
Starborn and Winterforged

Harry Potter dies after defeating Voldemort,. Death gives him a new chance at life, as Cregan, son of Ashara Dayne and Brandon Stark, bearing the legacy of two noble houses. Wielding dual swords, he navigates a world torn by war and betrayal. Driven by honor and justice, he confronts his past and shapes his future, becoming a beacon of hope in a realm on the brink of chaos. I hope you're enjoying the fanfiction so far! I'd love to hear your thoughts on it. Whether you loved it, hated it, or have some constructive criticism, your feedback is super important to me. Feel free to drop a comment or send me a message with your thoughts. Can't wait to hear from you! If you're passionate about fanfiction and love discussing stories, characters, and plot twists, then you're in the right place! I've created a Discord server dedicated to diving deep into the world of fanfiction, especially my own stories. Whether you're a reader, a writer, or just someone who enjoys a good tale, I welcome you to join us for lively discussions, feedback sessions, and maybe even some sneak peeks into upcoming chapters, along with artwork related to the stories. Let's nerd out together over our favorite fandoms and explore the endless possibilities of storytelling! Click the link below to join the conversation: https://discord.com/invite/HHHwRsB6wd Can't wait to see you there! If you appreciate my work and want to support me, consider buying me a cup of coffee. Your support helps me keep writing and bringing more stories to you. You can do so via PayPal here: https://www.paypal.me/VikrantUtekar007 Or through my Buy Me a Coffee page: https://www.buymeacoffee.com/vikired001s Thank you for your support!

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Chapter 16

Cregan approached his uncle, Ned Stark, in the privacy of Ned's solar. The fire crackled in the hearth, casting a warm glow over the room as Cregan took a seat opposite his uncle.

"Uncle Ned," Cregan began, his tone serious yet thoughtful, "I've been considering the future of the North and the alliances we need to forge to ensure our strength and unity."

Ned looked up from his parchment, his expression one of attentive curiosity. "What is on your mind, Cregan?"

Cregan took a deep breath. "I believe we should arrange for some of the children of the Northern lords to be fostered here at Winterfell. It would strengthen our bonds and ensure loyalty among our bannermen."

Ned nodded slowly, contemplating Cregan's suggestion. "It's a wise idea. Which families do you have in mind?"

"Most notably, I think we should invite both granddaughters of Lord Manderly," Cregan replied, keeping his tone measured. "One of them could be a potential match for Robb, and a future Lady of Moat Cailin. Strengthening our ties with House Manderly would be beneficial for the North."

Ned's eyes showed approval at his nephew's strategic thinking. "And who else?"

Cregan's expression grew more intense. "Domeric Bolton. With his father and his psychopathic bastard brother causing trouble, it would be wise to ensure that the future Lord of the Dreadfort is loyal to us. Fostering him here would allow us to build that loyalty and keep an eye on him."

Ned's gaze hardened at the mention of the Boltons. "Aye, Roose Bolton and his bastard have been a thorn in our side. Ensuring Domeric's loyalty could help us keep the Dreadfort in check once Roose is dealt with."

Cregan nodded in agreement. "And there are others we could consider as well. Perhaps Asher Forrester and Gwyn Whitehill. The Forresters and Whitehills are famously rivals, and fostering them here could help mend those relations."

Ned leaned back in his chair, a thoughtful look on his face. "You have a keen mind for strategy, Cregan. These moves could help secure the future of the North and ensure our bannermen's loyalty. I will send ravens to the lords you mentioned and make the arrangements."

"Thank you, Uncle," Cregan said, a sense of satisfaction in his voice. "Together, we can ensure that the North remains strong and united."

Ned smiled, pride evident in his eyes. "You will make a fine leader one day, Cregan. Winterfell and the North are in good hands."

As they continued to discuss the details, the bond between uncle and nephew grew stronger, fortified by their shared commitment to the North and its future.

As Ned was finishing up writing the letters requesting fostering to the respective lords, Catelyn arrived with one-year-old Bran in her arms. The little boy's laughter filled the room as he reached out for his father.

"Ned," Catelyn said, smiling as she approached, "Bran and I thought we'd come and see you before the evening meal."

Ned looked up, a smile spreading across his face at the sight of his wife and youngest son. "You're just in time, Cat," he said, setting down his quill. "I was about to finish up here."

