
Stare of the Basilisk King

GodofDeathDragons · หนังสือและวรรณกรรม
45 Chs

Chapter 34: Secret Revealed?

Harry could only look in shock seeing everyone look down at him and his appearance... they looked at him as if Voldemort had returned.

"What happened to Harry Potter's Skin? Why does it look scaly like?"

Everyone was talking about Harry's appearance

He looked caught like a deer in headlights, everyone was looking at his appearance wondering what happened to his appearance or how he ended up like this.

"Are those feathers?" Asked another student who looked closely

Harry was silent as he didn't know what to do or say as hundreds of eyes were all on him.

(Up in the stands)

Mr. Delacour along with his wife who saw this were now worried for Harry and decided to get down there to see him, and their daughters.

Dumbledore and Snape were already heading down there with Barty Crouch on the way.

Madam Amelia Bones went down to see why was her Niece in the water! How could Dumbledore do such a thing!

Lupin and Padfoot( Sirius ) who were also worried for Harry.

Fudge glanced at Harry's appearance wondering why the boy has feathers? And scales? Then noticed the boy's eyes were snake like. The ugly toad woman in pink gave Harry a sickly sweet smile

Rita Skeeter wasted no time in writing in her magical note pad hoping to put this in the daily prophet.

"Oh no! His secret has been revealed!" Thought Hermione, Ginny, Luna and Daphne hoping.

Susan who's was besides Harry looked At his appearance including Gabrielle Delacour.

Fleur herself was also worried seeing the many eyes everyone was giving towards Harry.

"SILENCE!" Boomed the voice of Dumbledore who used the sonarus charm.

"The winner is Harry Potter! Who came first! He not only saved Miss Bones but also his fellow champion and her hostage! Tell me Harry how did you become like this?" He asked the boy who was trying to come up with something so no one wouldn't connect the dots about what he's becoming.

"Well before I could get ready for the tournament I tested a potion I made in professor Snape's class I didn't know what effects could happen to me and I believe that it's happening..." he explained coming up with the best lie he could hoping they would buy it. As all eyes turned to Snape.

"True... I asked the boy to whip up a potion for extra credit turns out his potion his flawed. That's 5 points from Gryffindor Mr. Potter." Snape says playing along with the lie to make it believable.

Everyone was now beginning to believe the lie. Those who already knew about Harry's real appearance were relieved that his secret was covered up.

Moody gave Harry a suspicious stare. There was something that did not add up to this.

Fudge looked convinced except his Secretary who kept her sickly sugary sweet smile. She has feeling that the boy is lying and is hiding something.

Harry himself was relieved that his secret was safe for now. And that everybody is believing his lie.

Ron looked ready to mouth off but The twins behind him appeared and gave him a stern stare not to say anything.

As said. Harry came first with Fleur being second place, Cedric is third place with Krum remaining 4th place much to the anger of Igor karkarof.

After being declared winner Harry and the champs. Decided to rest.

"Harry!" Shouted a voice as the boy turned and saw Susan who was wrapped in a towel.

"Susan?" He says surprised seeing her come to him.

She ran to him and did the unthinkable. She kissed him right on the lips. She held him in embrace luckily no one was around to see this happen.

He kissed her back as they broke apart surprised by this.

"Susan why-" he says but she stopped him.

"Harry I know your little secret. Hermione, Ginny and Daphne told me. I kissed you as a thanks for saving me. And that I want to be Lady Hufflepuff." Susan says with Harry widening his eyes at that.

"Susan are you sure about this?" He asks as she nodded.

"Of course Harry. I want to be apart of your life." She says as she points at her neck.

He proceeded to bite her with his fangs as a magical aura erected around the two seeing that he now has a lady Hufflepuff.

( With Gabrielle)

She couldn't believe it. She was saved by her big sister's boyfriend. He saved her life. A crush was starting to develop around her. She was beginning to like Harry Potter much more now. As she thought about her savior.

A white glow seem to make itself known around Gabrielle as she saw the white light envelope around her.

Fleur who was heading to check on her sister in the tent she saw the white glow.

"Gabrielle?!" Fleur shouted eyes wide seeing the white light that has enveloped around her little sister

The light died down revealing a slight taller Gabrielle. Fleur looked wide eyed seeing her little sister get slightly taller and look a little older... as if she had the appearance of a 14 year old girl or 15 year old body depending on how you look at it.

"Sister? What happened to me?" Gabrielle asks looking at her older sister who was still stunned.

"Wait right here Gabby. I'm going to get mom and father." Fleur says running out the tent to go get her parents leaving a Confused Gabrielle behind.

( With Harry)

Now in his tent tending to his wounds, professor Snape came in and gave Harry a potion to alter his appearance to hide his scales and red feathers in which he was relieved now that his secret is safe for now.

Hermione and Ginny walked in.

"Hey guys what's up?" He asks noticing there faces of worry.

"What's wrong?" He asks

"Harry. Fleur sent us to come get you something urgent has happened to her sister Gabrielle." Hermione answered with him widening his eyes.

( Gabrielle's tent)

Her parents. Including her headmistress, along with her sister and Dumbledore were present looking at the older girl who now looks 15.

"You don't think it has happened do you?" Asked Mrs Delacour looking at her husband.

"It seems so." He answers

Harry along with Hermione and Ginny walked in the tent and we're surprised seeing an older looking Gabrielle as the girl focused her attention solely on Harry Potter.

"Professor? Mr. and Mrs Delacour? What's going on? And why does Gabrielle look different?" He asks as they all exchanged glances at one another as Dumbledore decides to answer.

"Harry my boy. Tell me what do you know of Veela Life debts?" His Headmaster asked him