
Spring's Caprice A Tale of Love and Fame

The journey from being the top idol to a devoted husband over the years.

River_Reynolds · สมัยใหม่
9 Chs

Chapter 5

Seeing the person rise from behind the sofa, their platinum blond hair catching the light and sparkling, Sophie Reed was struck by a singular thought: What bizarre twist of fate was this?

She paused before asking, "Did you catch all of that?"

"It depends on what 'just now' you're referring to," Carter Blake replied, leaning casually against the sofa, his dark eyes barely open, radiating an ease that seemed at odds with his surroundings. "The chatter woke me up. I couldn't help but catch the tail end of it."

His voice, laden with the remnants of sleep, wrapped the phrase "couldn't help" in a layer of nonchalance, deep and resonant. He ran a hand through his tousled hair, his fingers momentarily exposing and then hiding his forehead again, lending a mysterious allure to the sharp contours of his face, half-shrouded in shadow. His reluctance added a frustratingly attractive edge to his appearance.

Yet, Sophie remained composed. "I would appreciate it if you could act as though you hadn't heard anything."

"Is that an order?" Carter's eyebrow arched, a flicker of amusement breaking through his sleepy demeanor as he focused on her anew.

"A request," Sophie clarified.

"It doesn't sound like one."

"And what would?" Sophie's eyes met his, her lips curling into a half-mock, half-serious smile. "Shall I sweeten the request with a kiss?"

Carter found himself momentarily at a loss for words.

The silence that followed was brief. Using the back of the sofa for support, Carter rose to his feet and smoothly stepped over to land on the floor in front of it.

Sophie's steady demeanor showed the first signs of faltering as she sensed the potential for trouble in the person before her.

Yet, Carter, seemingly lacking the physical grace one might expect, simply relaxed, his hands propped behind him on the sofa's high back, his legs crossed at the ankles. He loomed over her, that chilling yet teasing smile still playing across his features, then he slightly tilted his chin as if issuing a silent challenge.

"What are you doing?" Sophie couldn't hide her trepidation.

"Didn't you offer a kiss?" Carter's voice was as lazy as his posture, his disheveled hair framing his eyes, adding to the nonchalant charm. "I'm ready whenever you are."

Sophie found herself momentarily speechless. This man?

A laugh broke from Sophie as she turned away. When she smiled, her whole demeanor transformed, lighting up like a masterfully painted landscape slowly coming to life. It was a fleeting moment of beauty.

Carter Blake had scarcely enough time to savor the sight before Sophie was retrieving her vibrating phone from her shorts. She answered the call, her face once again devoid of expression.

It was Vivian Hart on the line. "Come find me in the main hall."

"Now?" Sophie's tone was questioning.

"Of course, now. What do you think I called you for?" Vivian's annoyance was evident. "Where are you? You weren't by the restroom."

Catching Carter's gaze, Sophie realized the potential disaster of Vivian Hart catching her in the same room with Carter. The very thought brought an amused yet anxious smile to her lips.

With a sigh, Sophie moved toward the door to the makeup room, which was conspicuously empty.

"I'll be right there." Just as she was about to exit, Carter's teasing voice halted her.

"Skipping the kiss then? Wouldn't want me to spill the beans, would you?"

Sophie halted, then quickly dismissed the concern. "There's someone just passing by," she explained into the phone, sending Carter a glance that was nothing short of a warning.

Carter, still leaning casually against the sofa, grinned even wider.

"I'm on my way," Sophie said, ending the call. Without lifting her gaze, she addressed Carter, "Consider your secret about the contract termination safe with me. We're even."

Turning to leave, she heard Carter's voice, softer now, "A goodbye would be nice."

Sophie's patience was wearing thin. "Goodbye," she said, more out of obligation than desire.

Instantly regretting her choice of words, Sophie wished for a more permanent separation, a vow never to meet again. Every encounter with Carter spelled nothing but trouble.

As the door closed behind her, his voice, amused yet distant, followed, "Alright then, goodbye."

Left alone, Carter straightened up, quickly messaging his awaiting manager, Kevin, before preparing to depart. Noticing Sophie's forgotten belt in the trash bin sparked a smirk on his face. Without a word, he left the room.

In his mind, he reasoned, an exchange of money could easily settle debts. But secrets traded were a whole different game—they only served to deepen the entanglement.

The undercurrents of tension and animosity at the charity event were not confined to the strained interactions between Sophie Reed and Carter Blake; fate appeared to have more complexities in store. When Sophie spotted Sebastian Shaw among those gathered with Vivian Hart, his smug, malicious demeanor signaled impending trouble.

Vivian was embroiled in a tense exchange with event security, who maintained, "I'm sorry, ma'am, but this lady isn't listed as a guest. We can't permit her to remain."

Despite the critical eyes of bystanders, Vivian countered with visible annoyance, "I've already explained she's my assistant, here to deliver something for me. Forcing her to leave is a direct affront to my dignity."

The security officer, sympathetic yet unyielding, attempted to placate her, "Miss Hart..."

