
Elaine and Greenwood

Silva and the group rode on the horses provided towards the first teleportation circle. As they moved, Silva could easily sense the gazes on him and the others.

It made him want to laugh. Elves were the most racist beings in this world, and that was a fact. They loved their bloodline more than anything.

So now, seeing their dear Amber with other races made them mad, but they knew they couldn't do anything about it.

There was also another issue, and that issue was mostly with the male elves, and it was against Silva. That issue was his face. His face put most of the elves to shame.

He was the perfect guy. He was extravagantly cute like a girl, but not too masculine. He was a beautiful in-between.

Silva had come to be aware of how good-looking he was, and he didn't doubt it anymore. In fact, his pride as a dragon made it worse. Knowing that these pitiful elves were hating on him because of his face made him feel good.