Catelyn noticed the stack of letters on Ned's desk. "What are you working on?" she asked, curiosity evident in her voice.

Ned took Bran from her arms, bouncing him gently as he explained. "Cregan and I have been discussing the future of the North. We've decided to foster some of the children of the Northern lords here at Winterfell. It will strengthen our bonds and ensure loyalty among our bannermen."

Catelyn raised an eyebrow, intrigued. "Who do you have in mind?"

Ned continued, "Most notably, we're inviting Lord Manderly's granddaughters, Wylla and Wynafryd. Cregan believes that one of them could be a potential match for Robb and a future Lady of Moat Cailin. Strengthening our ties with House Manderly would be beneficial for the North."

Catelyn's smile faded slightly. "I had hoped Robb might marry a Southern bride, someone who could bring new alliances and strengthen our ties with the South."

Ned's expression softened as he looked at his wife. "I understand, Cat. But with Cregan already betrothed to a Southern girl, Princess Rhaenys, the Northern lords will expect the rest of our children to marry Northerners. We must respect their traditions and expectations."

Catelyn sighed, accepting Ned's reasoning. "I suppose you're right. The North has always valued loyalty and tradition. It just feels so far away from the world I grew up in."

Ned, sensing her unease, gently squeezed her hand. "I understand, Cat. But the Manderlys follow the Faith of the Seven, just like you. Their customs and beliefs are closer to what you know. Robb's bride will bring some of that familiarity to Moat Cailin."

Catelyn's expression softened slightly. "That does bring some comfort, knowing there will be a bit of the South here in the North. It's important that our children understand both sides of their heritage."

Ned nodded. "Exactly. And with the Manderlys' strong ties to the North and their respect for Southern traditions, it will help bridge the gap between our worlds. Robb will be well-prepared for the challenges ahead, supported by a strong and loyal wife."

Catelyn managed a small smile, her worries somewhat eased by Ned's reassurances. "Thank you, Ned. I trust your judgment, and I know you're doing what's best for our family."

Ned returned her smile, pulling her and Bran closer. "We'll make sure our children have the best future possible, Cat. Together, we'll build a stronger North."

As they stood together, united in their purpose, the warmth of the family bond filled the room, giving them strength and hope for the days to come.

The ravens flew across the skies from Winterfell, their messages bearing the authority and weight of the Warden of the North. Each letter was carefully crafted and sealed with the Stark sigil, ensuring their importance and formality.

To Lord Wyman Manderly:

Lord Manderly,  

Winterfell extends its warmest greetings. We wish to strengthen the bonds between our houses and seek your consent to have your granddaughters, Wylla and Wynafryd, fostered at Winterfell. This arrangement will not only solidify our alliance but also provide a promising future for our children. We believe that one of them may become a fitting match for Uncle Eddards eldest son, Robb, enhancing the ties between our houses. Your favorable response is eagerly anticipated.  


Cregan Stark, Lord of Winterfell and Warden of the North  

To Lord Roose Bolton:

Lord Bolton,  

In light of recent developments, Winterfell invites Domeric Bolton, your heir, to be fostered at our seat. This opportunity will serve to ensure his alignment with the North's values and strengthen the loyalty of the Dreadfort to Winterfell. It is in our mutual interest to build trust and cooperation. We look forward to your agreement and to the fruitful relationship this arrangement will foster.  


Cregan Stark, Lord of Winterfell and Warden of the North  

To Lord Gregor Forrester:

Lord Forrester,  

Winterfell extends its offer to foster your son, Asher Forrester, within our walls. This arrangement aims to mend the historical rivalry between House Forrester and Whitehill, and cultivate a more cooperative relationship. Asher's presence at Winterfell will provide him with valuable experience and help bridge the gap between the Forresters and the Whitehills, fostering peace and understanding. We hope for your positive consideration of this proposal.  

Best regards,  

Cregan Stark, Lord of Winterfell and Warden of the North  

To Lord Ludd Whitehill:

Lord Whitehill,  

We extend an invitation to foster your daughter, Gwyn Whitehill, at Winterfell. This initiative is part of our effort to mend the historical enmity between the Forresters and the Whitehills and foster unity among the Northern houses. Gwyn's time at Winterfell will serve as a foundation for future cooperation and strengthen the bonds between our families. Your agreement to this proposal would be greatly appreciated.  