Seizing the moment, Sebastian Shaw injected himself into the conversation with evident delight at the unfolding drama, "Let's avoid any ugliness. However, Miss Hart, it seems there's been a slight misunderstanding. This lady is not your assistant, but a fellow artist under Celestial Media's representation, correct?"

Vivian, caught in her deception, saw her irritation deepen but refrained from confronting Sebastian due to the potential repercussions, choosing instead to dismiss his statement.

Sebastian then turned his attention to Sophie, his pretense of confusion only adding to the discomfort, "And you are?"

Sophie greeted his performance with a cool silence.

Undeterred, Sebastian pressed on, thinly veiling his scorn, "Ah, Sophie Reed, isn't it? I remember your noteworthy performance as an extra at H City's Film Studio a few years ago."

Whispers circulated among the attendees.

"An extra? That explains why she seemed out of place."

"How did she manage to get in? Likely exploiting Celestial Media's influence for personal gain."

"Kids these days will stoop to anything for a bit of attention."

"Quite shameful, really."

Sophie stood her ground, unaffected by their judgment.

Were it not for the potential fallout from antagonizing these influential figures, she might have openly displayed her indifference.

A little longer, she reminded herself. Staying silent was a small price to pay for an expedited exit and a night of peace.

Meanwhile, Sebastian's annoyance at Sophie's calm demeanor was palpable, though he managed a strained smile, "Being an extra or a stand-in makes you a part of the industry. Since Miss Qin has included you, participating in the charity event should pose no issue."

Sophie eyed him warily, doubtful of his sudden benevolence.

"However," Sebastian added hastily, "given that this is a charity event, Miss Reed, wouldn't you agree that contributing in some form is appropriate? If not bidding, then perhaps donating an item for the auction could serve as your entrance contribution?"

Sophie saw through his intentions.

Vivian, less sensitive to the underlying dynamics, inquired, "Donate what?"

Sebastian suggested, "This evening is about philanthropy. Even if Miss Reed does not bid, offering an item for auction as her contribution is only reasonable."

The crowd murmured their agreement, more out of curiosity or the desire to witness someone else's misfortune than actual support.

In the competitive landscape of celebrity and wealth, allies were scarce. Sophie had learned not to expect much.

Reflecting briefly, she detached the simple crystal and shell bracelet from her wrist, presenting it, "This is all I have to offer."

The security officer, caught off guard, queried, "And the original value of this item?"

Sophie answered, "Twenty."


Her affirmation mirrored his astonishment, "Yes."

The ensuing chuckle from the crowd was quickly stifled by the more senior members, whose expressions blended amusement with a hint of disapproval.

As the audience dispersed in anticipation of the auction's highlight, a younger guest, confused by the mixed reactions, sought clarification on the significance of auctioning a personal belonging.

"It's not about the bracelet itself; it's the implication of offering something personal," he was informed. "There was a time when such gestures were understood as more than mere donations."

Shocked, the attendee questioned, "Might the lady be unaware of this context?"

"Unaware? Hardly. It seems more like a calculated move for visibility."

Sophie remained in place, her attention far removed from their conjectures. The brief sense of loss from parting with her bracelet lent a layer of complexity to her usually stoic facade, making Sebastian's final jibe, "You'll regret this," barely register in her mind.

On the other side of the venue, Carter Blake opted not to join the bustling main hall after exiting the makeup room. Instead, he found solace on a bench where he had earlier noticed a girl, evidently struggling against the weight of her eyelids, trying to catch a moment's rest in a seated slump. He was there, biding his time for Kevin Strong to make his appearance.

"You vanishing on a whim is really something else. The organizers even inquired if the event was too much of a hassle for you, wondering if you'd decided to make an early exit," Kevin expressed with a blend of annoyance and concern.

Admitting to his fleeting escape plan, Carter shared, "The thought did flirt with my mind; I've been battling sleep all evening."

Kevin, half expecting such an admission, prodded further, intrigued, "Oh? And what stopped you from acting on that impulse?"

Pausing, as if to carefully select his recollections, Carter finally let out a soft chuckle, "Along the way, I came across a small creature, finding comfort and sleep against the odds. Seemed rather unfair for me to succumb to delicacy in comparison."

Puzzled, Kevin asked, "Along the road? What sort of creature? Perhaps a stray cat?"

Carter, with a hint of amusement in his voice, corrected, "It had the appearance of one, yet it wasn't."

Intrigued, Kevin pressed, "Then what was it?"

Describing the mysterious encounter, Carter mused, "Beautiful, cunning, and adept at playing dead... A fox cub, I presume."

Kevin, suddenly alarmed at the thought of a wild encounter, hastily checked Carter for any signs of harm, "A wild fox, here? It didn't bite you, did it? We'd have to get you a rabies vaccine if so!"

Carter, displaying an unusual patience, shrugged off Kevin's concern, guiding them out of the corridor with an easy grace, "My reflexes are quite adept; even if it had the intention, a bite would be unlikely."

"But caution is key, Carter. Foxes excel in the art of deception, often feigning sleep only to launch a surprise attack. Their harmless appearance belies their true nature," Kevin warned.

