
Am I now worthy to stand by you?

It has just been a day in Everstain academy, I have already found my apartment, got my classroom and was informed when my test would be taking place. I believe the test is to determine the rank of each student.

Either way, my life in the academy is totally different from that with the Black Havens, as long as I'm on school grounds, I don't plan to make any trouble, I'll stay unknown, and avoid gaining the spotlights.

I spoke too soon.

"Are you supposed to be in class B?"


"Where's your student ID?"

"I just enrolled, I'm not 'supposed' to get it before the test."

"Urgh! You've got a foul mouth, I don't think I like you very much."

"That's too bad."


The students suddenly grabbed me by the collar and pulled me closer to him.

For starters, I don't even know him, so whatever grudge he has against me is totally unknown to me.

He confronted me the moment I stepped inside the classroom and introduced myself to the teacher, and why the hell is the teacher just letting this happen.

"You think you can just take whatever you want? Uhn?!" The dude yelled at me.

"I have no idea what you are talking about."

"Don't act so cocky," He clenched his fist, ready to punch me in the face, and of course I don't plan to let it slide if he did attack me.

But before he could attack, I heard a voice from behind me,

"Ramose, what do you think you're doing?"

The guy flinched, startled, he let go off my collar and moved back, sweating like crazy, as he starmerded.

"L..Lady Ava, I didn't… I just…"

"You seem to have forgotten your role I see…" The girl spoke, storming into the classroom, her arms folded as she passed me.

It was the same girl I met at the school yard this morning, I think.



The sound of her slapping the dude echoed inside the classroom, and instantly, mummers filled the class, every student having a surprised expression on their faces.

"Don't cross your boundaries again, I do hope you understand me?" Ava spoke, the guy giving me a stink eye.

Did I seriously just make an opps on the first day?.

"I understand, it was my mistake, I apologize." The boy uttered.

"Very good… Now then…" Ava looked at me.

Hmmm, I know I have seen this face somewhere before, but where? I really can't remember, then again, it's not like it concerns me or anything.

"Aether Vermont?" She called out to me.


"Come with me."

Without much of a word after that, she grabbed me by the tie and dragged me out of the classroom, every eye fixed on us, there goes my under cover plan.

"W…wait, class is still in session!". The teacher called out, running out of the classroom to spy on us as we walked away.

After a while, I found myself standing inside an empty classroom, surrounded by books, chairs and more equipment I really couldn't make out at the moment.

The other girls who were following behind her were waiting outside, and I was the only one in front of her.

Our position is a bit questionable right now.

Her hand was pressed on the wall beside me, her legs just between my thighs and her nose on my neck. I think she's sniffing me, either way, doesn't make the situation any better.

"Uhnm…" I tried to make a sound, thinking she might take the hint and stop.

Is this one of those things that happens in manga, where the female leads like the main character at first sight? Or am I just tripping?.

"You still smell the same… even after five years?"

She pulled away, this time her hand on my cheeks, and her lips extremely close to my face.

I looked to the ground and noticed the dark magic sign showing on the ground, why is Dafahiel trying to show herself.

Instantly, I placed my leg there to stop her from coming out.

"Uhm.. do you need something?" I asked her.

Ava's expression changed from her seduction to a look of disappointment.

"You don't remember me?" She asked.

"I don't think I do".

"Not even up close like this?"

"Not even up close like this…"

She chuckled.

"You're cruel, but I guess it's understandable, it has been five years since we last saw each other, perhaps you'll remember if I say this…"

She paused, looking me directly in the eye…

"Do you remember saving a girl, five years ago, from the god Hindra, the girl who was supposed to be your bride?" She asked me.

And as she said those words, I remembered, she looks different, but now that I look at her closely, she does look identical to that girl.

I grabbed her by the arm, spinned her around, and pushed her back on the wall, this time my face close to her as I spoke,

"It's you!" I yelled excitedly, "Did you do it? Did you follow your dream? Defeat the god yet? Come on, don't leave me in suspense".

For some reason, she was quiet for a while, her eyes widened in what seemed to be shock, before she suddenly giggled.

"What are you getting all worked up for?" She uttered.

I released her from my grip, I guess I overreacted a bit, but a passionate story where I help one of the main cast beat their biggest fear, that's something worth noting down.

"I'm glad you remember me, I waited five years, just so I could stand in front of you like this, worthy enough to stand by your side."


"There's no point crying over something, if you can't fight to keep it, let your tears be your strength and pave a path for yourself." She spoke, her hand on her chest with a warm smile on her face as she continued.

"Those were your words to me, Aether, and today, I stand in front of you, as a woman who has fought for her freedom, afraid of none, with genuine strength guiding my every moment…Am… Am I now worthy to stand by you?".

I don't exactly understand what she means, but I think she's saying she defeated the god and is now free, and if so…

"Yes, I'm proud of you".

Her eyes suddenly lit up, launching herself towards me to hug me, before whispering in my ear,

"Thank you.. Hehe~".