Yours sincerely,  

Cregan Stark, Lord of Winterfell and Warden of the North  

As the letters were dispatched, each lord received their raven with a mix of anticipation and contemplation, understanding that the future of their houses and their relations with Winterfell hinged on their responses.

The second set of ravens, each bearing Ned Stark's seal, were dispatched from Winterfell to further the goal of strengthening alliances and securing the North's unity through fostering. Each letter was crafted with care, reflecting Ned's thoughtful approach to these new alliances.

To Lord Greatjon Umber:

Lord Umber,  

Winterfell seeks to fortify our bonds with your esteemed house and requests the presence of your son, Smalljon Umber, at our court for fostering. This initiative will provide Smalljon with valuable experience and deepen the ties between our families. We believe that fostering Smalljon at Winterfell will benefit both our houses and ensure a future of mutual respect and cooperation.  

We look forward to your favorable reply.  


Eddard Stark, Regent of Winterfell  

To Lord Medger Cerwyn:

Lord Cerwyn,  

We wish to invite your son, Cley Cerwyn, to be fostered at Winterfell. This will serve to strengthen our relationship and integrate your house more closely with Winterfell. Fostering Cley here will provide him with significant experience and help ensure continued loyalty and cooperation between our houses. Your acceptance of this proposal would be greatly valued.  

Best regards,  

Eddard Stark, Regent of Winterfell  

To Lord Harald Karstark:

Lord Karstark,  

Winterfell extends an invitation to foster your daughter, Alys Karstark, at our seat. This proposal aims to reinforce the ties between our houses and integrate the Karstarks more closely with Winterfell. Alys's time here will serve to solidify our alliance and provide her with the benefits of Northern upbringing. We hope for your positive consideration of this proposal.  

Yours sincerely,  

Eddard Stark, Regent of Winterfell  

To Lord Howland Reed:

Lord Reed,  

We are pleased to extend an offer to foster your children, Meera and Jojen Reed, at Winterfell. This arrangement will foster greater unity and understanding between our houses and ensure that the Reeds have a firm place in the Northern hierarchy. Their presence at Winterfell will be both beneficial and honor our longstanding alliance. We await your favorable response.  

Warm regards,  

Eddard Stark, Regent of Winterfell  

Each letter was dispatched with the intention of securing strong, reliable alliances and ensuring the loyalty and integration of these key Northern houses. The responses from these lords would be crucial in shaping the future stability and unity of the North.

Lord Manderly, upon receiving the raven from Winterfell, summoned his immediate family to discuss the important message. The grand hall of White Harbor was soon bustling with activity as Wylis Manderly, his gooddaughter Leona, and his granddaughters Wylla and Wynafryd gathered around him.

As they assembled, Lord Manderly unfolded the letter and began to read aloud, his voice carrying the weight of the message from Winterfell. After finishing, he looked up at his family with a serious expression.

"Wylis, Leona, Wylla, Wynafryd," he said, his tone firm but tinged with pride, "Winterfell has extended an invitation for Wylla and Wynafryd to be fostered there. This is a significant opportunity for our house, and I believe it is crucial for our future relations with the North."

Wylis, the heir to House Manderly, listened attentively. "Father, what are your thoughts on this?"

Lord Manderly leaned back in his chair, considering his son's question. "It is a strategic move by Lord Cregan Stark to solidify ties between our houses. By having Wylla and Wynafryd at Winterfell, we will strengthen our alliance with House Stark. This could also position us favorably should the need for a marital alliance arise in the future."

Leona, who had been closely involved in managing the household, added, "It is a prestigious honor for the girls. They will gain valuable experience and education from their time in the North."

Wylla and Wynafryd, standing side by side, exchanged glances. The prospect of leaving White Harbor and traveling to Winterfell was both exciting and daunting.

"What does this mean for us?" Wylla asked, her voice tinged with curiosity and apprehension.

Lord Manderly gave her a reassuring smile. "It means we are being entrusted with an important role in the North's future. Your presence at Winterfell will not only forge stronger ties between our houses but also provide you with the chance to make significant connections and gain valuable experiences."

Wynafryd, more reserved, asked, "And what of our family here? Will this affect our position in White Harbor?"

