
Star Lords:My Star Fleet Is Billion Points Strong

300,000 earthlings traveled to the Milky Way galaxy.   Each person gets an initial life planet, becomes a planet lord, and develops their own civilization.   Fang Ze is a planet lord of scientific and technological civilization. From the beginning, he has a super god-level technological talent - construction/production has no time to cool down.   Other lords have not yet entered the interstellar age, and his interstellar fleet has already set sail, occupying one life planet after another.   Other lords have just led their troops into the starry sky, and his fleet has already conquered countless alien civilizations.   When the planet lords are preparing to open up interstellar battlefields and make great plans.   Fang Ze's imperial fleet has already spanned tens of millions of light-years and has reached the outer space of their planet! ----------------------------------------- Not my Novel. Mtl translated. (No proof reading) Author:Entertainment Fox Fox Update ( 娱乐狐狐狐 ) Original Title: 星际领主:我的星际舰队亿点强

jjjakio · ไซไฟ
130 Chs

The terrible main gun of the cruise mothership! Sacrifice!

The starry sky millions of miles away from the interstellar battlefield.

An asteroid with a diameter of thousands of kilometers is floating.

Fang Ze's ship is docked here.

As the ruler of civilization, his Impossible Ship enters the battlefield.

After all, the dense high-energy particle cannon beams on the battlefield do not have long eyes, and if his ship is blown up by a cannon, he will be cold.

Parked at the rear, he can also receive information on the battlefield in time.

Orsa stared at the big screen of the command ship.

Said to Fang Ze: "Lord Lord, Captain Hart has led the 10,000-meter-class heavy space battleship fleet to surround the past. Cooperating with Captain Bamu's fleet, it is enough to eat the full star fleet of the Pero civilization!"

A full fleet of one hundred and fifty starships, plus one million 10,000-meter-class heavy space battleships.

A fleet of one hundred and twenty starships of various types to deal with the Pelo civilization.

This kind of crushing is like an interstellar war. If they can't beat them, then Captain Hart and Captain Bamu can kill themselves.

Fang Ze said: "Tell the two fleet commanders to capture the 30,000-meter-class interstellar cruise ship as much as possible! Last time, let the Lizardman head "637" lead an interstellar cruise carrier to escape , this time must not be missed!"

A 30,000-meter-class interstellar cruise ship.

He was dumbfounded for a long time.

The last time he missed the interstellar cruise ship Thorin II, the leader of the lizardmen, he regretted it for a long time.

This time he must grab one and use it as his ship.

"Okay, my lord!

Orsa quickly passed Fang Ze's order to Captain Hart and Captain Bamu on the frontline.

At the end she said: "Don't worry, Lord, that interstellar cruise ship cannot escape!"

Starship "To enter the sub-light speed sailing mode, it needs a long engine buffer. This time is enough for our fleet to intercept it!"

Fang Ze nodded.

His eyes fell on the big screen in the command cabin.

Pay close attention to the information dynamics on the battlefield ahead.

So far, the Starfleet of the Pelo Empire civilization has lost more than thirty starships of various types, while none of his fleets have been destroyed.

This is thanks to the power of the ship's energy shield!

Without the shipboard energy shield, his fleet could not have zero casualties.

But at this time.

Fang Ze suddenly discovered that five of the energy beacons representing our starship had disappeared all at once on the big screen.

This means that at the same time, five of his starships were destroyed.

Fang Ze frowned: "Ask Captain Hart what happened on the battlefield!"

Orsa hurriedly contacted Captain Hart to inquire about the situation.

After a while, she replied to Fang Ze and said, "Lord Lord, the five destroyed starships are all 5,000-meter-class medium battleships!"

"They're under attack from that interstellar cruiser!"

"The super-giant high-energy particle cannon mounted on the interstellar cruise ship has an attack energy value that exceeds the critical point of our starship's energy shield.

"This caused the energy shield to break down in an instant."

"The starship was also destroyed!"

It turned out to be "that mothership!"

Fang Ze was not surprised when he heard it.

Energy shield, the attacks that can be resisted are also limited.

If the attack energy value is lower than this limit, as long as enough energy blocks are stored, the energy shield can be maintained.

But if it exceeds this limit.

The energy shield can't hold it anymore and will be exploded.

The 30,000-meter-class interstellar cruise ship..

The attack power of the ship's main gun is so powerful that it is terrifying.

Even if it can't compare to a star destroyer in the true sense, within ten cannons, it can definitely detonate a planet.

Its attack energy value is bound to far exceed the limit that the starship's energy shield can resist.

In other words.

Ship in front of this interstellar aircraft carrier.

Small, medium, and large starships, even if they are equipped with shipboard energy shield devices, cannot withstand its attacks.

