
2 The Storm

I woke up early this morning. I looked out my porthole. There where high waves and grey skies. I got out of my pj's and into my trousers. I whent to the dining saloon for breakfast and coffee. I saw Andrew there, eating his BaCoN. I said hi to him and asked him how he liked his cabin."I love it, its cozy, but a little small". But at least its cozy. The ship rocked back and fourth. I Didnt want to bother Andrew any longer, so i sat down and got some eggs and coffee. It was so tasty, it was better than the eggs back at home. I missed my mum and pa. i would start a new life in america. "Your 18, you need a job" my mum said. I felt like reading so i took out a book at the reading room. I read for a little while and it was 12:14 a.m when i fineshed. Andrew came up to me and asked if I wanted to stroll the deck. sure, I told him. while we walked i asked him if we'd ever see a war comming. " i mean it is possible but how long do you think there will be another?" well id say about 20 or 30 years. "really? that long?"well yeah , sure. It cant be that long. "you could be right." I said bye to Andrew and left to the Loung to relax. I found Castro there And we played some checkers for a while. it was 2:40 p.m when we finished. i whent to bed early that night, and thats when it happened.