
Star Princess Reborn

Princess Aurelia Astraea Odinkhar—born as the empire's golden star, the youngest daughter of the royal dynasty of Odinkhar As the youngest princess, she was adored by her family and the people equally and recognized throughout the empire as the embodiment of elegance and grace. Aure, descended from the royal family's powerful line, possesses the capacity to tap into the elemental energies of nature, a feature that has run in her family for generations. However, Aure has a secret that could change her life forever: she was reincarnated from another universe.

AngelicDevilLa · แฟนตาซี
8 Chs

Echoes of the Empire

I sat in my room, staring out the window with a deep sense of boredom. It was one of those rare days when I had no lessons, no obligations, and nothing to do. My mind desperately searched for something to occupy my time. And then, a memory from my past life as Kiho came rushing back.

I used to love planting and tending to my garden. The feeling of dirt between my fingers, the joy of seeing plants grow and flourish—it brought me so much happiness. An idea sprouted in my mind, and I couldn't help but smile mischievously. Today, I would become the Princess Gardener.

I called for Beatrice, my loyal maid, and she hurried into the room with a look of confusion on her face. "Princess Aurelia, what can I assist you with?"

I grinned and said, "Beatrice, I want you to dress me in farming clothes and gather some planting tools. We're going to do a little gardening."

Beatrice's eyes widened with horror. "Princess, that is not what princesses do! It's not proper!"

I waved off her concerns, unable to contain my excitement. "Oh, come on, Beatrice! It'll be fun! Besides, it's not like anyone will see us. We'll just go to a vacant land area near the greenhouse."

Beatrice hesitated, clearly torn between her duty and my infectious enthusiasm. Finally, she let out a sigh and gave in to my request. "Alright, Princess. But please be careful. We don't want you getting dirty."

I beamed with delight as Beatrice helped me change into simple farming clothes and handed me a small shovel and a basket of seeds. We made our way to the designated area, and I felt a rush of joy as I stood on the empty plot of land.

With a determined look on my face, I started digging small holes and carefully planting the seeds, just like I used to do as Kiho. Beatrice hovered nearby, her eyes wide with a mix of disbelief and concern.

"Princess Aurelia, this is highly irregular," Beatrice said, wringing her hands. "What if someone sees you? What will they think?"

I giggled, unfazed by her worry. "Oh, Beatrice, let them think what they want. I just want to have some fun and reconnect with my love for gardening."

I was engrossed in my gardening, happily planting and tending to the flowers, when I suddenly heard giggles behind me. Startled, I turned around to find my two mischievous brothers, Prince Ansfrid and Prince Aelfhere, standing there with mischievous grins on their faces.

Ansfrid, the older of the two, couldn't contain his laughter. "Aurelia, what on earth are you doing? Are you playing in the dirt?"

I stood up, my cheeks flushing with a mixture of surprise and excitement. "Yes, Ansfrid! I'm being a Princess Gardener today. Want to join in?"

Aelfhere, always up for an adventure, nodded enthusiastically. "Count us in! But first, we need to get our hands dirty, just like you."

I couldn't help but laugh, feeling a surge of joy at the thought of my brothers joining me in my little gardening escapade. I playfully scooped up a handful of loose soil and flung it at them, their faces now covered in tiny specks of dirt.

Ansfrid gasped, pretending to be shocked. "Princess Aurelia, how dare you throw dirt at your esteemed brothers!"

Aelfhere joined in the fun, brushing off the dirt from his clothes and retaliating by throwing a handful back at me. "Ah, but dear sister, it seems we shall have to teach you a lesson!"

And with that, a playful dirt fight ensued. We ran around the vacant land, laughing and giggling, dirt flying through the air. Our once pristine appearance was now covered in splotches of brown, but at that moment, none of it mattered. We were simply three siblings enjoying a carefree moment together.

Our laughter echoed through the air, drawing the attention of the palace staff nearby. They watched with wide smiles, clearly amused by our antics. The sight of their beloved princess and the princes playing like ordinary children was a heartwarming sight indeed.

