
Stand by for Titanfall !!!

A long time ago a violent conflict between men and women broke out, a conflict so violent that a war between the two opposite sexes arose but was interrupted by the mother goddess who decided to separate men and women forever. The men were exiled to another hostile world populated by mechanical creatures they called Exobites. Men all united in order to survive in this new world and after several years managed to develop new technology such as the titans, giant robots to help men fight the exobites piloted by a certain number of men called pilots, men who prove their values and their abilities in combat and who, once linked to a titan, become real war machines on the battlefield. One day a strange portal appeared and strange creatures came out. They managed to repel these creatures but the portal was still there. What they didn't know was that this portal led directly to the world where they were once exiled. Follow the adventures of 4 young new pilots whose missions will be to explore the world that was once theirs while facing women, those who have become the only inhabitants of this world. How will the reunion between the two opposite sexes take place after hundreds of years?

caleb_flint · วิดีโอเกม
1 Chs

New pilots !

The light from the sun's ray came through the bedroom window and rested on Sully's sleeping face while a trickle of drool flowed down his mouth.

Everything was calm and peaceful, nothing seemed to be able to disturb him at that moment.



"Are you awake now?"

"What the fuck was that David!"

"Since you were unable to get up on your own, I felt that I had to intervene."

"Seriously… by fucking kicking me in the ass and knocking me off my bed?"

"A more than appropriate method for me."

"Arrgh…it's my fist in your face that's going to be appropriated, I tell you!"

"Hmph! Seriously, I thought you of all people would have made sure to wake up on time today."

"What? Why is that?"

"Seriously! Don't tell me you forgot!"

Sully narrowed his eyes trying his best to remember.

"Fuck! The promotion ceremony!"

Sully got up quickly to find his rifleman's uniform, David already had his uniform on him and just shook his head out of fatigue while watching Sully turning over his wardrobe to find his uniform.

"Damn! Where is this damn uniform, it's really a pain to wear too!"

"Don't worry, it's the last day we wear it so you should be happy."

"It's true! I can't wait to get rid of this old rag and finally be able to wear my pilot's outfit and equipment!

"It's true that the pilot's outfit will be more pleasant and practical to wear than that."

"Damn right!"

Indeed, Sully and David as well as two other of their friends had passed the admissions tests to become a pilot and their prowess during their different fights against the exobites were noticed by their superiors which allowed them to be promoted to the rank of pilot.

" I found it !"

"Finally…I almost waited."

" Shut up!"

Sully put on his uniform at lightning speed and ran out of the room at full speed.

"What are you doing, hurry up, we're going to be late because of you!" Sully shouted to David.

"Are you fucking kidding me!!!" David shouted as he ran after him.

The two soldiers left the dormitories and crossed the main square of the base under the amused gaze of the other soldiers.

"It seemed that Sully hadn't woken up again this time."

"I bet you it was David who had to wake him up!"

"We hear you, you asshole!" Sully shouted while running.

"Maybe, but what they say is true!" David replied.

"You can talk but it's you who's behind!"

"I swear I'm going to beat your ass after the ceremony!"

They continued their run until they reached a building which they entered at full speed and climbed the stairs as quickly as possible.

They eventually stopped in a hallway where there were two other soldiers waiting in front of an office.

One was slightly smaller than Sully and David who were the same size while the other was a huge colossus filled with muscle.

It was Vicktor and Buck their two other friends who were promoted like them. David and Sully arrived in front of them while catching their breath after the run they had just done.

"let me guess...sully didn't wake up?" Vicktor asked with a smirk on his face.

"Wow...how did you guess?" David replied sarcastically.

"Fuck you both!" said Sully annoyed.

At this moment the door to the office opened which alerted the four soldiers who stood straight in line. A man with hair and a white beard appeared, it was Commander Roice who is in charge of the military base where they were.

"I see the four of you are there, you brats! Come in!"

The commander told them to enter, which they did immediately. Once the door was closed the commander returned to sit at his desk while the four of them stood in front.

"I think you all know why you're here so I'm not going to waste any time and get straight to what's most important."

"Today! All four of you are here in front of me because you have proven your worth on the battlefield as well as passed and passed the pilot aptitude test, in which I have the honor of promoting you to the rank of pilot Congratulations soldiers !"