Lord Manderly nodded. "Our position remains strong, but this move will enhance our influence in the North. It is an opportunity to strengthen our house's standing in the realm."

The discussion continued with a sense of purpose and anticipation as Lord Manderly and his family prepared for the next steps. The decision to foster Wylla and Wynafryd at Winterfell was seen as a positive development for House Manderly, setting the stage for future alliances and strengthening their position in the North.

At the Dreadfort, Roose Bolton sat in his dimly lit solar, the cold stone walls and sparse decorations reflecting the grim atmosphere of the castle. Across from him sat his son and heir, Domeric Bolton, a young man known for his honorable nature and kind demeanor. Standing off to the side, with a smirk playing on his lips, was Ramsay Snow, the sadistic bastard of the Dreadfort.

Roose studied his son, his pale eyes betraying no emotion. "Domeric, I have received a raven from Winterfell. Lord Cregan Stark has requested that you be fostered there."

Domeric's face lit up with surprise and excitement. "Winterfell? That is a great honor, father. I would be able to learn from the Starks and strengthen our ties with them."

Roose nodded slowly, his mind weighing the implications. "Yes, it is indeed an opportunity. One that we must handle with care."

Ramsay, leaning against the wall, interjected with a sneer, "Careful, Domeric. The Starks might try to fill your head with foolish ideas of honor and loyalty."

Domeric ignored Ramsay's taunt, his attention focused on his father. "Father, I promise to represent House Bolton with honor and integrity. I will not disappoint you."

Roose's expression remained inscrutable. "You have always been a good son, Domeric. Remember, our house must maintain its strength and independence, even as we align with the Starks."

Domeric nodded earnestly. "I understand, father. I will do my best to forge strong alliances and ensure our house's interests are protected."

Ramsay's smirk widened. "And what about me, father? Don't I deserve to visit Winterfell too? After all, I am a Bolton, even if I don't carry the name."

Roose's gaze shifted to Ramsay, a flicker of disdain in his eyes. "You will remain here, Ramsay. Winterfell is not the place for your... talents."

Ramsay's face twisted into a mock pout. "Pity. I would have enjoyed meeting the Stark children."

Ignoring Ramsay, Roose turned back to Domeric. "There is another matter. Our alliances must be maintained not just in the North but beyond. I have been in contact with certain parties in the South."

Domeric's brow furrowed slightly. "The Lannisters?"

Roose's eyes hardened. "Yes. They are powerful and influential. Our collaboration with them could prove beneficial."

Domeric's expression became more serious. "But father, the Starks have always been our liege lords. We must be careful not to betray their trust."

Roose's lips thinned into a cold smile. "Loyalty is a complex thing, Domeric. Our ultimate loyalty is to House Bolton. Remember that."

Domeric nodded, though he clearly harbored reservations. "I will remember, father. But I will also strive to uphold the values that make us honorable."

Roose stood, signaling the end of the conversation. "Prepare for your journey to Winterfell. Make sure you represent our house well."

Domeric rose, a mixture of determination and unease in his eyes. "I will, father. I will make you proud."

As Domeric left the room, Ramsay's eyes followed him, a glint of malice evident. "Such a good boy, our Domeric. Let's hope he doesn't get too comfortable with the Starks."

Roose's gaze turned icy as he looked at Ramsay. "Mind your place, Ramsay. And never pull on Cregan Stark's tail. The boy may be young, but he has more than earned the title of 'the Demon Wolf' with his exploits during the Greyjoy Rebellion."

Ramsay shrugged, his smirk never fading. "Of course, father. I wouldn't dream of causing trouble."

Roose's warning seemed to slide off Ramsay, who thought too much of himself to heed it. As the door closed behind Domeric, Roose Bolton pondered the future, the conflicting loyalties, and the paths that lay ahead for his house.

At Highpoint, Lord Ludd Whitehill sat in his study, the firelight casting flickering shadows on the walls. Across from him stood his daughter, Gwyn Whitehill, her face a picture of quiet defiance.

"Gwyn," Ludd began, his voice gruff, "you will be fostered at Winterfell along with the children of other Northern lords. It is an opportunity to learn and grow. However, I must make one thing clear."

Gwyn met her father's gaze, a hint of curiosity in her eyes. "Yes, Father?"