Little did we know, our playful mischief had caught the attention of someone else. As we continued to throw dirt at each other, a gasp escaped Queen Twyla's lips as she appeared before us. Her eyes widened, taking in the sight of her children covered from head to toe in mud.

"Ansfrid! Aelfhere! Aurelia!" she exclaimed, a mixture of shock and disapproval in her voice. "What on earth is going on here? You are the future leaders of this kingdom, and look at the state you're in!"

We froze, our smiles fading slightly as we faced the wrath of our mother. However, instead of scolding us further, a mischievous glint appeared in her eyes. She glanced at the three of us, covered in mud, and a smile slowly crept onto her face.

"Very well," Queen Twyla said, her tone filled with playful defiance. "If you want to play in the dirt, then so be it!"

Before we could react, Queen Twyla picked up a handful of mud and playfully smeared it on her own cheek. Our eyes widened in disbelief, but soon enough, laughter erupted from each of us.

"Now we're all in this together!" Queen Twyla declared a twinkle of mischief in her eyes.

And just like that, the once stern and regal queen joined us in our muddy play. We danced around, smudging mud on each other, laughing, and creating memories that would last a lifetime. The palace staff watched in awe as the royal family, including their majestic queen, became children once again, embracing the joy of the moment.

By the time our mud fight came to an end, we were all completely covered in mud, our clothes no longer recognizable under the layers of brown goo. We stood there, breathless and exhilarated, the warmth of laughter and love filling the air.

Queen Twyla, her face adorned with smudged mud, looked at us with a mixture of amusement and pride. "Well, my dear children, I must say, this is quite an unconventional sight for the royal family. But sometimes, breaking the rules and getting a little messy can bring the most joy."

We nodded in agreement, our smiles beaming as we soaked at the moment. The palace staff, who had witnessed the entire scene, couldn't help but burst into applause, their formal demeanor crumbling as they celebrated our unbridled happiness.

As the laughter subsided and we began to realize the mess we had made, we looked at each other, our expressions turning mischievous once again. Without hesitation, we joined hands and took a bow, acknowledging our spectacular mud-covered appearance.

Queen Twyla chuckled, a twinkle in her eye. "Well done, my little adventurers. Now, let us return to the palace and get cleaned up before anyone else sees us like this."

As we walked back towards the palace, our footsteps squelching with every muddy step, we couldn't help but feel a newfound sense of freedom and connection. We had broken free from the expectations that surrounded us and allowed ourselves to embrace the simple joy of being children, even if just for a little while.

Upon our return, the palace staff was quick to assist us in getting cleaned up. We giggled as we watched them scramble to find basins of warm water and clean clothes. They couldn't hide their amusement and affection for us, their beloved royal family who had momentarily let go of the weight of the crown.

After our adventurous mud play, I returned to the palace with my brothers, our laughter fading into a sense of contentment. Beatrice, my loyal maid, awaited us with a mix of concern and amusement. As I approached, she shook her head, unable to hide her disbelief.

"Princess Aurelia, I can hardly recognize you under all that mud! You truly have a talent for finding mischief," Beatrice exclaimed, a fond smile tugging at her lips.

I chuckled, feeling a slight twinge of guilt. "I apologize for the mess, Beatrice. But it was so much fun! You should have joined us."

Beatrice raised an eyebrow, a playful glint in her eye. "Oh, I'm far too old to be playing in the mud, Your Highness. But perhaps I'll join in next time."

With that, she escorted me to my chambers, where a warm bath had been prepared. As I soaked in the rejuvenating water, the mud washing away, I couldn't help but reflect on the day's events. It had been a delightful deviation from my usual routine, a reminder that even as a princess, I could find joy in the simplest of things.

Once I was cleaned up and dressed in fresh attire, Beatrice informed me of the next item on my schedule—the introduction to my new history teacher, Mr. Folle. As we made our way to the study hall, anticipation coursed through me. I had always loved history, and the opportunity to learn from a retired teacher from the prestigious Royal Academy of Odinkhar excited me.

