
34: Where'd she go?


I stood thinking of what happened and where Skye could have gone.

"Did she just... teleport herself?" I asked out loud.

"Kinda seems like it." Jason replied, just as confused as I am.

"Where the fuck did she go though? And since when did she have teleporting powers like Slenderman?" I wondered, completely dumbfounded, hesitantly swatting the space she had been. I would ask my friends if she could've gone to the agency but I haven't told them about that yet, plus there were other pack members out here wondering where my sister disappeared to.

Drake interrupted the pondering by saying, "I'm sure she's fine, knowing how much she fights everything, but now we need to be ready in case those shit bags come back. Kat check on Willow, Jason prepare the others, make sure they have enough weapons and most are okay to continue fighting. Kelsey do some warm ups with the people Jason's finished with, keep your senses sharp. When you're all done everything I want you all doing warm ups. Then you can have a break when I say." I smiled at my mate, proud that he's taking charge like an alpha would. I headed inside to help Jason round some people up so he could finish and I could start warm ups. After a few minutes Jason had finished prepping a small group so I took them to one of the gyms and thought for a minute.

"Alright guys let's start with something simple and easy, let's do say.... fourty crunches." I shouted to the group who groaned in response to having to do crunches. "Stop whining and fuckin do it." I yelled as I laid on the floor and started mine. Everyone followed suit and when I was done I waited for them to finish. Once all of them were done I loudly instructed, "Now that we're kinda warm let's just do some stretches so we don't tire ourselves too badly." I straightened my legs out in front of me and reached for my toes. I held it for a minute or so then (screw you dirty mind) spread my legs and leaned to one side, reaching for my foot. I switched to the other side then after I stood up and stretched my quads, the whole group following what I was doing. I moved on to arms and back and once we finished that a new group walked in. "Okay, you all feel warmed up and ready for battle now?" I asked the first group.

They nodded and replied, "Yes Luna."

I snorted and responded, "I ain't Luna yet."

"May as well be, you're smart and bossy enough for the job." One called out. I rolled my eyes and shooed them out to start the next group. I did the same things with them in pretty much the same order and continued doing groups like this for around an hour. I had seen every single person that lives here, only ones I didn't see were Willow and some of the other kids that lived here since they're too young to fight or even know what's going on. Drake had come in with the last little group and told us we could all have a break now to rest before fighting. I headed back outside to try and figure out what happened to my sister. Thankfully we didn't get attacked again, yet at least. As I was inspecting around where she disappeared she came through a portal a little ways away from me, Lily following her. Skye had dried tears on her face among the dried/wet blood all over her and a look of pure hatred, death to enemies in her eyes.

"Where'd you go? And where's Dylan, is he going to be alright..?" I asked gently.

"Hospital, hospital and eventually. Be better once that shitty flea bag is fucking ripped apart where he stands." She growled in reply, arms on fire, then probably started tracking where the stupid enemy pack went.

"Wait you're not going after them alone are you?" Drake asked sternly. She shot him a glare that told him he has no authority over her, the look on her face and the power emanating from her scared the rest of us into taking a step back. Drake's jaw clenched and he held his ground as if he were trying to establish his rank, but Skye just snorted then went back to tracking, not bothering to say anything. Honestly her face had said it all so she didn't need words anyway.

"With how mad she is right now, and how mad she's going to be when she finds him, she'd be able to fight all of them alone. And win." Lily answered for her friend.

"Well too bad for you we're all coming with you." Drake stated, swiftly rallying about half or more of the pack to come with us. Skye sighed and waited for everyone to be ready then lead the way. After a ways of walking, she found their camp spot and started stealth walking towards it. Sadly just like before, we got ambushed. They had us surrounded and were slowly closing in on us.

"This should be fun." Skye said sounding insane, glad she's on our side. The fight suddenly broke out, them charging us, us charging them. Somehow they still had loads of men fighting, even after Skye somehow flung most through tree trunks. However not long after Skye got at them again, their numbers noticeably dropped. I fought three people at once, was actually kind of easy. I didn't cheat this time though, takes the fun out of it. I ended up being such a skilled fighter against them I made them beat each other up. One would throw a punch at me and I'd dodge it in a way that made them punch their "friend" in the face. After awhile I glanced around to see where Skye went and saw her slowly walking up to two people, I realized after a second of staring at him who the fuck it was.

