
Spoiled Noble Wife: Please, Spare Me..

Gu Hana is a young miss from a Noble family in A city. She's longing for a true love, just like all the romance novels she read. Refusing to get engaged with a man chosen by her father, Gu Hana made a bet with her father, Gu YangTze, to find her true love within a year without her family support and status. Hoping for Gu Hana to surrender from ruining her engagement. However, the bet was waking up the adventurer spirit of Gu Hana. Thus, she happily accept the term made by Gu YangTze. Further, Gu Hana make a specific note that Gu family cannot intervene her search for love within a year of the bet. If the result is Gu Hana find and bring her true love to Gu mansion a year later, Gu YangTze will honour his words to accept her lover, no matter what family background he has. Under Gu Hana acknowledgement, Gu YangTze ascertained to failed her mission. Mo Shin, a young master from ancient noble family with a huge business expansions around the world, is gone missing. Causing an uproar in Mo family and Mo Enterprises. "Where did that unfilial son go? If only I knew it will happen, I won't give him the Black Abyss pendant! Without it, I can't summon the Black Knights to find him. You must get him back here soon, Lin Weiyang!" grumbled Mo TianYi, the head master of Mo family. Lin Weiyang could only nod in docile before went to order his subordinates. Meanwhile, in a certain area of A city, standing two outstanding man talking seriously at each other. "Here is the documents you need, Sir." Ru Long said while giving a pile of documents to his master beside him. Raising one of his eyebrows, Mo Shin reminded his friend, "I'm no longer your master now, Ru Long. As for now, just casually call me Wu Shinji. I could only count on you for this. Thank you." Ru Long couldn't believe what his icey young master said. In reflex, Ru Long touch his ears and rub it hard. Looking at how foolish his subordinate reactions toward his words, Mo Shin rolled her eyes. "It's better to change my clothes and appearance now. Time is essential now." with that, Mo Shin alas Wu Shinji, lowering his cap and walk fast to a nearer shabby restaurant and went directly to their restroom. ... "I won't fall in love with an ordinary man as you are!" Gu Hana defying her part timer statement earlier. Wu Shinji smiled charmingly, fascinating Gu Hana heart. Yet, she still denied the fact of her heart's beating uncontrollable. "You won't. I do." as Wu Shinji speak, his arm reach Gu Hana waist closer to him. While his other hand touch her nape to look at him. With a gasp of shocked from his action, Gu Hana widen her eyes and mouth. Just before she could say something, Wu Shijin's lips already smack her lips. Unable to resist his domineering on her mouth, Gu Hana surrender and let herself enjoy the pasionate kiss. As soon as Wu Shinji heard her moaning and felt her surrender under him, He almost went crazy and deepen his kiss on her, for God knows how much longer they kissed. Unsure when Gu Hana hands circling on his neck and one of her legs hovering his hips, Wu Shinji last strap of rationality snap. Without releasing their passionate kiss, Wu Shinji carrying Gu Hana to her bed.. ... "Impossible!" Gu Hana was taken a back looking at two red line in her hand. However, she starts to rub her flat belly. "Our baby sure is awesome. I wonder how Shinji reactions." smiling lovingly to her fetus. Gu Hana sighed and thought deep, 'If only your father could come home soon.' Despite Wu Shinji has left her for a month unnoticeable, she still believes in him. Holding back her tears, she decided to pack her belongings. It's almost due time for her bet with her father, but she can't come back now. Not after her lover is gone, leaving her pregnant unmarried. Gu Hana knows she have to live in shadows to protect their child.. ... "Summon Black Knights. Find her whereabouts and bring her to me sound and safe. Soon!" Wu Shinji AKA Mo Shin commands Ru Long. 'Keep safe, Hana. Please..'

esthiez · โรแมนซ์ทั่วไป
9 Chs

You are a hundred percents right.