As we entered the study hall, a tall man with silver hair and spectacles stood near the desk, his gaze fixed on a book. Mr. Folle, I presumed. Beatrice cleared her throat to announce our arrival, and he looked up, a kind smile spreading across his face.

"Ah, Princess Aurelia, it is a pleasure to meet you," Mr. Folle greeted me warmly. "I have heard much about you and your keen interest in history. I hope to make our lessons engaging and insightful."

I curtsied politely, a sense of respect and curiosity welling up within me. "The pleasure is mine, Mr. Folle. I have always found history fascinating and look forward to learning from your expertise."

Mr. Folle chuckled, his eyes twinkling. "I can see the sparkle of curiosity in your eyes, Princess Aurelia. History is a treasure trove of stories, waiting to be discovered and shared."

Over the next few hours, Mr. Folle embarked on a journey through the annals of our empire's history, weaving tales of ancient battles, illustrious monarchs, and the rise and fall of civilizations. His words painted vivid pictures in my mind, transporting me to eras long past.

As I delved deeper into the annals of history under Mr. Folle's tutelage, I embarked on a fascinating journey through the rich tapestry of the Odinkhar Empire. With each lesson, I discovered the stories that shaped our land, the triumphs, and tribulations that wove together the fabric of our civilization.

The history of the Odinkhar Empire traced its origins to a time long past, when the land was a patchwork of disparate kingdoms, each vying for dominance. It was King Eldric Odinkhar, the first ruler of our united empire, who united these realms through diplomacy, forging an alliance that would withstand the test of time.

To ensure the stability and efficient governance of the vast empire, King Eldric divided the land into four regions—the north, south, east, and west—each entrusted to a noble family closely tied to the royal lineage. These families, known as the Fransefe, Bolse, Welsio, and Gishes, took on the responsibility of managing their respective regions, acting as intermediaries between the royal family and the local populace.

In the north, the Fransefe family, led by the revered Duke Lucian Fransefe, held sway over the land of rugged mountains and ancient forests. Their lineage was steeped in traditions of valor and resilience, and their warriors were known for their unyielding loyalty to the empire. The Fransefe family's strong military presence and strategic alliances fortified the northern border, protecting the empire from external threats.

In the south, the Bolse family, headed by the charismatic Duchess Soffia Bolse, presided over fertile plains and bustling cities. Their domain thrived as the economic heart of the empire, with trade routes flourishing under their astute management. The Bolse family's expertise in commerce and governance ensured the prosperity of the Odinkhar Empire, with their influence reaching far beyond the borders of their own region.

To the west, the Welsio family, led by the wise Duke Adisu Welsio, governed a land of rolling hills and picturesque landscapes. Known for their agricultural prowess, the Welsio family oversaw vast farmlands and intricate irrigation systems that sustained the empire's food supply. Their commitment to sustainable farming practices and their harmonious relationship with nature made them the guardians of Odinkhar's environmental well-being.

In the east, the Gishes family, under the guidance of Duke Dieos Gishes, held dominion over an enigmatic land of mist-shrouded forests and ancient ruins. Their region was steeped in mysticism and knowledge, renowned for its scholars and arcane practitioners. The Gishes family's deep understanding of the occult and their preservation of ancient texts ensured the empire's continued cultural and intellectual advancement.

While each region thrived under the stewardship of these noble families, their collective strength lay in their unbreakable ties to the royal family. The symbiotic relationship between the imperial dynasty and these regional leaders formed the bedrock of the Odinkhar Empire, fostering unity, stability, and prosperity throughout the land.

Through the centuries, the empire weathered countless challenges, both internal and external. Wars were waged, alliances forged and broken, and rulers rose and fell. Yet, the enduring bond between the royal family and the regional families remained steadfast, a testament to the resilience of the Odinkhar Empire.

