again when she noticed we were floating above the capital.

"You…You can fly?! Aether you can fly!" She exclaimed, her eyes now meeting mine.

Such a strange girl, just a minute ago, she was scared out of her mind, now she's just as excited as a child.

But still, I can tell, she's going to be strong, her resolve is going to be unlike any this world has seen, she has her canon event already, getting rid of the god should be every motivation she needs.

Whoever this god Hindra is, should start counting his days, I'm about to make the best character development known to man.

Looking her in the eye, I asked, my tone as serious as my gaze,


She looked at me….

"Tell me… Do you wish to be strong?".