
Star v. The werewolf one night stand

Star wakes up everyday, munches on food and goes to work on her computer, she takes breaks when she likes and lives a completely unambiguous life,she loves her life so much that she doesn't want anything more not a man, not even kids. So why does she wake up one morning in another continent pregnant and in the dungeon of her one night stands finance's castle and what do they mean by warewolf prince in her belly......she didn't even f*ck anyone shes still a virgin damn it.

ibiso_jou · แฟนตาซี
1 Chs

chapter 1

star woke up from her afternoon nap rested and feeling ready to go back to work after being sick and throwing up all over the toilet, thinking about the mess she had to clean up before going back to work on her desktop computer she let out a heavy sigh, hopping of the bed to put on the lights, she started to wonder when the she has turned them of in the first place when she realised that her feet hadn't still landed on the floor, what the hell she screamed as her brain finally got the message that she was falling.

the sound of flesh hitting the flour accompanied with a loud screech was heard as she fell of her bed which was obviously not her bed because it was too high, almost like a bunk bed.

star groaned, splayed in a awkward position on the floor she checked if anything was broken or sprained as she got up. her brain was going a mile per minute with important questions like were she was and why it is still so dark in the room or dungeon. groping around for a light switch she got to a wall while still feeling nothing in her path, she kicked something bending down to check the felt a rough , dry and hard object, exploring more on what exactly she was touching her heart started to palpitate and she immediately got sick she sent a prayer to all the Gods heard of, hoping it was not someones dried up skeleton she had just groped. cause it felt like bones, the bones of a person, at this point she didn't know whether to pray for it to be an animals bones cause what the hell was she doing so close to bones in the first place dry bones according the her analysis there was a weird smell about them too like dusty almost as.....what was she thinking analysing bones. where the hell was she....

as she wondered in serious anxiety she heard a sound, and then lights too bright for her adjusted eyes shone on her face before her eyes could adjust her nose was covered with some knock out drug and and she lost consciousness