As Mr. Folle unraveled these intricate tales of power, politics, and cultural heritage, I marveled at the complex web of interdependencies that defined our empire. The diverse strengths of each region, and the harmony between the noble families and the royal dynasty, all worked in harmony to uphold the Odinkhar Empire's legacy.

With each history lesson, my appreciation for the delicate balance of power within the Odinkhar Empire deepened. I learned about the great challenges faced by the noble families and their unwavering commitment to the empire's prosperity. The stories of their triumphs and sacrifices resonated within me, fostering a profound sense of gratitude for the stability and unity they had maintained throughout the centuries.

It became evident that the strength of the empire lay not only in its military might or economic prowess but also in the shared values and interconnectedness of its people. The Fransefe family's unwavering loyalty, the Bolse family's astute governance, the Welsio family's commitment to sustainability, and the Gishes family's pursuit of knowledge—all these qualities intertwined to form the very foundation of the Odinkhar Empire.

As I absorbed these historical narratives, I began to understand the weight of my role as a princess. It was not just a matter of royal lineage or inherited privilege; it carried with it the responsibility to uphold the ideals and traditions that had guided our empire for generations.

Mr. Folle, with his vast knowledge and impassioned storytelling, helped me uncover the intricacies of each noble family's contribution to the empire. He emphasized the importance of balance and collaboration, showcasing how the unique strengths of each region complemented one another, creating a harmonious whole.

Through his teachings, I realized that the Odinkhar Empire was not merely a collection of territories, but a tapestry of diverse cultures, united by a common purpose. It was the delicate interplay between the North, South, East, and West that made us stronger, more resilient, and capable of facing any challenge that came our way.

As I absorbed the knowledge imparted by Mr. Folle, I couldn't help but feel a deep admiration for the noble families that governed each region. Their dedication to their people and their unwavering loyalty to the royal family became a source of inspiration for me. I yearned to follow in their footsteps, to become a leader who understood the needs of the empire's citizens and worked tirelessly to uphold its principles.

The sun's golden rays bathed the palace pavilion as I strolled leisurely, allowing my thoughts to wander. The day's lessons with Mr. Folle left me both inspired and contemplative. Lost in my musings, I glanced around, admiring the vibrant blooms and the tranquil beauty of the palace gardens.

And then, as if by fate's gentle hand, I caught sight of a familiar face amidst the bustling courtyard. It was Artaxiad, the young son of Duke Lucian Fransefe, who governed the northern region of our beloved empire and Aurelia's supposed to be fiance in the novel. A smile tugged at the corners of my lips as I watched him, his presence bringing a sense of familiarity and warmth.

With a mix of intrigue and caution, I approached Artaxiad, my steps measured and composed. His icy gaze met mine, revealing nothing of the thoughts that lay behind those captivating eyes. A hint of surprise flickered across his face, almost imperceptible, as he acknowledged my presence.

" Princess Aurelia," he greeted in a detached tone, his voice tinged with a touch of formality. "What brings you to the pavilion?"

His words lacked warmth, yet I could not help but be drawn to the mystery that enveloped him. I offered a polite smile, not daring to assume a level of familiarity that did not exist. "Artaxiad," I replied, maintaining a polite distance. "I was merely taking a moment to enjoy the serenity of the gardens and escape the confines of the palace walls."

His gaze lingered on me for a brief moment, as if assessing my presence. "I see," he murmured, his tone betraying little emotion.

The silence between us felt palpable, a reminder of the walls he had erected around himself. Nevertheless, a spark of curiosity within me pushed me to continue the conversation, eager to understand the enigmatic young man before me.

"I must admit, Artaxiad," I ventured cautiously, "I have always wondered about the northern region and its unique beauty. The tales of your family's valor and loyalty have intrigued me since childhood."

He glanced at me briefly, his expression guarded. "Tales can be deceptive," he replied cryptically, offering no further insight.

Undeterred, I pressed on, hoping to bridge the gap that seemed to separate us. "I believe there is more to you than meets the eye, Artaxiad. I sense a depth within you, hidden beneath the aloof exterior."

