“On a certain day, To an uncertain parent, A child of both male and female shall be born, Under all the stars in the sky, And they shall unite all nations as one, Bringing peace forevermore.” In a world of myth and magic, torn by war and desire, such a prophecy was made foretelling the coming of a messiah that shall unify all under their banner. On the promised day, a disgraced, pregnant noblewoman fled her country to seek peace and shelter away from a great war. On the run, she gave birth to a beautiful child who claimed to be the future king. From that day forth, the child set out to fulfill their destiny and find out what it truly means to be a king and savior.
No, that couldn't be; it had to be fake, an illusion, a trick of the mind. His mother was gone. He saw it with his own eyes, and yet… that was her voice.
David took a deep breath. He was in a new land with new rules, which meant that other forces could be at play there. There was a need to focus, and so he did, steeling himself properly.
He stared around, watching every moment possible, anything out of the ordinary within the sea, listening to the song of the ocean until he found what appeared to be several small fishing boats in the water. On them were strange, half-dressed old men with leaf hats playing on a flute.
They seemed to harbor no ill will, yet something about them were unsettling, so David called out to them. "We have come here to these waters to enter Galfania. Who may you be?"