The four of them looked at each other with a smile on their faces but remained calm in the presence of the commander.

"Now that it's official, go to the resource building to change and collect your new equipment!"

" Yes sir !" they said together before showing their respect to the commander then left the office.

"I can't believe it guys! We really did it, we became pilots!" David exulted.

"Hell yeah mate!" Sully said with a big smile on his face.

"It looks like we're finally getting down to business now." Vicktor remarked.

"Congratulations guys!" Buck said softly.

"Haha! Congratulations to you big guy! You performed well during the tests too!" Sully added while giving his shoulder a friendly punch.

Despite his imposing build, Buck was the most reserved of the group and did not speak very often but that did not prevent the others from recognizing his true value within the group.

"Okay, let's change our outfits, Sully has been dreaming of this for a long time." Said Vicktor

"Oh man... if you knew how long I've been waiting for this moment where I'll finally be able to have my own pilot's outfit and not this rifleman's uniform!"

They left the building then headed to the reserve where the weapons, equipment, food and clothes were stored.

Once they arrived at the reserve a man called to them at the entrance, it was Henry the one who was responsible for guarding the reserve.

 "So kids, you have entered the big leagues!"

"We can say that, we have just been promoted by the commander!" David replied.

"My congratulations to you, I imagine you are here to take your

equipment ?"

All four of them nodded.

"Very good, you can go change your outfit as well as take a helmet and a jump kit, for your information all the outfits have an integrated camouflage system, once that is done you can choose one of the different tactical equipment of the pilots."

"Understood, thank you Henry!"

the group entered the reserve and dispersed each on their own to equip themselves.

After about thirty minutes they all rejoined dressed in their pilot outfits.

"That's what I'm talking about! We finally look like something!" Sully exclaimed.

"I must admit that it's much better than our old uniform." David said.

Vicktor moved to another room where tactical equipment was stored.

"I assume you have all already decided which equipment you are going to choose?

Indeed, during the tests to become a pilot, they were able to become familiar with the different tactical equipment available to pilots.

Vicktor chose the grappling hook, given that he specialized in sniping the grappling hook would allow him to reach heights more easily, in order to have a better visual of the battlefield.

David for his part chose the STIM equipment which gave him a temporary boost in speed as well as regeneration allowing him to move more quickly on the battlefield given that he specialized as an assault class.

Just like David, Sully was also assault class but for him he chose the Phase Shift equipment which allowed him to Phase into an alternate space for a short time in which he could not be reached by anyone.

Buck for his part was support class and he chose the deployable particle wall that rejects incoming shots from any weapon. It also amps outgoing shots to deal more damage.

Now that they all had their equipment they only had one thing left to get, their weapons.

The armory was in a building just behind the reserve. Once they arrived there as for their equipment they already knew what weapons they were going to use.

Unsurprisingly, Vicktor chose a Kraber sniper rifle as his main weapon, a wingman revolver as a secondary weapon and a charge rifle for his special weapon.

David chose a one volt smg as the main weapon, a P2016 pistol as the secondary and an LG-97 thunderbolt as the special weapon.

Sully took an eva-8 auto as a primary weapon, a RE-45 auto as a secondary weapon and an Archer rocket launcher as a special weapon.

Buck decided to take a spitfire machine gun as a primary weapon, an SA-3 Mozambique as a secondary weapon and an MGL Mag launcher as a special weapon.

Now that they had their weapons, their pilot equipment was complete, it was also at this moment that Henry came running towards them.

"What's going on Henry that you're running like that?" Vicktor asked.

"I was looking for you, the commander called me and asked me to give you a message."

The four of them looked at him with an intrigued expression, wondering what the commander could have to say to them.

"Your titans... they have just arrived!"


Team Description: There will be an image of their pilot outfit for each character.

David: Black hair cut in layers, black eyes, normal size.

Sully: Light brown messy hair, light green eyes, a scar on the right cheek, normal size.

Vicktor: Blonde hair with side bangs, light blue eyes, slightly shorter than David and Sully

Buck: Shortly shaved black hair, different colored eyes, brown left eye, green right eye, high size.