

Chapter.65 The Blasphemous Card (Page 1/2)Previous ChapterbookshelfTable of contentsSave BookmarkNext Page    Shocked by the intelligence and information recorded in these lines of text, Klein took a short while to calm his mind before moving his eyes down to read the last content of the first page of the diary.

    "On March 25th, I met a beautiful lady at Earl Wright's dinner party. It was

    a romantic encounter and a wonderful experience. If it wasn't for the fact that she suddenly proposed and called another lady to join us in the middle of the night, I wouldn't have known that she had a daughter!

    And her daughter looks about the same age as her. Would anyone believe that they were sisters?"

    ... Well, this page of the diary seems to be almost entirely a record of the romantic history left by the emperor.

    Except for the part that was shocking and lamenting about the cheating transformation of the "Assassin" sequence. After

    roughly reading the parchment in his hand again, Klein suddenly noticed that it was quite different from the diaries he had read from the Tarot Club and the Nighthawk database before.

    The date changes, or the date jumps, are completely different from those other diaries.

    In the Roselle diary that he had read in the past, a complete page often recorded things that happened to the emperor on similar dates, or the feelings that made him want to write them down.

    Although the emperor didn't seem to write a diary every day, as far as he could see, Klein had never seen a time span that spanned more than a month, from February 6th to March 25th.

    The content of this diary seemed to have been deliberately sorted out, arranged in the order of January, February, and March, and the specific dates were the 16th, 15th, 6th, and 25th.

    Gently stroking the edge of the parchment, Klein pondered for a while and had a preliminary guess in his mind.

    It seems that the young man who worships the emperor and is keen on studying the "Roselle Secret Code" has really studied some rules... At least, he has identified the Chinese characters one, two, and three as the arrangement symbols invented by the emperor.

    There is no point in thinking too much, Klein put the first page of the diary next to him and turned his attention to the content on the second parchment.

    "On June 5th, I got an ancient book, which actually mentioned the name of the 'Original Witch', not the honorific name!

    Her name is Chick, which is a male name.

    Is this ancient book fake?"

    "May 6th, Matilda's due date is getting closer and closer. I estimate that by this day next month at the latest, I will become a father.

    To be honest, I didn't expect this day to come so soon. Am I old enough to be a father?

    But when Matilda asked me if I hoped the first child would be a boy or a girl, I answered her without hesitation that I hoped it would be a little princess and angel as beautiful and cute as you, because after all, a daughter is a father's sweet little cotton-padded jacket.

    But it was not until I finished speaking that I felt a strange touch that was a bit like family affection, as if I had only integrated into this world from that moment on, this family that belonged to me... Well, okay, this was probably just a momentary emotional illusion, because I immediately recalled Baroness Cohenley's hints and invitations, and remembered those great parties..."

    After turning the page, Klein looked at the beginning of the third diary. The emperor expressed strong dissatisfaction with the current fashion of women in Intis, and the words were almost all complaints and criticisms.

    Further down, distorted text recorded another "friendly exchange" between the emperor and a woman;

    further down, the emperor was worried that his eldest daughter Bernadette seemed to have entered a rebellious phase, and he didn't know how to communicate with his daughter properly;

    further down...

    Klein suddenly perked up, and his back, which had been gradually slumped over in the high-back chair, straightened up.

    "On November 1, I finished making another 'blasphemous card'. This is one of the last few. I had planned to hide it somewhere interesting, but maybe I was a little crazy last night. Elvy and Meg actually knew about this 'witch' card and asked me for it.

    Although I don't plan to leave this card to my children, and they don't seem to know my plan to make a full set of 'blasphemous cards', one day in the future I will announce the existence of this set of cards to the world and tell everyone that this is the key to breaking the rules of the mysterious world and a treasure that contains the secrets of the gods. Wouldn't it be a bit bad to just give it to two witches for free?

    But to be honest, the production of the 'witch' card actually referred to the secret stories they told me. Since I decided to let those who are destined to get it, they can barely be considered the destined ones of this 'blasphemous card', so it makes sense to let them take the 'witch' card.

    As for whether they can crack the decryption level I set on the card...haha, that's none of my business!"

    Blasphemous card? A complete set of cards?

    The Emperor described it in the diary as a key that could break the routine of the mysterious world and a treasure that held the secrets of the gods!

    Could it be that the "blasphemous card" mentioned in this diary was the set of secret cards made by Emperor Roselle, one of the twenty-two cards that were said to hold the secrets of the path to the gods, and it was a "witch"? !

