
Squad 16

WantedBee · ไซไฟ
3 Chs

Love is cheap

No one ever met a member of the squad, all we know is, when something important goes missing, they took it, and if it is important, someone is usually ends up dead.

There are some people who we cannot afford dying because of the information they have withheld. Do we add these people to the organization or do we create exceptions.

I propose something different. In the past they would kidnap someone you know, or torture the person directly and steal a person's knowledge right from them.

Today we have the crysis core and the many possibilities it holds, but to use it just for knowledge is digging in the past for answers to the future, a rudimentary approach.

The problem we face is much greater than knowledge could solve, we are fighting time. He is here, killing us all, killing the ones you and I love. your ancestors failed, you cannot.

My fight with this enemy for three hundred years has ended. he defeated all before me and plans to do the same with you. I won and still he came with no remorse ending me.

You need to surpass those before you, without knowledge, without help, and without your weapons. become timeless, grant death to the ones who keep time from us, from you.

Give yourself to the Crysis Core and return what he took from us, and take from him much more, you will be bribed with loved ones, and with success in a new universe.

Take these treats and use them to your advantage, use their arsenal not yours, use their tools not ours and you will return here with his power in the grasp of your hands.

Look within the core, the blinding light, the cold heat, as close as a sun, within your grasp, control this being, it is yours, it will become your skeleton. but you must conquer it whole.