Ludd leaned forward, his eyes narrowing. "You are to steer clear of the Forresters. They are our rivals, and you are not to trust them. Do you understand?"

Gwyn nodded slowly, though her mind wandered to the tales she had heard of Asher Forrester, the bold and adventurous son of House Forrester. "I understand, Father."

Ludd's expression softened slightly. "Good. Remember, our family's honor and future depend on your actions."


At Ironrath, Lord Gregor Forrester stood in the courtyard with his son, Asher Forrester, a young boy known for his fiery spirit and reckless bravery.

"Asher," Gregor began, his tone serious, "you will be fostered at Winterfell with other Northern children. This is a chance to forge alliances and represent House Forrester. But heed my warning."

Asher grinned, his eyes sparkling with excitement. "What is it, Father?"

Gregor's face grew stern. "You are to avoid the Whitehills. They are our rivals, and we cannot afford any trouble with them. Keep your distance from Gwyn Whitehill in particular."

Asher's smile faded slightly, replaced by a thoughtful expression. "I understand, Father."

Gregor placed a hand on his son's shoulder. "Remember, Asher, you carry the honor of our house with you. Do not let us down."


As both families prepared for the fostering, the instructions of their respective fathers weighed heavily on Gwyn and Asher. Despite the warnings, there was a sense of inevitability, as if fate itself was pushing them toward each other.

As Gwyn rode toward Winterfell, she couldn't help but think of the stories she had heard about Asher's daring exploits. She wondered if the boy behind the tales was as adventurous as he sounded.

Asher, for his part, felt a strange sense of anticipation as he approached Winterfell. The name "Gwyn Whitehill" echoed in his mind, sparking a curiosity he couldn't ignore.

Little did they know, their paths were destined to intertwine in ways neither family could foresee, setting the stage for an epic bond that would challenge the bitter feud between their houses—a tale of young hearts finding connection in the harsh, unforgiving North.

At Last Hearth, Lord Greatjon Umber stood in the great hall, his towering figure casting a long shadow. Beside him stood his son, Smalljon Umber, a boy already showing signs of his father's strength and boldness.

"Smalljon," Greatjon began, his booming voice echoing in the hall, "you'll be fostered at Winterfell with other Northern children. It's a chance to learn and strengthen our ties with the Starks."

Smalljon nodded eagerly. "Yes, Father. I'll make you proud."

Greatjon's expression grew serious. "Remember, son, we are loyal to the Starks, but we are also our own men. Learn from them, but don't forget who you are."


At Karhold, Lord Harald Karstark spoke with his daughter, Alys Karstark, in his study. The fire crackled warmly, contrasting with the cold stone walls.

"Alys," Harald said, his tone firm yet gentle, "you will be fostered at Winterfell. This is a chance for you to learn and form bonds that will benefit our house."

Alys looked up at her father, determination in her eyes. "I understand, Father. I will do my best."

Harald nodded approvingly. "Good. Remember to uphold the honor of House Karstark. We are loyal to the Starks, but our strength and independence must always be preserved."


At Cerwyn, Lord Medger Cerwyn sat with his son, Cley Cerwyn, in the family's modest hall. The air was filled with the scents of home-cooked meals and the warmth of a close-knit family.

"Cley," Medger began, his voice calm and reassuring, "you will be fostered at Winterfell. It's an opportunity to learn and grow, and to build our ties with the Starks."

Cley nodded, excitement and a bit of nervousness in his eyes. "I'll do my best, Father."

Medger smiled warmly. "I know you will. Remember to honor our house and learn all you can. The bonds you form there will be important for our future."


At Greywater Watch, Lord Howland Reed spoke to his children, Meera and Jojen Reed, by the edge of the swampy marshes that surrounded their home.

"Meera, Jojen," Howland began, his voice thoughtful, "you will be fostered at Winterfell. It's a chance to see the world beyond our marshes and to strengthen our ties with the Starks."

Meera, always the adventurous one, grinned. "I can't wait to see Winterfell!"

Jojen, more reserved, nodded. "We'll do our best, Father."

Howland's eyes softened with pride. "I know you will. Remember to stay true to who you are, but learn all you can. The North's future depends on strong alliances."

Meera's eyes twinkled with anticipation. "And Jon will be there, too. It'll be good to see him again."