    He was eager to know more about the supplement of this diary, but unfortunately there was only one last piece of parchment left in his hand. He turned the page and saw the last few paragraphs, and he couldn't help but feel a little disappointed.

    But he cheered up and glanced through it roughly, and his eyes were attracted by a certain description.

    "On June 29th, I once again heard her talk about the secret story that has been passed down since the Fourth Epoch, and about her faith.

    Isn't it strange? A witch actually has faith, and a particularly devout one. I thought all witches worshiped the 'Original Witch', but there are disagreements among them?

    Although this matter has nothing to do with me, it has given me some new ideas.

    Maybe it's worth a try..."

    ... No, Emperor, what kind of secret story did you hear, what ideas did you have, and what did you want to try? Why don't you write it clearly?

    Klein felt that his blood pressure was about to rise. It was like when he saw the ups and downs of the plot in a novel, he suddenly found that the author stopped updating here, or it was like when the plot of a game progressed to a critical moment, the power and network suddenly went out at home, and the computer screen went black...

    In a word, it was very uncomfortable to be stuck here!

    After exhaling a long breath, Klein leaned back against the back of the chair and rubbed his eyebrows with a little fatigue.

    Tonight, his harvest can be said to be quite rich, but for some reason, the knowledge about the mysterious field in the diary is almost inseparable from witches...

    Wait a minute, these diaries seem to be related!

    Klein quickly flipped through the parchments on the table again, and soon he showed a look of realization.

    These diaries have one thing in common: the emperor wrote about women and things related to women many times!

    There are both records of the emperor's affairs with ladies and wives, as well as some of the emperor's thoughts and feelings about his daughter's birth and growth, and text descriptions related to "witch" and "witch".

    The expert who studied the "Rossel Secret Code" was actually quite capable and found the same words from the vast number of distorted symbols.

Chapter.65 The Blasphemous Card (Page 2/2)Previous pagebookshelfTable of contentsSave BookmarkNext Chapter    I don't know how much time he spent on this endless and unanswered deciphering work...

    And for Klein, the most valuable content is of course the knowledge related to "witch".

    The pitfall of the "assassin" path, the name of the "original witch", the treasure "blasphemous card" containing the secrets of the gods, and the "witch" card was given to two witches...

    Well, judging from the emperor's evaluation of the name of "original witch" Chick, he didn't seem to know at that time that witches might have changed from men.

    These diaries, which were sorted and copied by others, were completely disrupted in time order, which made it impossible for Klein to clearly define the order from the time marked in the diary itself. He could only rely on analyzing the emperor's state at the time and making a rough estimate based on logical thinking.

    There are three main points that he cares about most.

    First, when a man is promoted from "instigator" to "witch", he will change from a man to a woman.

    When mentioning "instigator", Klein immediately thought of Tris, the creator of the Clover bloodbath who was wanted by the Nighthawks, the Punishers, and the Mechanical Heart team.

    This wanted criminal disappeared after escaping the pursuit. Even the Beyonders who were good at divination and finding people could not find any clues...

    But is it possible that because Tris has changed from a "he" to a "she", and his physiological structure has changed directly, all kinds of Beyonder methods have failed?

    The more Klein thought about it, the more he felt that this situation was very likely. It might even be the truth that Tris had perfectly hidden himself.

    However, once he figured it out, he couldn't help but worry about how to provide information to the Nighthawks.

    "Unfortunately, I am not responsible for tracking down the 'instigator' Tris. I can only wait for an opportunity in the future, and then hint to the captain and others in a subtle way..."

    Klein nodded gently, gradually letting his thoughts sink into the description of the "Original Witch". He analyzed this successor who was worshipped by the Witch Cult as being bred from chaos and born from the Creator, and then turned his attention to the last two seemingly irrelevant texts.

    This was also the last point he cared about.

    The reason why the Emperor was willing to give the "Witch" card in the "Blasphemy Card" to the two witches seemed to be because of a secret story told by them...

    and the diary entry on June 29 also mentioned the secret story told by the witch, and explicitly stated that it was related to faith. But for some reason, the Emperor rarely used the relatively vague third-person pronoun "she" here, instead of recording the specific name of the narrator like in other diaries. Who could

    this "she" be? Is it the Elvy mentioned twice in the Emperor's diary before, or the witch named Meg? Or someone else?

    It would be great if I could get the records of the diary for the next few days, maybe I could see something.

    Thinking of this, Klein's desire to go to Backlund became stronger.

    However, after several tossings, he felt his spiritual emptiness. He knew that he was now close to the limit of exhaustion and really had no energy to plan for the future. He honestly let the spirituality wrap himself up and closed his eyes to imagine the feeling of falling.