Pausing briefly, Carter offered a thoughtful look before breaking into a soft laugh, "It was indeed very beautiful, and quite skilled at feigning innocence."

Confused by the shift in topic, Kevin wondered aloud, "I'm speaking of an actual fox. What are you implying? And what's with that satisfied expression?"

Before Kevin could piece together the puzzle, he realized Carter was nearly out of sight. Rushing to catch up, he hesitantly inquired about Carter's appearance, whispering, "You haven't smudged your makeup, have you?"

Carter's fleeting amusement vanished as he casually wiped his eyelid, casting a dismissive glance Kevin's way before moving on, "Isn't it obvious?"

As the charity auction reached its pinnacle, guests found their way to their seats, the dimmed ambiance casting a spotlight on the charitable exhibits. The serene setting was conducive to relaxation, much to the disinterest of Carter and another individual stationed at the back, both seemingly indifferent to the auction's proceedings.

Kevin, in a quiet plea laden with desperation, nudged Carter, "Mr. Blake, a bit of participation, please. We've got charity funds to contribute."

Carter, barely stirring, retorted, "And you're asking me to bid?"

Affirming the request, Kevin felt a familiar resignation, realizing the futility of explaining their distinct roles in this charade.

Carter, after a moment's contemplation, acquiesced, asking nonchalantly as he accepted a bidding paddle, "How many bids, and for how much?"

Kevin's spirits lifted, "Let's go with five bids, each at $200,000. That's the standard thus far."

Carter, unimpressed, commented, "How quaint."

Kevin, hopeful, added, "Had you contributed an item for auction, the bids might have soared past a million, potentially sparking a bidding war."

With a noncommittal hum, Carter went through the motions, raising his paddle five times without genuine interest, dutifully allocating the company's million-dollar charity budget.

Just as the auctioneer was preparing to wrap up, a sudden interruption came in the form of an organizer, whispering urgently to him. The auctioneer, slightly embarrassed, made an unexpected announcement, "We have a surprise addition to tonight's auction — a generous donation from an unlisted guest. Let's appreciate this act of kindness."

A modest crystal and shell bracelet was then spotlighted, modest in material but rich in symbolic meaning, as the auctioneer awkwardly praised its virtues.

Carter, on the brink of departure, paused at the sight of the bracelet, a familiar item sparking a memory, "I've encountered this bracelet before...

As the auctioneer carried on with a somewhat forced smile, he announced, "This bracelet was kindly donated by Miss Sophie Reed. Apparently, it's been a constant presence on her wrist, suggesting it's of significant personal value to her." The announcement cast a sudden hush over the room, punctuating the previously casual atmosphere with a moment of earnest attention.

Kevin, caught off guard, spun around, his surprise evident, "Sophie Reed?"

The auctioneer, maintaining his composure amidst the unexpected turn of events, scanned the room for potential bidders, "Would any of our esteemed guests care to start the bidding?"

An awkward silence enveloped the room, thick with hesitation. The attendees seemed reluctant to speak, each wary of being the first to break the quiet, lest their interest be misinterpreted.

Attempting to dispel the growing tension, the auctioneer injected a bit of humor, "Ah, it appears we're all a bit too eager to conclude the evening. Shall we?" His comment coaxed a smattering of laughter from the crowd, a temporary relief from the discomfort, though not without a hint of condescension from certain quarters.

In a dimly lit corner, the young lady in question, Sophie, sat in quiet contemplation, her mind far from the unfolding auction drama. She pondered the potential outcome of her item going unsold and the practical concern of her journey home.

Seizing the momentary light-heartedness, Kevin voiced his thoughts, albeit with a tinge of disbelief, "Isn't Sophie Reed aware of the auction etiquette? Offering personal items is fraught with risks. An unsold piece could damage her standing in the industry, not to mention the awkwardness if it does sell. Who would want to shoulder such notoriety?"

Before Kevin could further ponder the ramifications, Carter, with an unexpected move, ceased his idle tapping and raised his paddle, silencing the murmurs around them.

The room fell into a stunned quiet once again.

The auctioneer, momentarily taken aback, regained his professionalism to inquire, "Mr. Blake has placed a bid. May I ask the amount?"

Without haste, Carter, leaning back with an air of casual deliberation, announced, "One million."

The revelation left the auctioneer momentarily lost for words, the crowd's astonishment palpable in their wide-eyed stares and hushed tones.

Carter, turning with a nonchalant grace towards Kevin, whose shock was evident, remarked lightly, "You were concerned about taking responsibility?"

Kevin was momentarily dumbstruck, struggling to reconcile Carter's impulsive generosity with his earlier reservations.

As the auctioneer formally recognized Carter's bold million-dollar bid as the winning offer, the hall erupted into a buzz of disbelief and speculative whispers, the mood shifting from amusement to a mixture of respect and curiosity.

Regaining his composure, Kevin leaned in, his voice reflecting a mix of admiration and concern, "Sophie Reed... She didn't fully grasp what she was doing, did she? To auction something so personal, under these circumstances... How she'll manage her image and career after this remains to be seen."