
Chapter 88

Abeloth's planet was located in the Maw which was an unstable and mostly unnavigable cluster of black holes located near the planet Kessel. It was the place where Abeloth was being imprisoned.

The Ship was specially equipped to navigate through these Black holes and reach it's intended target which is exactly what happened.

As the Ship approached the planet Alexander stood on the bridge of the ship watching the stars as he get's closer to his objective.

"Sir we have approached the desired location" Reported one of the Bridge officer's

Alexander opened his eyes and stared at the planet. From it he could feel the domineering presence of who he'd guess to be the one known as Abeloth.

"Alright Gentlemen I will head down by myself as planned, But if you don't here from me in three day's then send out the distress signal and bring an army to come find me" Said Alexander as he turned around.

All the men stood up and saluted him as he left the Bridge.

He walked to the small hanger of the Corvette and boarded his shuttle. Once inside he turned on the ship and the Hanger bay doors opened.

All the men in the Hanger had gathered together and saluted him before he departed into space and off to face one of the most dangerous mission's in the Galaxy.

After a few minutes of flying Alexander had already gotten through the atmosphere and he was now flying through the air.

He had used to force to focus his entire mind on sensing the Font of power. And it didn't take him long as he had found it due to the immense amount of dark energy that it was producing.

So Alexander landed the shuttle next to the source which was a cave surrounded by trees, and vines inside of the dense forest.

Before he left the Shuttle he activated the two Droid's that was packed into the Shuttle while Cortana activated the surveillance system of the Shuttle which sent out two small droids the size of a small rock to survey the area.

And immediately she picked up movement "Alexander She is here" Said Cortana as she was looking at Abeloth the hideous creature that was watching Alexander as he walked towards the Cave.

"It's alright she is probably just here to watch for now to see if I can pass the trial or maybe she will try and fight me once I do" Said Alexander as he proceeded into the Cave

"Just watch her for now and warn me if she does anything strange" Said Alexander as he walked down the narrow corridor's of the Cave.

As he walked he could feel the Dark energy getting stronger and stronger until he stopped walking.

Right in front of him was the very thing that he had been searching for.

The Font of Power.

Alexander already had enough preparation time so he took all of his clothes off and took his first step into the Font of Power.

Immediately he felt his mind being attacked as he lowered his body inside of the Font until it reached his shoulder's.

His body stood still while in his mind it was pure darkness. Until a version of his own self stood in front of him.

This other version of himself had an evil smile in his face. And all it said was one word "WEAK!"

"You have all that power yet you do nothing with it. By now you could have had the Galaxy dancing in the palms of your hand, your every word could have put fear in those that opposed you, The power to destroy Planet's could have been just one word away.

Yet you waste all of that for Balance, Luckily I will take over to change all of that. The Galactic Empire will be no more once I am done, and that Self proclaimed Sith Lord will be licking my feet once I'm done with him and all of those Who serve him, no one will be able to stop me from achieving WHAT YOU COULD NOT" The more the other version of Alexander talked the more Alexander had to endure in his mind.

"Look at you now struggling to contain the power that you wish to hold, What I'm about to do to your pathetic soul will only be the start of my journey to power" Said the Other Version of Alexander as he pulled out his Lightsaber and ignited.

Alexander whose Mind was fighting back all this time had finally overpowered the Dark energy attacking him allowing Alexander to gain control back.

"I will not let you have your way with what I have built so far, To rule with Fear should be a common thing for ruler's to exert their authority but to only rule with fear is the path to becoming a tyrant which is something that I will never become" Yelled Alexander as he took out his Lightsaber.

Alexander and his doppelganger clashed, their Lightsabers colliding in a fierce duel.

They both continued their battle as they were evenly matched considering they were the same person.

But because of this the other Alexander could read his moves. So when Alexander was about to perform an downward strike his doppelganger had dodged and aimed for his left arm.

Alexander unable to block had took a hit and watched as his right arm fell off of his body and onto what was the ground. He couldn't tell if it was the ground since all around them was an infinite darkness.

But now Alexander only had one hand to fight with "It should be know that throughout history it has always been the strong who prevailed over the weak"

"This battle has long been decided once you decided to bathe in that Font of power hoping to get stronger" Said the Doppelganger as he charged at Alexander once more.

Alexander looked at the Doppelganger as time slowed down long enough for him to hear his own thoughts "I refuse to die like this, I can't die like this" Alexander repeated those two things in his head.

"I have come all this way and now right in front of me is the key to gaining this power, yet here I am losing and at a further disadvantage because I lost my arm. NO, I must find a way, no I will find a way" His body instinctively started to draw from the Infinite Darkness around him causing his eye color to change to a glowing Purple color.

Once that happened time returned to normal and in a matter of second's the doppelganger was right in front of him looking to deliver the finishing blow.

But Alexander opened his eyes and looked directly at the doppelganger causing him to stop his attack.

And in that moment of hesitation Alexander counter attacked using his new found power to increase his speed and slice the doppelganger in half.

Now laying on the floor the Doppelganger laughed "The weak may not have the ability to fight overwhelming power but through sheer will and determination can they gain the ability to survive, The power may be weak but it is only limited by their will to achieve what it is they set out to do" 

The doppelganger disappeared and the image around Alexander turned back into reality as he stood there in the middle of the Font of Power.

Alexander could feel it, the limitless power that he just attained. But there was still one more thing to do.

He closed his eyes once again separating his mind from his body and this time he found himself in the Realm of shadows there he walked to the Pool of Knowledge and took a sip from it.

Alexander felt as his mind was attacked once again but he endured the pain as the knowledge of the Force was imprinted into his mind. 

That was also when he saw the vision of himself sitting on a Throne and in front of him was the Galaxy with half of it being red while the other half was a light blue color indicating the Balance.

After seeing this his mind was returned to his body and back to reality.

Alexander didn't know how much time had passed but he could feel that it had been hours so asked Cortana. 

"Cortana how long was I gone for" Asked Alexander

"Alexander you have been standing there for one day and 12 hours completely still" Said Cortana

Alexander was surprised since it didn't feel that long.

"Also Alexander your biological reading's indicate a tremendous increase in your Midi-Chlorian count, actually instead of a count I am picking up that it's unreadable" Said Cortana

"That's understandable since I am now immortal and my force abilities are now limitless" Said Alexander

"Also Alexander the color of your eyes have changed to a glowing purple color" Said Cortana

"Really let me see" Said Alexander as Cortana pulled up a facial image of Alexander of his current state.

"Wow that looks intimidating" Said Alexander

Once he was done looking at his body Alexander walked out of the cave and what he saw was not how he remembered how he left it.

"Im assuming Abeloth did this" Asked Alexander 

"Yes, she completely destroyed the droids' and wrapped the shuttle up with the fauna around the area, and she is approaching you now" Said Cortana

Alexander turned to where he felt the presence as saw Abeloth in a human form standing in front of him.

"The Prey has come out to play at Last" Was what Abeloth said before she attacked Alexander.

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