    After returning to the familiar room, Klein immediately fell onto the soft bed. He only had time to adjust himself to a slightly more comfortable sleeping position before he fell into a deep sleep.


    "Eve, don't be lazy, it's time to get up."

    The girl smiled and poked the familiar's head, waking the little one who was dozing with eyes open from a deep night dream, causing her to let out a long "chirp".

    "Alice, Alice, I'm not lazy! I did what you told me! I also reported the results! The three times I accidentally died before... I also explained the circumstances of those three times to you, there shouldn't be anything else, right?"

    The little robin flapped its wings and flew low around her master in the room, while looking away as if guilty, as if not daring to look anyone in the eye.

    "What do you think? What did I tell you before? Do you need me to repeat it again?" Alice stretched out her hand for Eve to stand on her knuckles, and said in a gentle tone.

    "No, no! I know, I remember... When stealing, you have to be careful and not lose yourself in the role..." Eve hung her head, stubbornly used her wings to cover the part of her neck that had not yet grown new fluff, and answered her in a very low voice.

    "And then, as you know, the detective agency I work for received at least four commissions for theft last week." Alice continued to smile, "and the clients all have one thing in common, that is, they don't want to call the police to deal with it, and hope to entrust private detectives to find the lost property instead of focusing on catching the thief."

    "Chi... Alice, but isn't stealing like this? If I have to return the things, it's not called stealing." Eve argued for herself weakly.

    "So how many of these thefts do you think you have digested? How many thefts have you attempted in total? There are four thefts reported to private detectives in the Besik neighborhood alone. How many thefts are there in Tingen? How many people will report to the police? How long do you think it will take for you to attract the attention of the official Beyonders?"

    "...Alice, Alice, can we change the topic?" After hesitating for a long time, Eve simply begged for mercy.

    "If you are determined to improve your role-playing efficiency, then of course there is no problem." Seeing that the expected preaching effect has been achieved, Alice no longer insists on the previous question, "I don't really want to participate in the investigation of these theft cases. It's boring to know the answer to the mystery, so I plan to change my job."

    Eve certainly has no objection to this.

    "Okay, okay, what kind of job does Alice want to change to?"

    "That's up to you, Eve." Alice said, stroking the soft feathers of the familiar a few times, "I need you to help me find a job that is interesting enough, will not affect my daily alchemical experiments, and is not mainly physical labor. Starting tomorrow, go read the recruitment information in various newspapers, and then mark the items that meet my requirements, just as... well, just as your text reading level test!"

    "Chi... Alice, you want me to go, read the newspaper?" Eve's pair of green bean eyes seemed to be full of dullness: she would rather stare at the silly and strange nerd for a few hours, and didn't want to bother reading the newspaper!

    "Yes, this is an order." Alice nodded calmly, without any uneasiness of conscience. The

    familiar is used to do odd jobs. What's wrong with reading newspapers and job information?

    Not letting Eve go to Backlund University to take a diploma on her behalf is already very kind!

Chapter.66 18 Flood Street (Page 1/2)Previous ChapterbookshelfTable of contentsSave BookmarkNext Page    No matter how the weak, pitiful and helpless little Eve sighed or sang sad songs, she could not shake the decision of the big devil Alice.

    In the end, she had no choice but to succumb to reality. Every morning, she grabbed a few pennies and flew to the streets to find the figures of those newspaper boys. Then, with the agility and flexibility of a "thief", she stuffed the coins into the pockets of the newspaper boys and took away the newspapers she "bought".

    - There was no way, Alice would not allow her to steal the newspapers sold by these children, so Eve could only choose such a troublesome and roundabout method.

    Time passed quietly in the steady flow of day and night, and it was Wednesday of the new week in a blink of an eye.

    During these few days, Alice successfully resigned from her assistant job in the detective agency. All colleagues, including her employer Detective Henry, seemed to be not surprised or abrupt, and gladly accepted her resignation, just as they gladly accepted her joining at that time.

    So, the visitor from another world was rarely free again - except for the energy she spent on alchemy experiments every day, going out was the time she left for herself to relax.

    Holding the seven-stringed harp in her arms, she wandered through the gaps between buildings like a shadow, leaving footprints and music beside the pool, in the park, and beside the square, and harvested a few coins thrown by the few spectators who noticed her existence.

    Like she did when she was wandering in the past, like every anonymous street performer, she talked with strangers, listened to their words, and composed new chapters of music for other people's stories.

    Even if she didn't get much applause, she would pluck the strings in her hand to weave notes.

