
Spy With A System

Zhou Lin, a college student in 20th-century China, unexpectedly finds himself reincarnated into the chaos of World War 2 era China. Awakening on a battlefield under attack, Zhou discovers a mysterious system that propels him into a world of intrigue and espionage. Armed with the unique abilities bestowed by the system, Zhou Lin embarks on a thrilling journey to become the ultimate spy. The system assists him in navigating the unfamiliar and perilous landscape of the early 1900s, providing strategic insights, language proficiency, and covert skills necessary to navigate the intricate web of espionage. As Zhou Lin adapts to his new reality, he utilizes his system-given talents to outwit adversaries, forge alliances, and unravel the mysteries of this tumultuous historical era. With a blend of historical accuracy and gripping spy fiction, the novel explores Zhou's quest to alter the course of history and uncover the secrets that could reshape the world.

ieatjutsu · สมัยใหม่
65 Chs

Chapter 1: System Upgrade


A bullet whizzed past Zhou Lin's ear, accompanied by a strong gust of wind, startling him and causing him to fall to the ground.

Spotting someone lying on the ground, blood covering their face, Zhou Lin wondered, "Is this a movie? Is this a prank? Where is the camera?"

Just as Zhou Lin was puzzled, an influx of information appeared in his mind.

It turned out Zhou Lin had crossed over, finding himself in a parallel world as a college student from Earth in the early 2020s.

This person was his parallel self, also named Zhou Lin, twenty-two years old and a graduate of Nanjing Central University.

A month ago, Zhou Lin was brought into the Military Statistics Bureau by his father's cousin, not by his father's intention, but on the orders of Chiang Kai-shek, his father's cousin.

Despite his university degree, Zhou Lin received no preferential treatment; his cousin instructed him to start from the bottom.

So, he ended up on the battlefield.

Zhou Lin received comprehensive information through the system, familiarizing himself with the original host's situation.

It was the Republican era, with five continents including Japan. Currently, Japanese forces were invading China, mercilessly slaughtering Chinese soldiers and civilians.

The original occupant was the son of a high-ranking military officer. His uncle, upon hearing about Zhou Lin's spoiled behavior at school, was furious and ordered Zhou Lin's father to send him to the front lines to experience the value of a soldier.

Zhou Lin's father sought help from Dai Li, who, not daring to disobey the president's orders, arranged for Zhou Lin to join the Shanghai battlefield.

To ensure Zhou Lin's safety, Dai Li sent a team of twenty-five Military Statistics agents with him.

Before departure, Dai Li instructed the team leader, "Protect Zhou Lin at all costs. If you live, he lives. Even if you die, he must survive."

It was this statement that led to the death of the entire team of twenty-five.

Upon inspecting each fallen team member, Zhou Lin collected twenty-five farewell letters, packing them into his bag.

If he survived the battlefield, these letters would be sent to their families.

If Zhou Lin died too, there was nothing he could do.

As he inspected each fallen team member, he sensed movement on his left.

Swiftly dodging to the right, Zhou Lin narrowly avoided a bayonet that viciously stabbed the ground where he had stood just moments ago.

Seeing his adversary falter, the Japanese soldier, incensed by the failed ambush, let out a bellow and lunged for another attack.

In that heart-pounding moment, Zhou Lin realized his hands were empty. Panic surged as the absence of his rifle dawned on him; the original host had lost it when struck by the earlier bullet.

With another lethal assault imminent, Zhou Lin had no choice but to dodge again.

As he evaded, his foot landed on a lifeless comrade's body, throwing him off balance and sending him crashing to the ground.

The Japanese soldier, fueled by cruel delight, grinned menacingly and prepared to thrust the knife once more.

Instinctively, Zhou Lin desperately groped the ground for anything—a stone, a weapon—something to fend off the imminent threat.

Miraculously, his prayers were heard as he felt a surge of relief wash over him and the cold touch of metal in his hand.

A gun! A shotgun.

Seizing the firearm, Zhou Lin swiftly aimed it at the Japanese soldier.

The attacker, caught off guard by Zhou Lin's sudden defiance, hadn't anticipated that his prey would turn the tables.

Zhou Lin fired!

Three shots echoed, each finding its target with unnerving precision.

Agonized cries escaped the Japanese soldier's lips, a testament to the agony inflicted by the barrage of gunfire.

Though the soldier remained standing, he was gravely wounded and struggled to maintain his menacing posture.

Seeing his adversary falter, Zhou Lin's courage surged.

Securing the shotgun at his belt, he seized the fallen enemy's rifle and directed the bayonet toward the incapacitated foe.

"Feel my rage! You dared to ambush me! But you'll have to pay for the dry cleaning of my uniform!"

Zhou Lin's scream pierced through the chaotic battlefield.

With fierce determination, Zhou Lin thrust the bayonet downward.

The Japanese soldier, now visibly writhing in pain, retaliated with three desperate strikes, but Zhou Lin met each blow with unwavering resolve.

After the third strike, the Japanese soldier succumbed to his injuries.

In the aftermath, Zhou Lin stood over the fallen foe, panting heavily, the echoes of his rage and the Japanese soldier's pained cries lingering in the air.

Suddenly, a voice echoed, "Host's first kill, Infinite Upgrade System officially activated."

Excitement surged within Zhou Lin; crossing over had its perks! His cheat system had kicked in.

"For killing the Japanese soldier, you receive a system reward," the voice continued.

"The reward is one of the deceased's technical specialties."

"Marksmanship reward: Fifty points per ten shots."

Bewilderment filled Zhou Lin.

"Wasn't the Japanese soldier supposed to be skilled? Why only fifty points for ten shots?"

"Could he be a fake Japanese soldier?"

"Boxing reward: Fifty kilograms impact force per punch."

"What? Only fifty kilograms per punch?"

"There are two types of boxing force: 1) muscle strength, usually not exceeding 50 kilograms for an average person's punch. 2) impact force, the maximum force applied when hitting the target. An average man's maximum punching impact force is 100-150 kilograms."

"Fifty kilograms? Was this guy sick?"

The system explained, "Originally, marksmanship was 90 points for ten shots, and punching impact force was 150 kilograms. However, your body's endurance is limited, only able to handle fifty points for ten shots and fifty kilograms of punching impact force."

Zhou Lin realized it was his limitation.

"These are reward options. Please choose, and once confirmed, the system will add the skill to your body, becoming your ability."

"Please choose."

Considering the ongoing war situation with bullets flying, close combat was rare.

"Fifty kilograms per punch wouldn't make much difference."

"Marksmanship was the key."

Finally, Zhou Lin said, "I choose marksmanship."

The moment he uttered his choice, Zhou Lin felt a change.

"His wrists became agile, his grip strength increased, reaction time quickened, and his eyesight improved."

Casually holding a Type 38 rifle, he aimed at a distant tree and fired.

To his surprise, the bullet hit the tree, scoring a perfect shot.

"Damn, system, you lied! Is this one shot worth five points?"