Wu Shinji was looking at the traffic and saw a never ending cars passing by the street. Initially, Wu Shinji didn't think to have a dinner in a second class restaurant. Since Wu Shinji originally was a young master of Mo family, he used to eat at a Michelin or top five star restaurant with the best chef to serve full sets of meal for him.

As for now, Wu Shinji was starting to keep a low profile, he wouldn't mind to try any restaurant Na Hana chose. In the matter of fact, Wu Shinji was kinda excited to try all modesty in this period of time he have. Unwittingly, Wu Shinji smiles and hums happily in a low voice.

Hearing a sudden hums coming from her side, Na Hana couldn't help to turn her head to check the hums was really coming from the man beside her. Under the dim light of the road lamp, Wu Shinji looks more riveting.

Wu Shinji is truly a perfect creation from God. Na Hana, who were a young lady from a prestigious family, was rarely to see such a handsome man like Wu Shinji.

Thus, it made Na Hana tilts her head, unable to move her eyes not to keep staring at him, and questioning herself for never saw this man when Na Hana was in her real identity, Gu Hana.

'With that kind of face Wu Shinji have, I bet no one would deny him if he suddenly announces that he's originally someone with a background family and have a higher status. Now that I think thoroughly about it, there's indeed a high possibility that Wu Shinji is someone with high status and have exquisite background. Even so, this kind of man would not be easily escaped from Gu YangTze sight. He would assertively have me to marry him!'

Na Hana shivers at her own thought of the possibility. Not because she dislike the man, but because she ascertaines to marry someone she love. At second thought, if the fiance got by her father was as handsome as Wu Shinji, Na Hana might wanna have a reconsideration about it.

Na Hana unconsciously shaking her head at the moment to get rid of the later thought about the possibility to mary her unloved fiance. 'Right! I have to fall in love with him first, before I get married!'

"I thought you want to pop out your eyes for staring me for that long. It turns out that you just can't handle yourself to my charm as well, dearest Hana?" Wu Shinji smirks at Na Hana actions. Wu Shinji already notice Na Hana stares from the start, but he didn't want to make her to get shy for being caught in the act. Therefore, Wu Shinji put a poker face and let her admiring him. Wu Shinji used to have admiration eyes on him from so many onlookers, yet he gave zero concern to them.

However, Na Hana way of staring at him, was enough to make Wu Shinji feeling proud of himself. This is the first time for him to acknowledge a meaningful stare from a woman. Not to mention a beautiful woman he just met a few moments ago.

Na Hana abruptly stops her shaking head and turn her head above just to see Wu Shinji intoxicating smiles on her. "You put a high price on your appearance, dear Shinji. No wonder you have no one to accompany you tonight. I'm afraid no one will be able to afford your price. You don't intend to be a celibatarian for the rest of your life, do you?" Na Hana gives an innocent yet crucify smile to Wu Shinji.

Wu Shinji stay calm and replies, "I don't. I have you now. You're my concrete evidence that I'm not putting a high price. Or else, how would you describe the fact that we are going to celebrate our moving to this city together?"

Na Hana mind stops to processing Wu Shinji two last sentences after the part he said that he have her now. Suddenly, Na Hana's cheeks are becoming red. 'what on earth he was saying? Could he be more concern of his words? He easily use sweet talks to stranger! Seems like he was a professional in catching girls, I guess.'

Seeing the red flushed on Na Hana face, Wu Shinji have a sudden urge to hug this adorable woman in front of him. Successfully pressing his urges, Wu Shinji let out a light smile to calm her. Which on the contrary his smile took another fast pounding in Na Hana's heart. "Does he not know how his smile could easily kill girls heart?" Na Hana softly muttered.

With Wu Shinji sharp hearing, he can hear easily Na Hana sputtler. Wu Shinji nodds agreeing, "I know, that's why I rarely smile without reasons. To protect others from killing themselves."

Na Hana feeling ashamed. "In other words, I am your reasons to smile just now?" It couldn't be true, isn't it?