A flicker of surprise danced across his features, momentarily breaking the facade of detachment. His guarded countenance softened, if only for a fleeting moment. "You perceive more than most, Aurelia," he conceded, his voice tinged with a touch of vulnerability.

At that moment, a connection sparked between us, fragile yet undeniable. We both carried burdens and secrets, navigating the complexities of our roles within the empire. Though our friendship had not yet blossomed, I sensed the potential for a bond that could transcend the barriers he had erected.

I glanced up and caught a glimpse of familiar figures approaching us from a distance. Duke Lucian and King Asjborn walked side by side, engrossed in an animated discussion.

As Duke Lucian and King Asjborn approached, I couldn't help but notice the lines etched upon their brows, evidence of the weight they carried as leaders of our empire. There was a sense of urgency in their steps, their voices hushed yet laden with importance.

As Duke Lucian and King Asjborn walked towards us, engaged in their discussion, I couldn't help but feel a sense of unease. I greeted them with a respectful curtsy, my voice polite but tinged with caution.

"Your Majesty, Duke Lucian," I said, my words carrying a hint of formality. "A pleasant surprise to see you both here."

King Asjborn's eyes lit up with tender affection as he met my gaze. "Princess Aurelia," he exclaimed, his voice filled with warmth. "It is always a pleasure to see you, my dear."

Duke Lucian, too, wore a soft smile, his eyes reflecting a sense of familiarity. "Princess Aurelia, it is good to see you," he said warmly, his voice carrying a hint of fondness.

As they paused their conversation, King Asjborn turned to me, his expression softening even further. "Aurelia, my dear, how have you been? I trust you are well?"

I nodded eagerly, a radiant smile gracing my lips. "Yes, Your Majesty," I replied. "I have been well. Thank you for asking."

Duke Lucian chimed in, his voice filled with a gentle camaraderie. "Princess Aurelia, we were just discussing important matters regarding the kingdom," he explained. "But I must say, seeing you here brings a much-needed joy to the conversation."

"I apologize for interrupting," I murmured, my voice tinged with unease. "Please excuse me." As I bid them farewells and continued on my way, I watched them as I depart with a renewed sense of gratitude.

As I watched King Asjborn and Duke Lucian continue their conversation, a sense of curiosity gnawed at me. I couldn't help but wonder what important matters they were discussing, especially when their tones seemed grave and concerned.

As they moved away, my mind raced, trying to make sense of their words. Suddenly, it struck me like a bolt of lightning. I recalled the pages of the novel I had read, where tales of monsters lurking in the north had caused havoc in nearby villages.

My heart skipped a beat as the pieces of the puzzle fell into place. Could it be that the conversation between King Asjborn and Duke Lucian revolved around these very monsters? Were they discussing the growing threat and the potential danger it posed to our empire?

A surge of determination coursed through me. I couldn't sit idly by while our people faced peril. If the monsters were stirring and causing harm, it was my duty as a princess to do everything within my power to protect our land and its inhabitants.

With renewed purpose, I set forth on a mission to gather information. I sought out the royal library, delving into the records of past encounters with these creatures. I scoured ancient texts and consulted maps, piecing together the history and nature of these fearsome beasts.

As I immersed myself in the knowledge, I discovered that the monsters in the north were not mere legends but tangible threats that demanded attention. They were formidable creatures, with the power to wreak havoc and sow fear among our people.

Armed with this newfound understanding, I knew that action was necessary. I resolved to seek an audience with my father, King Asjborn, and share what I had learned. It was imperative that we take proactive measures to safeguard our empire and its people.

As I made my way to the throne room, a mix of trepidation and determination swirled within me. I knew that my request would not be taken lightly, but I also understood the weight of responsibility that rested upon my shoulders.

Entering the throne room, I found King Asjborn seated upon his regal throne, his countenance a mix of regal authority and paternal love. I approached him, my voice steady and resolute.