    The only problem... happened last night.

    Alice found that the arrangement she left on the "witch" Triss was erased by some unknown external force.

    And the blood and hair she had collected before could no longer help her connect to Triss's vision, as if they had been cut off from the body...

    On the other hand, Mrs. Beatrice seemed to be in good condition.

    This member of the witch sect reported the general situation to the mourning lady who sent the contact messenger according to the procedure, including the details of the July dinner, including the unknown "joy witch" Claire Sibley.

    Alice had intended to trace the return trajectory of the messenger and locate the location of the mourning lady, but unfortunately the messenger was extremely good at hiding itself. After entering the spirit world, it got rid of her long-distance observation and disappeared without a trace.

    Helplessly, Alice could only do the same thing as Lady Beatrice - waiting for the mysterious mourning lady to respond.

    As for the "witch" Triss, after some consideration, she gave the familiar Eve a new instruction.

    Explore Triss's residence and find out what the mysterious external force that affected her was.

    As for herself...

    Well, today is Wednesday. According to the usual practice, she should meet Mr. Leonard and have lunch together - of course, the generous Mr. Leonard will pay the bill. She only needs to sit there, listen to his recitation of new poems, smile from time to time, and wait for the waiter to bring the dishes.

    However, Alice thought she needed to declare in advance that she did not intend to develop any unnecessary emotions with him, although that face was indeed quite likable...

    She agreed to the other party's invitation to a date because they were now friends.

    Yes, she had said this in order to politely reject his advances:

    "I think we are more suitable to be friends."

    Then, Mr. Leonard, who had the temperament of a romantic poet, seemed to have completely failed to understand her subtext, and replied with a smile:

    "Alice, I'm glad that you think so, so are we friends now?"

    Well... this.

    Realizing that her polite refusal had not had the desired effect, Alice could only sigh helplessly in front of those clear and bright green eyes, unable to say anything to undermine his self-confidence.

    ——What else could she do? Could she just say that we couldn't even be friends? That wasn't the case...

    After all, she still needed to maintain normal social interactions.

    After listening to the story of a passerby and concluding the morning's street improvisation, Alice put away her instrument, said goodbye to the people she met by chance, and returned to Klein's home, changed her clothes and went out again.

    As a result, just at the end of lunch time, she unexpectedly received a telepathic communication from Eve, the familiar.

    "Alice, Alice! I saw a job that meets your requirements! The address is at 18 Vlad Street! They are hiring people, but it seems that they haven't registered the recruitment information in the newspaper!"

    "... Tell me first, what is the job? If you dare to point out jobs like club hostesses to me again, you know the consequences yourself." Alice lowered her eyes and replied in her heart without changing her expression.

    "Private clinic, a new private clinic has opened here, recruiting assistants who know nursing. It also says that those with a basic knowledge of herbal medicine are preferred, because there is a medicinal plant garden behind the clinic, which needs to be taken care of in turns with another assistant..." Eve read the words on the recruitment notice word by word, "Work five days a week, rest on Mondays and Tuesdays, weekly salary 3 pounds 10 soli, but the doctor in the clinic will conduct simple tests on applicants..."

    It sounds quite normal.

    "Good job, Eve." Alice nodded slightly and praised the little guy, then remembered the instructions she had given before, "But didn't I ask you to check the residence of the 'witch' Triss? How did you have time to go to the clinic on the street to see the recruitment information?"

    "Because, because, Alice, there is no one in the house you told me about... The valuables seem to have been taken away. I don't know if it was done by the Triss you mentioned." Eve replied.

    Triss changed her residence?

    She frowned slightly and asked again:

    "Are there any clues left inside the house? Or do you feel a sense of danger?"

    "Danger, it seems that there is no danger, but clues... Even if you ask Alice, I don't know what can be considered a clue."

    "Is there anything that you feel is unnatural? For example, the furnishings inside the room are very messy, or the shoe prints left on the stalls have mud spots, and so on."

    Alice persuaded and even asked Eve to return to the room and share the vision with her, but unfortunately she gained little.

    But at least one thing can be confirmed, that is, Triss did not leave her previous residence because of an accident. She should have prepared to take away her belongings and moved to another hiding place.

    Last night... All the changes happened last night.

    "Alice, are you okay?"

    Perhaps because she lowered her head and remained silent for too long, Leonard finally noticed the strangeness of the girl opposite and called her.

    "Yeah, it's okay." Alice came back to her senses and gave him an apologetic smile, "I was thinking about something and was a little distracted."

    "Are you worried about something?" The "Midnight Poet" with messy black hair that was neglected but had a different kind of beauty asked.

