

"No fair, you haven't seen me for a long time, and you can't even give me a kiss?" Amber asked.

"I'm still a child, and also I don't want to let you just have my first kiss like that," Silva said.

Amber let out an evil smile. "Hu hu hu, so I can be your first kiss?" she said with shining eyes.

"Hell no, not happening," Silva said. He transformed into his full dragon form. Maver held onto his back still, but he transformed back to normal immediately.

Because of that, she fell from the height. Though she landed on her feet, she still pouted due to the fact that Silva pulled off that stunt.

"Will you tell me how you found me exactly?" Silva asked again.

"Fine, fine. When we first met, I placed a very good tracker on you that allows me to find you anywhere," Amber said.

"What the hell? How are you able to put a tracker on me without me knowing? That should be very impossible. I'm very conscious about my body," Silva asked.