
Spring mountain: Journey to despair

A mountain is supposed to be climbed. A path is made to be walked on. The journey towards love is something that we must all overcome. But the reward of that journey will be decided by fate itself. The start of that journey is also decided by fate, but the efforts you put in to walk that path will be decided by you.

Xunz0451 · สมจริง
2 Chs

Love at first sight

Spring has arrived. The Sakura was slowly falling onto the empty streets. A boy was walking down the street while watching the Sakura floating in the spring's gentle warm wind. Haruto was a 15 years old boy who go into a top high school to pursue his dream of becoming a doctor. He had medium-length black hair and he was quite short for his age. His height was about 159 cm and he was always the shortest in his class. In short, Haruto won't be the first person to catch your eye. He was someone who didn't want to stand out and just wanted to have a normal childhood. The boy was walking carelessly toward his school, but, little did he know, at that time, his dream and desire would be changed by a single incident.


" Aoi, your gonna be late for your first day at school!", screamed a woman.

" MOM, why didn't you wake me up earlier???", Aoi demanded.

" You're now a high schooler, you should be able to wake yourself up. Never mind that, here, take this loft bread and run or you will be late for school."

"Thanks, I will now be on my way"

"Stay safe!"

With that, Aoi ran out of her house and kept on running to make sure that she would be on time for her first lesson. Aoi was a beautiful girl who made anyone's heart, from both genders alike, jump out of their chest when they caught a glimpse of her. She has long silky black hair, a pointy yet elegant nose, big eyes and a nice figure. Even when she was in her school uniform, she was truly the definition of beauty. Her father is living in the states while Aoi and her mom enjoyed life in Japan. The high schooler was too focused on running and eating to notice that there was a boy in front of her.


Aoi crashed into Haruto at top speed and both of them fell.

" Owww ", groaned Haruto.

He lifted his head and saw the most beautiful woman he has ever seen. They both stared at each other without a single sound coming out of their mouths. For the first time, both Aoi and Haruto's hearts went faster than usual from the sight of another human being. This went on for a few seconds until they both looked away, blushing. Love is truly a wonderful thing to see. Something about one finding someone who they want to spend their life with is just so beautiful.

" Are you ok?", asked the girl," I'm very sorry about that"

" Don't worry about it, I'm not hurt...., you go to the same school as me right?....., May I ask what is your name?", Haruto asked hopefully. It was the first time that he show interest in another human being.

But before Aoi could answer, the school bell rang and they looked at each other for a moment before running toward the school.


3 months later*

Haruto and Aoi ended up in the same class, but have never spoken with each other since that fateful encounter. Aoi was always surrounded by her friends and Haruto is the kind of boy who just sit and read. In reality, they both longed to have a proper conversation, but they never got such a chance. That is until today. Haruto was looking at the posters in front of the local shrine on his way back from school. They were used to promote the summer festival that will be held at the shrine. By coincidence, Aoi was also at the shrine praying. At first, they did not notice each other, until Aoi finished praying and was leaving the shrine.

" Wait!", Haruto stopped Aoi in her tracts, " Ito-san right?"

"Mmmmhhh, Kato-kun was it? I'm very sorry for crashing into you the first time we met ", Aoi replied.

" No, no, no it's fine. Besides, it's partly my fault for not paying attention. If it's not too much to ask, can you call me Haruto? Kato-kun is my father and my brother and my uncle "

" Then call me by my first name: Aoi, Haruto-kun!"

" Aoi-san it is then!.... May I get your...email address, Aoi-san?" Haruto asked nervously," It's ok if you don't want to", he added quickly.

" Sure, only if you give yours first", She replied. Aoi was trying to be indifferent to it, but her big bright smile gave it away.

As they say, friendship is the first step towards love.

" Hey, Aoi-san?... Wanna go to the summer festival with me?", Haruto knew he was pushing his luck, but he decided to go with the flow.

" YES!,... I mean, yes, I love to go with you ", Aoi answered. She answered that question as calmly as she could, but she did not do a good job of hiding her true emotions.

Haruto tried to not look like a creep, but he couldn't help smiling. He dreamed of this day, where he and Aoi would become friends for a very long time.

Ah, the joy of seeing two innocent children trying deeply to express their love, but trying to hide it at the same time. It's just so beautiful seeing two people with no worries except for love. They say that youth is the best part of one's life, but I do not agree with that. When you are a child, you have as many things to worry about as when you will turn into an adult. Many people forget about the importance of those struggles after they moved on or simply after they overcame them. When you experience new struggles, you moved on from the old ones and those will seem less important than the ones you're trying to overcome. To me, there is no difference between childhood and adulthood. These two are the perfect example. If you told them the world will end in two minutes, they will not care, because the most important thing to them right now is whether she or he will accept my feelings or not. If you told the same thing to a grown man with financial problems, he won't care either. The most important thing to that man is whether he has enough money to feed his family. The importance of a problem for a child and an adult is the same. They think that the struggles of a child are less important than the struggles of an adult, but they are as worrisome as the other one. To the high schoolers, this was the first step towards the goal of overcoming it. This will mark the first step toward the peak of the mountain. A journey where they can not call for help. A lonely path toward love and happiness.