    "Well, I couldn't think of how to say it..." The girl sighed in distress, and in fact, she was indeed a little distressed.

Chapter.66 18 Flood Street (Page 2/2)Previous pagebookshelfTable of contentsSave BookmarkNext Chapter    She was thinking whether to let the Night Watcher in front of her intervene and use the power of the Church of the Goddess of Night behind him to investigate the missing "witch" Triss.

    But she was hesitant, hesitating whether to use her own magic to restore the scene of last night.

    ——The relevant spellcasting materials are too expensive, and it is difficult to find substitutes in this world. They are rare resources that are used less and less. Alice always feels that it is a bit of a waste to use them on such a small matter.

    Obviously, Leonard also saw the girl's embarrassment, and smiled with his eyebrows curved, saying that as long as she is willing to speak, he will be happy to help her solve her problems.

    But in the end, Alice still did not mention Triss to the Night Watcher in front of her. After finishing their lunch together, she said goodbye to him as usual and turned to the direction of the East District of Tingen.

    She planned to go home in the evening and mention this to Klein.

    As for now, she planned to go to the private clinic that recruited assistants. If there is no big problem, she will work there until she leaves Tingen.


    Afternoon, No. 18 Vlad Street, East District.

    The sign of the original store has been replaced, and several decoration workers are working together to install a new sign in front of the newly decorated clinic.

    A girl walked to the door of this clinic with bright windows and neat interior, raised her hand to gently wipe away the smell of paint, and looked up at the recruitment sign erected beside the entrance of the clinic.

    When she stepped into it, Xie Ermin happened to lift the curtain of the back door and walked in, and greeted her with a messy hair.

    "Ah, welcome..." Realizing that he had said the wrong thing, the boy with delicate features gradually blushed under the gaze of the pair of too gorgeous blue eyes, and stuttered helplessly, "No, no, sorry, I forgot that the clinic is not open yet... Then, then you..."

    "I'm here to apply for the position of clinic assistant." The girl in a white dress with light blonde hair said so, and a polite smile appeared on her delicate and beautiful face that made Xie Ermin dazed.

    "Assistant, ah, assistant, yes, of course, I have written the recruitment sign... Uh, do you mind coming in and filling out the applicant information form? Then, then... Then, then if you know something about herbal medicine, I will probably ask you a few questions..."

    The more Xie Ermin spoke, the smaller and weaker his voice became, as if he was the applicant being interviewed.

    The girl in the white dress nodded gently.

    "No problem."

    Hearing this, Xie Ermin couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief, turned around and took her into the inner room that had also been newly renovated, and quietly introduced her:

    "The new owner of the clinic... Dr. Adams is not here now. I am just his assistant, investigating the knowledge of herbal medicine on his behalf, so if you plan to work in this clinic, you have to wait until Dr. Adams comes back and pass his interview before you can get the final result..."

    "Okay, I understand." The girl in the white dress was very polite and cooperative.

    After she finished filling out the form, Xie Ermin finally learned the girl's name and clearly saw that in the column for personal expertise, she had written "proficient in nursing, human anatomy, and have a basic understanding of herbal medicine."

    The boy rubbed his hands nervously and sat opposite Alice, preparing to test her knowledge of herbal medicine.

    Although the recruitment notice had been written two or three days ago, previous applicants usually failed to pass Dr. Adams's test, so so far, he had not actually faced even one applicant...

    But unexpectedly, she answered almost all the questions, and even completed the part of identifying herbs very well, which was not at all the "slightly knowledgeable" level that Shermin had originally thought.

    The test ended in just ten minutes.

    In order to avoid making the atmosphere too awkward, Shermin prayed that the doctor would come back soon while chatting with the girl about the clinic.

    "Actually, about two or three weeks ago, this place was not decorated like it is now. My teacher... the original owner of this store, opened a folk herbal medicine store, specializing in treating all kinds of difficult and strange diseases, but because he was planning to leave, he transferred the store to me..."

    The teenager named Shermin said that he wanted to try his ability to identify herbs and mix medicines, but he was still somewhat lacking in confidence, so he contacted a doctor who was interested in cooperation through various connections.

    The doctor was a graduate of the School of Medicine of Backlund University and had many years of experience working in academic hospitals and well-known clinics. Now that he has saved enough money, he plans to buy or rent a store and run his own private clinic.

    After negotiation, the two reached a cooperative relationship.

    Doctor Mikhail Adams rented this shop, which was originally a herbal medicine store, on an annual basis and became the actual owner of the clinic. He also promised to give Shermin the opportunity to exercise himself and let the teenager continue to work here as a clinic assistant.