Perhaps only the energy shields of the 10,000-meter-class heavy interstellar battleships on the battlefield can barely hit the interstellar cruise ship.

Fang Ze said: "Tell Captain Hart and Captain Bamu to find a way to destroy the onboard guns of the interstellar cruise ship! We can repair them if they are damaged, but they must not be allowed to bombard our fleet!"

"Yes, Lord!

on the interstellar battlefield.

Watching the fleet's starships explode one by one.

The Pello officers and soldiers in the command cabin of the interstellar cruise ship were all flustered.

Especially the fleet that just joined the battlefield, there are a full one million heavy space battleships of 10,000 meters, and the terrifying artillery fire caused their fleet formation to collapse directly.

One million 10,000-meter-class heavy space battleships.

What is this concept?

The Seventh Comprehensive Fleet of the Pero Empire, where they were located, had three fully-staffed interstellar fleets, and only 30 10,000-meter-class heavy interstellar battleships.

Today, they have only ten heavy space battleships on the battlefield.

One-tenth the size of an enemy heavy starship.

Although it is said that the enemy fleet has no starships that can compete with their interstellar cruisers, but the heavy interstellar battleships of the enemy fleet are surrounded, enough to blast their interstellar cruisers into scum.

This civilization came out of nowhere, and the power of war is simply too terrifying!

Their fleet could not resist such a terrifying attack at all!

"Lord Commander, we must retreat immediately! Otherwise, the fleet will be wiped out in this star field!"

"It turned out that a full one million 10,000-meter-class heavy interstellar warships were used to form a fleet alone, where is this perverted civilization that came from!

"Are they the rumored interstellar predators?"

Hearing this name, the officers and soldiers of the Pelosi Civilization Fleet present turned pale.

Interstellar predators, which are synonymous with destruction, are more ferocious than interstellar pirates.

Interstellar pirates, generally only for the purpose of looting resources.

And the interstellar predator, that is the real source of planetary destruction.

They don't just loot planetary resources.

Before leaving, an unknown red substance will be placed at the core of the planet.0

This red substance only needs one standard unit to create a singularity, form a black hole, and devour the entire planet.

Although they have never seen an interstellar predator, they have also heard terrible rumors of an interstellar predator.

For a time, fear enveloped the entire mothership command module.

In the end, it was the fleet commander who broke the terrifying atmosphere and said, "If they were interstellar predators, our fleet would have already ended. Don't think about it, it's important to leave the battlefield!"

"Pass my order, all starships and carrier-based aircraft, escort the mothership of Sorin IV!"

"As long as the Sorin IV mothership successfully enters sublight mode, we will be able to get out of here alive!"

"Yes, Commander-sama!!"

The fleet officers and soldiers finally raised their morale.

As the fleet commander's order was conveyed, the Pelovin starships and carrier-based aircraft scattered on the battlefield quickly gathered to protect the interstellar cruise ship in the center.

Even if a starship has been locked by the high-energy particle cannon, the officers and soldiers in the starship did not make any evasive actions, and let the high-energy particle cannon destroy the starship.

They are using their lives.

Protect the interstellar cruiser Sorin IV!

At the same time, the Sorin 4 interstellar cruise ship also turned on its onboard engines at full power, attempting to forcefully accelerate and enter the sub-light speed sailing mode.

Once successful, it can escape the battlefield!

"Want to escape?"

Captain Hart said with a calm expression: "Order all heavy interstellar battleships to bombard the left and right auxiliary engines of the interstellar cruise ship!"

"How could I let you escape!"

With an order, a 10,000-meter-class heavy interstellar battleship gathered.

Like a school of fish, it surrounds the Starfleet of the Pelo civilization in the center.

Boom boom boom..

In an instant, countless thick high-energy particle cannon beams blasted directly into the fleet camp of the Pero civilization.

For a time, the starships of the Pelosi Civilization Fleet were blown up by 0.3 in succession.

The densely circling carrier-based aircraft groups turned into countless bright fireballs.

"Lord Commander! The artillery fire of the enemy fleet is too strong, and the outer starships can't resist it at all..

"Warning! Warning!"

"The nacelle on the left wing of the battleship was destroyed and rendered useless!"

"Right wing engine can be attacked, power reduced to 80%, 70%, 50%

"Damn it!

The fleet commander roared: "Who can tell me how long it will take for the mothership to enter the sub-light speed sailing mode? Can't the Sorin IV, which sacrificed the entire fleet of starships to protect it, also escape?"

"Mean, Commander, the engine bay on the right wing of the mothership was destroyed and rendered useless!

"Now the mothership only has a single main engine left, and the propulsion is greatly reduced, and there is no way to help us enter the sub-light speed sailing mode!

"Lord Commander, the guards of the Sorin IV starship have been wiped out!"

"In the entire battlefield, we are the only ones left!!"