
star dominance

He found himself in the body of a young child inside a dark room in another world completely different from Earth. Unaware of the reason for his reincarnation or the reason for his existence, he decided to continue with this second life, to roam the different worlds one after the other, to spread his name in all the parts of the galaxy with friends, rivals, and enemies along the way to greatness, to live one of the most epic stories in history.

Dark_Monrach · แฟนตาซี
38 Chs

Chapter Seventeen: The Price of Sha Xing's Madness

Chapter Seventeen: The Price of Sha Xing's Madness

"The walk wasn't the only thing he could learn from the dragon!!"

Tian Fai was deeply shocked by what he saw. Sha Xing's movement was now completely similar to the pressure the Sacred Poison Dragon had previously placed on him.

Although the method and energy used are completely different

Sha Xing implanted a single drop of fear into Niu Jill, and then affected it and made that drop into an ocean

Tian Fai was deeply curious about the strange energy that Shi Xing used to complete this feat

But now was not the time to satisfy his curiosity

. . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Everyone's eyes returned to the square now where Sha Xing was standing with Niu-Gil's blood on him, Niu-Gil's hand still stuck inside his body

The Sovereign at this time, "Winner Sha Xing," announced very briefly, and in his eyes, there was a trace of appreciation as he looked at Sha Xing.

But Sha Xing didn't seem to be satisfied and looked at the crowd below the platforms

Sha Xing scanned them with his gaze, then signaled to one of the people standing by, "You challenge me now."

The expression of that boy to whom Sha Xing pointed out froze and doubted that he was the intended one as he pointed his finger at his person and asked, "Me?"

"Yes, you challenge me now or hhhhhhh."

That boy's feet relaxed a little, but then he held on and said, "Although you are strong, I will not lose."

"Challenge me and finish your nonsense, I don't have time for that."

Anger surged inside that boy that Sha Xing had pointed at, hot blood ignited in his head and he began to think in his head, "A wounded bastard who thinks he can step on everyone like a soft clover!"

Then he climbed onto the Sha Xing platform and waited for the Sovereign to announce the start of the competition

Once the dominion declared the beginning

Everyone heard Sha Xing's voice saying, "I'm withdrawing."

His opponent suddenly froze as if a cold tub of water had been poured on him

Confusion crossed everyone's face as they looked at Sha Xing, but when everyone looked in his direction, they showed signs of understanding.

Tian Fei smiled and said, "This kid is really interesting."

Sha Xing headed towards the platform where Kalashi had started and his previous platform and now the Xu Fu platform

Xu Fu's expression changed into an ugly one and he looked at the Sovereign and said, "May I surrender ?"

"You should start fighting first to surrender," Sovereign coldly said without sparing a single glance at Xu Fu

How can a person take care of his status by cramming him?

Xu Fu's expression became very ugly at this moment, but he calmed himself down and said, "I will surrender before he takes his first step. I can still take revenge in the future. This is not a problem." Xu Fu began to calm himself down, and after his desperate attempts to convince himself, he finally calmed down.

That's when the Sovereign said "start"

Right at this moment, Xu Fu tried to open his mouth to say, "I surrender."

But at this moment, no sound came out of his mouth as Zha Xing's fingers were inside his mouth, clamping his tongue

Xu Fu knew at this moment that his life had ended, and all the hardships he had suffered in the darkened room, and his escape from them, and some of them he had gone through in his memory, but after all this torment, he would become a starting point for Cha Xing.

His eyes reddened intensely and crept in after madness, and in this part of a second, he executed the move that guaranteed him a second place on the first floor and placed his hand on Sha Xing's stomach lightly.

Then he fell dead at the hands of Sha Xing

No one but those in the sky platforms realized what had happened. Everyone below the platforms looked at Sha Xing in fear and engraved his image as a Do Not Offend.

But at this moment, the person whom they considered to be forbidden to offend was so severely injured that even the lightest breeze of air would aggravate his injury.

The Sovereign declared at this time, "Sha Xing conquers."

Xu Fu's final blow was so serious that most of Sha Xing's members turned into mush.

Everyone in the Heaven Platforms looked at Zha Xing and then looked away from him

Of course, it wasn't that they didn't want to take advantage of his injury and bring down a strong competitor

But all of them, even Tian Fei, know that they can't guarantee that Sha Xing won't have one final trump card, especially after all his impressive displays previously.

Of course, this does not mean that they do not have trump cards either. On the contrary, they are sure that they will bring down Sha Xing, but they also know that he is not their only competitor. There are 8 more on the platform and 5 are silently waiting for their fall.

If Sha Xing's matches taught them anything, it was that they could not underestimate anyone at the Heaven Tier

It was at this moment that the curtain fell on Sha Xing's solo performance and some brave men began to challenge others with the Layer of Heaven

The others at the Heaven Tier didn't show much strength, but you beat all of their opponents

He challenged 8 people, Tian Fei, and every time it appeared to everyone that it was a heated battle, and he was close to losing, but at the last moment, he turned the tables and won.

Of course, Tian Fei is not a fool to keep all those who fought him alive, but he left the first one alive, killed two after that, and repeated this arrangement several times.

But even if compared to other Heavenslayers, he appeared to be a bit weaker than the rest, so he received many challenges one after another.

Tian Fei used them to polish his combat abilities and increase his combat experience, but Tian Fei knows that the best he can reap from doing this is the resources he accumulates because of the Challengers.

After some time, everyone present understood what Tian Fei was doing, and after a few dozen challenges, he was also blacklisted for challengers.

After a while, the challenges stopped, and no one dared to challenge those in the sky class

Surprisingly, the boy who had been forced by Sha Xing to challenge him to surrender was still among those at the Heavens Tier, even if with difficulty.

Where it seems that once this boy enters into a fight, his hesitant and shy personality disappears and he begins to fight like a rabid dog in his heat


Hi all readers  I'm sorry for not uploading yesterday as I needed to study late time I'm sorry and I hope you enjoy the chapter

Dark_Monrachcreators' thoughts