    Xie Ermin unknowingly confided a lot to the girl whom he had only met once, including his yearning for the teacher's magical prescriptions, his boredom with the drifting life in the past, and his determination to decide the future direction of his life by himself.

    He talked for a long time, almost nagging, without feeling that his trust in the girl had exceeded the normal limit that strangers should have, until someone lifted the curtain separating the clinic's reception room and knocked on the door politely, and Xie Ermin stood up with some surprise.

    "Dr. Adams, you're back! The person next to me is..."

    "I know, the person who came to apply for the position of clinic assistant, right?"

    The middle-aged doctor in a white coat walked into the room, walked to the seat vacated by the boy, smiled and picked up the recruitment form placed on the side, and glanced at the words on it.

    "Alice... is proficient in nursing and human anatomy? Xie Ermin, have you tested this lady's knowledge of herbal medicine?"

    "Yes, she answered very well." Xie Ermin replied truthfully.

    "Okay, I understand. I'll be in charge of the interview. You can go and sort out the medicine storeroom now," the doctor with a light blond beard said gently. Xie

    Ermin nodded in agreement, and before leaving, he couldn't help but look back at the girl who was so beautiful that she seemed unreal.

    He had a feeling that they would become colleagues.Chapter.67 Interview (Page 1/2)Previous ChapterbookshelfTable of contentsSave BookmarkNext Page    After Xie Ermin left and closed the door, the middle-aged doctor in the white coat took up the information sheet at hand and took a look at it. Then he sat opposite the girl in the white dress who came to apply for the clinic assistant position, and smiled gently.

    "Miss Alice, is that right?"

    "Yes." She nodded quietly. "

    Can you tell me why you chose to apply for the position of nursing assistant in this clinic?"

    The girl was about to answer this routine interview question that she was used to answering, but she heard the doctor in front of her smile and add another sentence.

    "In fact, I recognized you just now. After all, anyone who has heard your performance will never forget those intoxicating melodies... It's just that I never thought that I would meet you in the interview session of the clinic. I thought you were the kind of musician who went out to find creative inspiration in life, and you would only consider joining a certain orchestra or drama troupe."

    "... Doctor, have you heard my street performance?" Alice opened her eyes wide with a little surprise.

    "It's normal that you don't remember this, because I just stopped to listen to a few songs from a distance." The doctor seemed to recall and described, "I still remember that you were wearing a classical gray robe, without a hood, standing at the intersection of the Iron Cross leading to the lower street, and there were several children dancing to the fast-paced happy notes..."

    Gray robe, Iron Cross Lower Street intersection... That seemed to be last week.

    If it wasn't for the certainty that the middle-aged doctor in front of her was just an ordinary person, without the slightest smell of taking sequence potions, Alice would have almost thought that her illusion suggestion had failed again.

    If you think about it carefully, during the weekend she spent in Backlund, her illusion suggestion to reduce her presence failed in front of two Beyonders one after another. Mr. A, who organized the secret party, was fine, as he would have paid attention to everyone who entered the party venue, but the monk from the Eternal Sun Church saw her abnormality at a glance on the street...

    Well, these two are probably Beyonders of the same level as "Sword of the Goddess" Sesima, so it's not surprising that they can see through the outermost layer of deception.

    As for the doctor in front of her...

    maybe she happened to meet him when she weakened the influence of the suggestion.

    After all, outsiders are not invisible people. Most of the time, she just doesn't want to attract too much attention, but occasionally she wants to try to integrate into a different life, so it's normal to have the idea of ​​communicating and exchanging with people.

    "...I was also surprised to meet the previous audience here." Alice replied honestly, and at the same time carefully looked at the middle-aged doctor in front of her.

    He has regular features and deep contours. His light blond hair is combed very neatly, leaving only a circle of carefully trimmed beard of the same color around his chin and lips. There is not a single stain on his white doctor's coat. He has the kind of reliable appearance that makes people subconsciously trust and like him. He exudes the friendly temperament that belongs only to mature men.

    "You should have heard my name from Shermin." Doctor Mikhail Adams smiled warmly, "You can call me Doctor Mikhail, or, like Shermin, call me Doctor Adams. But I personally prefer you to choose the former." "Can I

    ask the reason?"

    Although it seems to have deviated from the original topic, Alice is relieved that she doesn't have to make up a reason on the spot, so she simply follows the other party's question.

