
Chapter 7

Chapter 7

In the vast forest of the continent of an Unnamed planet near the edges of the forest, a woman could be seen running away as if her life depended on it

and just behind following her is a 14ft tall predator, the predator seems to be toying with the woman

as cuts from her body, she still runs as she bleeds profusely, refusing to lose hope

one of her arms dangling and broken, as tears drop from her eyes

not due to her being hurt and near death, but the thoughts of leaving her children behind, to fend for themselves

her four-year-old baby daughter, her ten-year-old crippled son,

who by miracle just woke up from his deep sickness of slumber curse 'Corruption' from the god of death and decay, with the help of a falling star

she refuses to bend down to her fate and die, not like this and not right now, not when her children needed her the most, ignoring her current state

she let every ounce of energy enhancement flood every bone of her body not caring that if she releases too much she may never be able to use mana ever again

and so with a sonic boom, Mana burst from her body burning her from the inside

as the 14ft lizard, felt her fear and emanate with delight as it licked its sharp razor teethes, with its scales near its claws and joints turning red

indicating its excitement, thinking how juicy the meat would taste, as its pray run in fear, it can't wait to feel its despair as it sinks its teeth into her flesh

a drone that saw this happen, instantly inform and reports to 2B of its findings


-- Terran HQ --


in a dim-lit room, 2B now stared at a holo table, when she received a message from one of the scout drones that she sends

she then pressed the holo table calling her master, who is now supervising the construction of the refinery building after finishing constructing

four Terran barracks, and waiting to find out about the upgrades, he told 2B to hold 'production' of Terran marines for now

"yes" a young man's voice replied to her making her insides and out tremble in delight

"Master, we have found traces of resemblance of the individual, the master is seeking to be 99.9%" She sends a holo pic to her master's wrist nano metal bracer/ bracelet

"and it seems that the individual is currently being chased, by an assailant a level 3 thirio to be exact

14 feet large amphibian creatures with only two long forelimbs and no hindlimbs, as well as long, prehensile, serpentine tails. long and slender sturdy bodies. Several aspects of their appearance are noticeably skeletal, particularly their torsos and their heads.

What appears to be the "eye sockets" of their skull-like heads are merely empty fenestrae, which presumably evolved that way to protect their eyes from enemies: their real eyes are set much further back, with the fenestrae perhaps serving to distract enemies from their more vulnerable eyes and acting as heat-seeking sensory pits.

The pupils of their green eyes are horizontal and somewhat resemble those of frogs and toads. The colors of their hide range from dark brown to dark green to a bone-white color.

they have a heavy resemblance with the master familiarity of ---Skullcrawlers--- that have been created by Ms. Sara or by your words 'Ms. Bitch'-"

without a moment to lose, her master just closed his visor and just bolted to the location she pinned, she saw his reaction and expression of 'fear' and 'terror' as his body trembled to see his mother's current state, he didn't even listen to the description 2B told him and just RUN at it

as she saw his vitals go from normal to an abnormal indication of stress, she could only theorize what her master is feeling as of right now

"sigh... if only master would let me finish my explanation" She shook her head then pressed the holo table as a consol rose up

"SCV 2F and 7E please escort master, in his mission, and permission used; Overdrive; granted; protect him at all cause, 2nd priority of VIP; indication; female"

'I guess I'll prepare the guards' she thought as she pressed the holo table


'just in case' as she then saw her master now outrun even agility base evolution thirio and shortened the distance within 600 meters in just 5 seconds as two SCVs followed him behind not caring about the damage that they cause to the environment

or the bodies that got in their way, as they would either be smashed through them or like a tank flinging them across the other side with internal injuries and internal bleeding

not that they care from the beginning, as long as they keep their master safe and do as he told them they are happy just the way it is

as now 2B pinned them and would later send other SCVs to farm the dead thirio for their meat and energy crystals all the while continuing to map out the area with the drones

Chapter 7 End

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