"Father," I began, my tone carrying a sense of urgency, "I have discovered something of grave concern. The monsters in the north are stirring, and reports suggest that they have begun causing havoc in nearby villages. We must act swiftly to protect our people."

King Asjborn regarded me with a mixture of pride and concern. He listened intently as I shared the knowledge I had acquired, the dangers that loomed, and the urgency of the situation.

His expression softened, and he placed a comforting hand on mine. "Aurelia, my dear, your diligence and concern for our people are admirable. You have grown into a remarkable princess, filled with compassion and a sense of duty."

He rose from his throne, his gaze meeting mine with unwavering resolve. "We shall not let our people suffer at the hands of these creatures. I will gather the council, and together, we shall devise a plan to protect our lands and confront this threat."

A surge of relief washed over me. My father's unwavering support and his commitment to the welfare of our people filled me with renewed strength. We would face the challenges together, united in our resolve to safeguard our empire.

With a renewed sense of purpose, I stood by my father's side, ready to face the trials ahead. The monsters in the north may be formidable, but the love and dedication we held for our empire would guide us toward victory.

I retreated to the solace of my room, my heart heavy with conflicting emotions. The encounter with Artaxiad had left me with a tumultuous whirlwind of thoughts, and the stirring of monsters from the north. As I sank onto the plush cushions of my window seat, I couldn't help but give in to the urge to vent my frustrations.

I ranted to myself, my words a jumble of confusion and frustration. "Why must he be so cold and distant? What is it about him that stirs such conflicting feelings within me? I don't like him, not at all."

With each word, my frustration grew, as if the act of speaking them aloud would somehow relieve the heaviness that weighed upon my heart. I spoke of his aloofness, his guarded nature that made it nearly impossible to penetrate the walls he had erected around himself. I lamented the difficulties in understanding him, the uncertainty that clouded our interactions.

As I ranted, my words echoed in the room, bouncing off the walls and lingering in the air. The emptiness of the space only magnified the intensity of my emotions, and I found myself questioning the very nature of our connection.

"Why does he affect me so?" I mused, my voice filled with frustration. "I have tried to understand him, to bridge the gap between us, but he remains an enigma. How can I like someone so distant, so unreachable?"

The air in the room felt heavy as if my frustrations had taken on a tangible form, weighing down on me. I sank further into the window seat, my thoughts swirling with a mix of disappointment, confusion, and a tinge of sadness.

But as the moments passed and the echoes of my words faded, a newfound clarity began to emerge. I realized that perhaps my frustrations stemmed not from a dislike of Artaxiad, but rather from my own struggle to comprehend him. He challenged me in ways I had never experienced before, and that unsettled me.

Deep down, I knew there was more to Artaxiad than met the eye. Beneath his cold exterior, there lay a hidden depth, a complexity that both intrigued and frustrated me. I couldn't deny the spark of curiosity that continued to burn within me, compelling me to unravel the enigma that he represented.

With a sigh, I leaned against the window frame, gazing out into the evening sky. The fading light cast a soft glow upon the palace grounds, a gentle reminder that even amidst the confusion and uncertainty, there was beauty and hope.

"I may not understand him completely," I whispered to the twilight, my voice filled with a mix of determination and a touch of vulnerability. "But I am willing to explore the depths of our connection. I will not let his aloofness deter me from discovering the truth that lies within him."

At that moment, a seed of resilience was planted within me, a resolve to overcome the obstacles that stood between Artaxiad and me. Our journey was far from over, and I knew that in order to truly understand him, I needed to approach him with an open heart and a willingness to embrace the unknown.

As the last traces of daylight faded from the sky, I made a silent promise to myself. I would navigate the intricate complexities of our friendship, willing to explore the uncharted territories of our connection. For in the depths of uncertainty, there lay the potential for growth, understanding, and a bond that transcended the boundaries of expectation.

And so, with renewed determination, I set aside my frustrations and prepared myself for the challenges that lay ahead. The path to understanding Artaxiad would not be easy, but I was ready to embark on this journey, armed with the hope that our connection would ultimately reveal the truths we both sought.