    Doctor Mikhail showed a nostalgic look:

    "The reason... maybe it dates back to a long time ago. When I was just a child, my father ran a small private clinic in a small town in the southern part of East Chester County. He would prepare antipyretic medicines for patients who came to the clinic, help treat people who broke their legs accidentally, and even help pregnant women deliver babies, even though many people couldn't afford the overly high medical fees...

    Everyone calls my father Dr. Adams, the kind, generous Dr. Adams. Maybe the impression from my childhood was too strong, so that now when I hear this title, I feel that it is actually calling my father. " "

    Well, so that's the case... Your father is a selfless and great doctor." Alice nodded slightly, and inexplicably had the strange illusion that she was the interviewer.

    "It's a pity that selflessness and greatness are not exchanged for equal value in return." Dr. Mikhail smiled helplessly, "Because the clinic has been unable to make ends meet for a long time, our family has always lived a very frugal life... or should I say tight. And in the face of my father's kindness and tolerance time and time again, the townspeople changed from gratitude at the beginning to taking it for granted later... I'm sure you can guess what happened next without me saying it. "

    Good intentions may not be rewarded...

    When a good person is unwilling to do good things anymore, bystanders will jump out to blame him, asking why he doesn't continue to give selflessly to others like before, and even deny all the good deeds he has done in the past.

    Alice let her eyes pass over him and rationally decided to pass on the subject:

    "Yes. I'm sorry to touch on such a private issue, Dr. Mikhail, please continue the interview with me."

    "Then I'll continue asking questions." Mikhail used his left hand to move the form with some personal information filled in, his eyes pausing on a number written by the girl, "Ms. Alice, have you really filled out this form truthfully? Are you twenty years old?"

    "...If you mind hiring underage child labor, then I'm twenty years old. "

    Alice knew that this world, or should I say the Kingdom of Loen where she was now, had not issued any laws to protect the rights of child laborers, and had not clearly defined the age limit for citizens to legally engage in labor work.

    But strangely, the upper class set eighteen as the age of adulthood in social situations, so the lower class people also used this to divide the standard of adulthood, causing her to weigh her "minor" status in everything she did, and she always felt a little unspeakable concern in her heart.

    As if amused by her flexible answer, Dr. Mikhail shook his head and coughed lightly to suppress his smile:

    "Sherming is only sixteen years old this year. Do you think his age affects the employment relationship between him and me?"

    ...That's right. It seems that only she would care about these issues of child labor or not.

    "Then, Dr. Mikhail, do you need me to correct this information?" Alice asked in a normal tone.

    In response, the smiling doctor just shook his head again gently:

    "Don't worry, I just asked casually, because you look younger than the age you filled in... Are you still studying? Or have you graduated? "

    My school will start in September, so I can only work here until the end of August at most."

    After that, Dr. Mikhail asked some simple questions that were not difficult, such as asking her if she would accept occasional overtime, and whether she needed the clinic to provide food and accommodation...

    Alice knew that the charm had an effect, and as long as she was willing, joining the company would be just a matter of nodding a few times and going through the motions.

    But even so, Dr. Mikhail was too careless, and he didn't even assess her nursing level until now?

    You know, even Detective Henry gave her a symbolic entry test.

Chapter.67 Interview (Page 2/2)Previous pagebookshelfTable of contentsSave BookmarkNext Chapter    Thinking of this, she couldn't help but speak in the brief interval when Dr. Mikhail lowered his head to read the data sheet.

    "Doctor, aren't you going to ask me some knowledge about nursing?"

    "Maybe it's not necessary." He raised his eyes and smiled warmly, "Have you forgotten? On the day I saw you, that is, the day you went to the lower intersection of Iron Cross Street, a woman carrying a basket fell down near dusk..."


    After being reminded by the other party, Alice suddenly remembered that she had performed simple cardiopulmonary resuscitation on a woman with an old illness that day.

    But she didn't expect that in addition to the person involved and some nearby bystanders who didn't dare to get close, the scene was also seen by the doctor in front of her.

    "I wanted to go and take a look at the collapsed woman, but I found that you were quicker than me and your first aid method was correct... It was then that I realized that you are not only a young musician, but also a medical volunteer who has studied first aid textbooks." Doctor Mikhail said half-jokingly, "So, are you planning to study at the medical school of a university in Tingen? Or do you want to continue to improve your artistic talents?"

    "Neither. I plan to enter the Department of Natural Sciences at Backlund University..."

    Alice said, and then she remembered Shermyn's introduction to Doctor Mikhail Adams, saying that he had studied at Backlund University and, as an outstanding graduate of the medical school, joined the department's affiliated hospital and officially embarked on the career path of a doctor...

