

As he entered through the golden gate, he walked along the narrow pathway, flanked by streets adorned with gold on both sides, making it seem like a street of gold.

While he continued walking, he reached a place where various races of people were present: Asians, Europeans, Africans, and Americans. There were women, men, elderly individuals, and children.

It seemed like their languages were different from his own before he died. Nevertheless, he was surprised because he could understand them.

Until a man approached him, who appeared to be around his age.

The man spoke in a different language, same with the other, "Welcome to heaven," greeted the man warmly. "By the way, I'm Ferdie," he introduced himself with a smile,extending his hand for a handshake.

Rod was puzzled because even though the language was different, he truly understood it. Nevertheless, he also extended his hand for a handshake and replied, "Thank you."

Suddenly, Rod was surprised by the language that came out of his mouth, different from what he spoke before he died, and seemed to match their language.

"What? What language is this?" he asked himself. "It's truly mysterious," he said to himself.

"Come, let me show you around here in heaven," Ferdie invited. "Heaven is boundless, yet I'll explain to you the things we can see around us."

Rod nodded, still puzzled. Nonetheless, he remained amazed at what he saw. It seemed like an endless tranquility enveloped him, devoid of pain, conflict, or any kind of discord.

They walked through a beautiful garden with a clear river in sight. It seemed like a paradise, bright and serene.

As they continued their stroll, they passed by people singing joyfully. At the front of the singing groups stood a prominent figure surrounded by people engaged in what seemed like a gathering.

Rod's eyes widened suddenly as if he already knew who that being was. He blinked and said, "Is he..."

Before he could finish his question, Ferdie immediately answered, "Yes, Rod... He is the Creator."

"We in heaven now have a personal and direct connection with Him," Ferdie added with a smile.

As they continued their walk, they encountered a group of angels gathered on a large platform. Some were teaching swordsmanship, some were instructing in movements, and seems others were just beginning their training.

"What are they doing?" Rod asked, unable to contain his curiosity at the scene they were witnessing.

"Ah, they are those being trained to become warriors of heaven," Ferdie replied.

"Warriors?" Rod asked, seeming confused.

"Yes. Soldiers of heaven. They are the ones sent to fight against the devils and Satan's minions in different realms," Ferdie replied. "Others are sent to protect goodness against evil."

As Rod observed their preparations, he noticed the determination and dedication in every movement of the angels. Despite the impending battle, they seemed to show no trace of fear on their faces.

"Their courage is truly admirable," Rod said, full of admiration for the warriors.

"That's true," Ferdie replied. "Through cooperation and faith, they continue to fight for goodness and justice in heaven."

"But those with wings are the angels, right? And those without are souls like us?" Rod asked, with curiosity.

"Correct," Ferdie said. "But they say those angels were once just souls like us. However, because of their dedication, faith, and obedience to God, they were made into angels," he added.

Upon hearing this, Rod was even more amazed.

As they continued to walk, they passed through various places in heaven, showcasing the beauty and splendor of life there. With each moment, Rod's understanding of his new home seemed to deepen.

After a few moments, two majestic beings with larger and more radiant wings than the other angels arrived, accompanied by other angels and a few souls. Rod wondered why there was such a warm reception for them.

God himself approached to personally congratulate their success and to share his praise for their faithful service. Their hearts were filled with joy at God's love and goodness.

"Who are they, and why is the welcome for them so warm?" Rod asked Ferdie, his voice tinged with curiosity.

Ferdie chuckled slightly before responding, "The one in front with a glowing light blue wings is Archangel Michael, and the one following him with a glowing yellow wings is Archangel Uriel, two archangels of heaven who have returned from a successful mission."

"Archangel?" Rod questioned, intrigued.

"Yes, archangels. They are different from regular angels. Archangels are considered a higher order of angels compared to the ordinary ones. They have distinct roles and characteristics," Ferdie replied.

"They are the principal leaders of the warrior angels because they possess greater strength, wider responsibilities, and are tasked with higher missions," Ferdie added.

When Rod was still alive, he knew about God's angel Michael and its missions according to the Bible, but it was only now that he truly realized it was true. Because of this, he couldn't help but admire Archangel Michael, who seemed to serve as his inspiration.

"How many archangels does God have in total?" Rod asked.

"Seven," Ferdie replied. Then he named them one by one. "Archangel Michael, Gabriel, Rafael, Uriel, Raguel, Samiel, and Remiel," Ferdie added.

"Michael is the strongest and most skilled, right?" Rod asked, gazing at Archangel Michael in awe.

"That's correct, and he always receives the most difficult missions, which he always successfully accomplishes," Ferdie replied.

"The stories about him are indeed true," Rod muttered to himself, his admiration for Michael growing even more…