Howland's expression grew more serious. "Yes, Jon will be there. Remember, he is Jaecaerys Targaryen by blood, though he lives as Jon Snow. Protecting that secret is paramount."

Jojen nodded solemnly. "We know, Father. We'll be careful."

Howland's eyes conveyed a depth of understanding. "And while you're at Winterfell, remember to honor the friendships you've built. The bonds between our families will be key in the days to come."


As these lords sent their children off to Winterfell, each hoped their sons and daughters would learn, grow, and strengthen the bonds that would keep the North united and strong in the face of future challenges. The young heirs and heiresses, despite their nerves and excitement, were determined to honor their families and forge their own paths in the storied halls of Winterfell, carrying with them the weight of their families' expectations and the secrets that could shape the future of the North.

At the same time, Tobho Mott arrived at White Harbour with his ten-year-old apprentice, Gendry Waters. Accompanying them was Ser Daemon Sand, the former squire of Oberyn Martell, now acting as their escort. The group was met by Lord Wyman Manderly himself, who had been informed of their arrival by a raven from Winterfell.

"Master Mott, welcome to White Harbour," Lord Wyman greeted them warmly, his large frame imposing yet his demeanor welcoming. "Lord Stark has informed us of your arrival. You will be traveling to Winterfell with my granddaughters, who are to be fostered there."

Tobho Mott inclined his head respectfully. "Thank you, Lord Manderly. We are honored by your hospitality."

Gendry looked around in awe, his wide eyes taking in the sights of the bustling harbor and the grand keep of House Manderly. "Is Winterfell far from here?" he asked, his voice filled with curiosity.

Ser Daemon Sand, standing nearby, gave the boy a reassuring smile. "It is a journey, but not too far. You'll have plenty of time to see the North."

Lord Wyman chuckled, a deep, hearty sound. "Winterfell is a grand place indeed. You'll find much to learn there, Gendry. And Master Mott, your skills will be most welcome in the North."

As they made their way through White Harbour, Lord Wyman provided more details. "You will travel with my granddaughters, Wylla and Wynafryd. They are preparing for the journey as we speak. The road to Winterfell can be challenging, but we will ensure you are well-supplied and protected."

Tobho Mott nodded appreciatively. "I look forward to the journey and to serving House Stark."

When they reached the Manderly keep, Wylla and Wynafryd were waiting, their belongings packed and ready. The girls greeted their grandfather and the new arrivals with polite curtsies.

"Wylla, Wynafryd, this is Master Tobho Mott and his apprentice, Gendry Waters," Lord Wyman introduced. "They will be traveling with you to Winterfell."

Wylla, the elder of the two, smiled warmly. "We are pleased to meet you, Master Mott, Gendry. It will be a pleasure to have your company on the journey."

Wynafryd, quieter but no less welcoming, nodded in agreement. "Yes, we are ready to depart."

Lord Wyman placed a hand on each of his granddaughters' shoulders. "Remember, this is a great opportunity for you both. Learn all you can and represent our house with honor."

With their supplies loaded and the group prepared, they set out from White Harbour, heading toward Winterfell. The journey promised to be one of learning and opportunity, forging new alliances and strengthening old ones as they traveled through the rugged landscape of the North.

A certain Red Priestess, Melisandre of Asshai, made her way through the bustling streets to a modest inn where she was to meet a fellow Red Priest, Thoros of Myr. As she entered the dimly lit common room, the firelight flickered off the walls, casting eerie shadows that seemed to dance in time with the low murmur of conversation. 

Thoros was easy to spot, his flame-colored robes standing out among the drab attire of the other patrons. He looked up as Melisandre approached, his eyes narrowing with curiosity. "Melisandre," he greeted, rising to offer her a seat. "What brings you here, so far from your usual haunts?"

Melisandre sat down gracefully, her eyes intense and focused. "I have seen visions in the flames, Thoros. They tell me I must journey North. But I need an escort, someone who knows the land and its people."

Thoros nodded, intrigued. "The North is not a place for the faint of heart. What did you see in your visions?"

Melisandre's voice was low and fervent as she described the images that had come to her: "A young lord, fierce and unyielding. A wolf with eyes of fire. He stands at the center of a great battle, a beacon of light in the darkness."