    Sure enough, when she heard her mention Backlund University, Doctor Mikhail's attitude changed a little.

    He seemed more friendly, and in a kind but not overbearing tone, he talked to her about the top university in the capital, the tree-lined avenue there, and several honorary professors who had remained the same for decades. He even recalled the club he had joined, saying that he had made many friends there, and quite a few of them still kept in good contact with him through letters to this day.

    Although Alice felt that the nature of the interview was getting more and more off-topic, because it would not affect her plan, she did not express anything, and maintained the most basic polite smile, nodding from time to time.

    Fortunately, in the end, Dr. Mikhail promptly turned the topic back to the job interview in front of him.

    "If nothing unexpected happens, we will have a short and pleasant cooperation time, Miss Alice."

    As he said this, he was about to raise his right hand as if to shake hands with her, but the expression on his face was suddenly torn a little distorted by the pain.

    "...Are you injured?" Alice turned her eyes to his right arm, which had never been placed on the table.

    After calming down the pain from accidentally touching the wound, Dr. Mikhail smiled gently again:

    "It's an external injury, it will heal in a few days... Haha, when the clinic was being renovated a few days ago, my right forearm accidentally had some friction with a few rivets. Fortunately, the clinic hasn't opened yet. Even if it does, it won't be well-known and there won't be many patients coming to see a doctor. Otherwise, if people see me with a bandage on my wound, it will somewhat affect my image as a doctor..."

    "By the way, Miss Alice, could you please change the bandage on my wound? Just consider it your first nursing task after you start working."

    "Shouldn't this situation be considered my last test before I start working?"

    Although she said that, Alice's attitude was unambiguous.

    After asking where the clean bandages and disinfectants were placed, she washed her hands in the sink in the small clinic, then took the bandages and disinfectant to the careless doctor, asked him to take off his coat and roll up his shirt sleeves, and she untied the knot of the bandage, loosening the white gauze strips that were gradually stained with dark red blood, circle by circle.

    "Doctor Mikhail, your wound looks quite deep... It should be that the bleeding was not completely stopped when the bandage was applied. Now the coagulated blood has made the wound, the powder and the bandage stick together."

    She frowned, stood up and found a clean gauze, then pressed the soaked gauze to the place where the wound and the bandage were attached, carefully moistened the fragile wound full of coagulated dark red, and then did her best to gently remove the bandage in her hand bit by bit.

    The process was much simpler afterwards. After changing the medicine for the wound, she skillfully wrapped the bandage again, and at the end of the bandage, she tied a beautiful bow that suited her habits.

    "See, I know you can do this job well."

    For some reason, Doctor Mikhail seemed to be more proud than the girl.

    But soon, he looked at the bow on his right forearm and sighed helplessly and casually.

    "But next time when you bandage and tie the knot, please consider the patient's gender... Not all Loen gentlemen can accept this kind of decorative shape that appears on the skirt of a girl."

    "No problem, Dr. Mikhail, I will pay attention next time." Alice replied.

    When Shermin, with her messy hair, saw Dr. Adams and the girl in the white dress again, the latter had put on an assistant coat like him on her shoulders and was following Dr. Adams with a warm smile, carefully visiting the medicinal plant garden he was responsible for taking care of, nodding from time to time, and writing down one note after another in her notebook.

    Seeing him looking at her silently, the girl seemed to have noticed and stopped, turned her eyes, and smiled at him.

    "Shermin, from today you will have one more colleague. Of course, a clinic cannot have only one doctor and two assistants, so we have to continue to recruit people... But at least, opening the business is not a problem."

    What Dr. Mikhail Adams said after that was no longer something Shermin could react to.

    The only thing left in his mind was the girl with light blonde hair and that smile that was brighter and more beautiful than a rose.


    "Klein? I have something that I might need your help with."

    Klein had no idea that the witch lady had changed jobs without anyone noticing. When he heard her say this during the daily drug testing, he immediately gave his most positive response.

    "What exactly is it? Is there a reward?"

    He felt as if he was slightly turned upside down by those misty eyes.

    "Looking for someone, a missing 'witch'. As for the reward... um..."

    The girl seemed to hesitate for a while, but it was none of Klein's business.

    He only knew that no matter how much she offered, he would bargain to let her know that he was not a cheap laborer who could be dismissed for a few pennies!

    No, he definitely didn't think that his fees at the divination club were too cheap!

    Just as he was thinking this, Klein saw her raise her lips and smile with a bad taste.

    A certain bad feeling instantly jumped up his spine, spreading a tingling shudder on his back.

    "As a reward, can I kiss you?"