"Oh HELL no." I growled under my breath. "Phillip?" I asked in angry disbelief.

"You know this shit headed moron?" My sister asked, keeping her eyes locked on the asshole I almost had to call step dad. 

"Yeah. He's supposedly mom's mate and former boss. Knew there was something fucking wrong with you. You stupid, lying, good for nothing bastard." I answered, getting more pissed off with every word.

"Well someone had to convince your pathetic mother to lie to you for most of your life." He replied, deliberately trying to piss me the hell off, but it pissed Skye off even more. A shock wave shot out of her again, throwing every still fighting enemy away from everyone else and pinned Phillip to the wall of the cabin. "What's got you so mad Skylar? I never did anything directly to you, I only talked your mom into giving you up to your aunt." He maliciously taunted.

Skye slowly stepped towards him as she growled, "So you're the reason, I had to be a punching bag, to everyone else, for SIXTEEN FUCKING. YEARS.?" Phillip just started laughing. I may not have known my sister for very long at all, but even I knew that was a BIG fucking mistake for him to make.

Woo Bonus! Dylan's P.O.V.

I love walking to and from school with Skye, it's really cute how she doesn't seem to notice how often I walk with her. Wish I could spend the night every night, though if I did spend every night I have a feeling Skye would be forced into something she's not mentally ready for. And by forced I mean that whole mate connection thing making her... do.. certain.. things... If you somehow don't know what I'm hinting at, just think of what could have happened the other night when she started tugging at my shirt. O_o Awkward. It's not that I'm disgusted or anything like that by the thought, I just force the thoughts away because I know when she's ready for that she'll end up letting me know. I've already pushed her pretty hard, being a selfish horny dick would be extremely disrespectful first of all and secondly, would wind up with me six feet under.

Anyways, I flew from my house to hers just in time to walk with her to school.

I landed behind her and without turning around she greeted, "Hi tornado throat."

I chuckled, caught up to her pace and replied, "Hi bed hog." She then explained to me that it is her bed so she can hog it all she wants, and so on. She's so fucking cute, I want to kiss her so bad but I know she'll most likely slap me since as I said, I've been pushing her pretty hard already. We sadly reached school, all the classes were super boring. What she doesn't know though is I've been drawing something for her. Can't wait to give it to her later, I plan on inviting her over after school to give it to her since it's in my room.

The end of the school day came and I walked Quetzal home so she could get Roxie, about halfway there however we got surrounded by a group of eight or so werewolves. Skye and I shared a look and flew into the sky (Wow didn't even mean to do that but oh well) I don't know why we did that, we could've taken them all no problem. Four for both of us, easy as cake but whatever. I'm sure she has reason for it aside from just wanting to burn them alive. Anyway we went through the portal she made in the air and landed in Kelsey's living room, as I tried tucking my wings back in I knocked a couple things over. Skye pointedly looked at me, I chuckled and scratched the back of my head. She led the way upstairs where we surprised Kelsey, we explained that we were going to the pack house and after getting cut off a bunch she grabbed a few things. The three of us went through another portal to the pack house where Quetzal warned everyone, then she suddenly started falling to the ground. I caught her and swiftly threw a wing under Kelsey so she wouldn't be hurt either. I laid her gently on the ground then pulled my wing back so no one would see as the last of them left the room, carefully laying Skye's head in my lap as I stroked her hair and waited a minute. They both came to at the same time and were confused and scared. We rushed outside to see the fight going on, Skye ran right into the thick of it without hesitating for a second. Kelsey and I shared a glance then ran after her, helping the others fight the enemy off. I fought quite a few people/wolves but stopped when I felt like my ankle was broken, after searching for Skye I saw she's probably the reason why I felt that. Her sister and Kat were already at her side helping her up, I started to jog over, avoiding the fighting going on... but then Skye's face fell to pure dread as she tried to warn me about the wolf coming from behind me. Immense pain flared through most of my body just from that single damaging bite, and I watched on sadly as she ran as fast as she could towards me.