
Star War Revenge of the Sith

For Star War Fan, this book are well written best on original movies. Enjoy Guys

master1983 · ไซไฟ
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this story happened a long time ago in a galaxy far, far away

It is alrady over. Nothing can be done to change it.

It is a story ef love and loss, brotherhood and betrayal, courage

and sacrifice and the death of drams. It is a story of the blurred

line between our best and our wors

It is the story of the end of an ages.

A strange thing about stories.

Through this all happened sa long age and no far away that

words cannot describe the time or the distance, it is all happening

rigit now. Right here.

lt is happening as you read these words

This is how twenty five millennia come to a close. Corruption

and treachery have crushed a thousand year of peace. This is not

just the end of a republic; night is falling on civilization itelf.

This is the twilight of tihe Jedi.

The end start now.