Thoros listened intently, his expression growing more serious. "The young lord you speak of, he must be Cregan Stark, the Demon Wolf. I saw him myself at the Siege of Pyke. The boy was only ten, yet he fought Dagmer Cleftjaw with a ferocity and skill that belied his years. It was as if the flames themselves guided his hand."

Melisandre's eyes glinted with recognition. "Yes, it must be him. The flames have shown me his importance. He is destined for something great, something that will change the fate of the North and perhaps all of Westeros."

Thoros leaned back, contemplating her words. "If it is Cregan Stark you seek, then your journey will be perilous, but necessary. The North is vast and treacherous, especially now with winter coming. But if the flames have called you, then it is a path you must follow."

Melisandre nodded, her resolve unwavering. "Will you come with me, Thoros? Your knowledge of the North and your skill in battle will be invaluable."

Thoros considered for a moment before he replied, "I will. The Lord of Light has brought us together for a reason. We will go to the North and find this young lord. The Demon Wolf must be guided by the flames, and we will ensure he fulfills his destiny."

With their agreement sealed, the two Red Priests prepared to embark on their journey, driven by the visions and the will of the Lord of Light. The path ahead was uncertain and fraught with danger, but they were united in their purpose, determined to find Cregan Stark and see the prophecy come to fruition.

At Winterfell, Cregan Stark's nights were increasingly filled with vivid and surreal dreams. As he drifted into sleep, he often found himself warging into Padfoot, his direwolf, exploring the ancient and shadowy depths of the Wolfswood. These dreams, though unsettling, seemed to guide him toward a deeper understanding of his world and his purpose.

One night, the dream led him to a clearing deep within the Wolfswood, where the ancient weirwood trees stood silent, their faces carved with expressions of deep wisdom. In the center of the clearing, one weirwood tree with a particularly ancient face seemed to beckon him forward. Padfoot approached cautiously, sensing a powerful presence.

In a heartbeat, Cregan found himself standing before the weirwood tree in his human form. The air around him crackled with an ancient power, and he sensed he was in the presence of the Old Gods. The carved face of the tree came alive, its eyes glowing with an ethereal light.

"Cregan Stark," the deep, resonant voice of the Old Gods echoed through the clearing, "we know who you truly are. In your previous life, you were Harry Potter, the Boy Who Lived."

A shiver ran down Cregan's spine. The truth of his past life was both unsettling and clarifying. "Why have you brought me here?" he asked, his voice steady despite the awe and trepidation he felt.

The Old Gods' voice continued, "You have a great destiny. You are chosen to play a crucial role in the battle against the Great Other. To aid you, we grant you the Resurrection Stone, the second of the Deathly Hallows."

A stone materialized in Cregan's hand, its surface cool and smooth, bearing the mark of the Hallows. He felt its power immediately, a significant weight both physically and spiritually. "The Resurrection Stone," he murmured, acknowledging its importance.

The voice grew more solemn. "You already possess the Elder Wand, given to you in your childhood. To complete your quest, you must seek the third Hallow, the Cloak of Invisibility. This requires you to journey to the ruins of Old Valyria and commune with the Valyrian Gods. They will guide you to the final Hallow."

Cregan nodded, his determination solidifying. "I will seek the Valyrian Gods and complete the Hallows."

The Old Gods' voice took on a more urgent tone. "Beware of the Three-Eyed Raven. He is a liar and manipulator, not to be trusted. His guidance may lead you astray. We know of his deceit, for he is like one you might remember from your past life."

Cregan's mind flashed to the figure of Albus Dumbledore, who had often wielded influence under the guise of wisdom. A vow formed in his heart. "I understand. I will be wary of this Three-Eyed Raven and not be deceived by his false counsel."

"Good," the Old Gods intoned. "Your path will be fraught with peril, but with the Hallows and your vigilance, you can confront the darkness. Trust in the gifts we have given you and in your own strength."

As the vision began to fade, Cregan felt a renewed sense of purpose. He knew the journey to Old Valyria would be perilous, but he was resolute. With the Resurrection Stone in his possession and the Elder Wand at his side, he felt ready to face whatever challenges lay ahead.

Awakening, Cregan's resolve was firm. He would prepare for the journey to Old Valyria, determined to seek the third Hallow and wary of any deception. The fight against the Great Other was daunting, but with the power of the Hallows and his own inner strength, he was prepared to embrace his destiny.


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