Mischievously, Wu Shinji gazing at Na Hana while seriously answer, "You are right a hundred percents."

Wu Shinji couldn't resist his desire to touch Na Hana delicate face any longer. However, instead of touching her cheeks, Wu Shinji patted Na Hana smooth hair.

Shocked by Wu Shinji behavior, Na Hana gasped and stiffed. "I won't buy it." The moment Wu Shinji stopped to pat her head, Na Hana decided to leave him. Thus, without waiting Wu Shinji reply, Na Hana run across the street while its still green to cross the road.

Wu Shinji caught of guard to see Na Hana run escaping from him. Only when Na Hana was already stand across the street, Wu Shinji is starting to chase her. 'That girl sure can run fast. But I'll show her, there's no point escaping from me, once I set her as my prey.'

Wu Shinji didn't notice that the lamp is on the verge of becoming red again. Thus, when Wu Shinji was still in the middle of the road, he didn't pay attention to a car which comes fast to his direction. Failed to eschew from the possible crash, Wu Shinji widen his eyes to see the upcoming car to hit him.

The loud sound of crash could be heard. The running man was bounce of several meters from the crash site. While the cars brake was not working on time to stop the speed at the right moment. It was merely an accident. The car driver get out from the car to see the man was covering blood from his head. Several bruises could be seen on his arms. All of his belongings were spread out all over the crash site. The driver got panicked and held out his phone to call an ambulance.

Just a second after the driver push the call button on his phone and tell the emergencies situation to the operator, he heard a deafening scream from a beautiful woman who rush into the man's body. Seeing how desperate the woman is trying to shake the man's body, the driver move to her side and told her that he would take full responsibility regarding this accident. The woman stabbed a glare to the driver as if she was saying 'I will hunt you down if you try to run away from here.'

Taking a slight glance to the man's face, the driver could tell that although his half face was covered by blood stained, the man have a handsome face just from the line on his strong facial line. The driver thought it was true that a beautiful woman will always have a pair with a good looking man. The driver envy this couple in front of him, since himself is not born with such a high quality appearance.

Not long after, the ambulance came. The crowds around the site was obediently opening the way for the paramedics to come into the crash site. Na Hana still couldn't keep calm and she is repeatedly rubbing Wu Shinji's back palm as if she wanted to send him a note that she's sorry for what happened.

If it was not because Na Hana sudden run to leave him just now, Wu Shinji wouldn't jump into a freaking accident, to get hit by a car. They probably have a fun and nice long chat to each other while walking on the street. Na Hana felt a strong sense of guilty.

"Miss, can you hear me? Are you his guardian? We need a guardian to come with us to the hospital to fill in the documentation at the hospital later on." The paramedics impatiently explaining the issues to Na Hana.

Na Hana answered without hesitation, "Yes, I'm his guardian. I'll come with you on the car." After saying that, Na Hana hops into the ambulance and keep holding on Wu Shinji's hand.

Soon, after all paramedics on site already join Na Hana, the ambulance starts to go to the hospital. Leaving the crash site with a cold sight. The crowds were still surounding the crash site, with the police officers put a police line circling the crash site and starting to investigate the witnesses from the crowds.

Na Hana's hand trembling so hard. She never thought such an incident could be happened to her. It is true that she doesn't know Wu Shinji more.

Somehow, deep inside her heart, Na Hana was starting to feel a click towards the man she just met earlier. Na Hana must be crazy to say that she was Wu Shinji guardians.

However, Wu Shinji lives were on bet at this crucial moment. She couldn't just close her eyes and walk away from it, could she? After all, it was her fault that Wu Shinji got hit by a car.

'Please, don't die. You haven't had dinner with me yet. Please, you have to survive. I will treat you to a nice meal if you wakes up. Please.. dear Shinji..' On the way to the hospital, Na Hana couldn't stop herself to pray to God for Wu Shinji's safety.