
Split Between Two: Becoming a Son of Heaven

--Uploading to Royal Road-- Unnoticed and unwanted, a man sits on his thin shabby blanket. He looks at you and beings talking. Did you know? No? You don’t know? How?! How can you not know!? What rock have you been living under?! Everyone knows! Ugh! Fine! Since I pity you, I’ll tell you the secret. Come here! Closer! Closer!!! More! I need to whisper it in your ear. Good. Ok. There’s a god who lives in the city. Shhhhh!! Stop acting conspicuous! Be cool! … You’re drawing too much attention! I said cool! Ugh. Whatever. I give up. Everyone knows about the god anyway. Where you ask? You want to know where is the god? Well, you’re going to have to read if you want to know more. Go. Go on. Go read chapter one. --- Hello! Author here! I'm writing something new, and I wanted it more comical and light-hearted. The character has a split personality and he has conversations and interacts with the story. Let me know what you think! I'll reply as best I can. Thank you! Hope you enjoy!

DaoistwprUT1 · ตะวันออก
10 Chs

Careful What You Wish For…

Gonk paused, looking at my peace offering. However, he had a dissatisfied face looking at my attempts for peace. He continued towards me, rotating and stretching his arm and shoulder in a swinging circular motion. It seemed one skewer was not enough.

"How about two? I'll give you two skewers. They're really good. We can call it even."

He cracked his neck, and he grinned with bad intentions. "I'm going to beat the shit out of you.

"Fine! You can have all of the skewers. I'll painfully watch you eat my skewers ok? Isn't that already the worst punishment?!"

The evil grin of the handsome man changed to that of a glare.

"Hold out your neck, peasant. I was going to let you go with half your life, but now I'm going to kill you for belittling me."

"But good sir! The great almighty Son of Heaven!! I was not! I swear! The skewers are really good!"

The voice of Number One echoed in my head.

"What the hell? That's your plan? Corner yourself and feed the Son of Heaven?! We're doomed! I'm doomed! I'm too young and pretty to die! This is all your fault, Number Two!"

I was flabbergasted. The blatant lies of Number One never cease to shock me and boil my blood in anger. In my frustration, I yelled out and shocked not only Number One but also Gonk.

"You bastard! How dare you blame me for you stupid actions! You're the one acting like a fangirl to steal his jewels! This is not on me, but you Number Two!"

Gonk misunderstood and thought I was talking to him. "You pervert! I'll strike you down here and now!"

The bright light from Gonk's rampaging qi made me realize I vocalized my thoughts. I quickly apologized to Gonk.

"Oh no! I wasn't saying that to you, almighty Gonk! I was reprimanding my other half!" My explanation was useless.

Gonk misunderstood again. "Your other half?!"

A powerful gale blasted through the trees and rushed around the surrounding area. The earth trembled as it compressed and cracked. The heavy pressure made it hard for me to breathe. Gonk's qi and fury erupted in full display. Still, I could not get Number One to shut up.

"No! I don't want to die! This is unfair! It wasn't my fault!"

Unbeknownst to the two, I saw a dreaded nightmare worse than the furious Gonk, peeking from the edge of the forest clearing.

The forest looked as if it was on fire from the swaying nine tails in a gradient of red, orange and yellow fur. Although Gonk was going to kill me, at least he was not the enemy of all mankind, cultivator or not. Pointing, I warned Gonk of the Sentient Beast lurking behind him.

"Oh my gods! Look out, Gonk! There's a Sentient Beast behind you!"

Blinded by his rage, Gonk did not believe me.

"I won't fall for your lies again! Taste my wrath! Fist of the Divine's fury!"

Gonk lowered his body, ready to launch his attack, but he should have listened to my warning.


A powerful swipe from the fire-like tails knocked Gonk's shoes off him as he blasted off face first into the stone cliff walls. Number One, now aware of the dreaded nightmare shrieked like a little girl in my head.

"Now you're lying Number Two! I did not shriek like a little girl! I bellowed like a bear! Roar! See!"

I ignored my insecure other half. I was wary and on guard from the well-known cruelties of the Sentient Beasts. I tried to stealth my presence, squatting low and moving away from the Son of Heaven. However, that would seem fruitless.

"What do you take me for, pathetic human! Did you think your imbecile attempts could fool me?"

A voluptuous humanoid fox, dressed in a loosely fitted and revealing robe, unhurriedly stepped out onto the clearing. The supple porcelain skin of her long bare thin legs were enhanced by her partially covering black robe. The robe wrapped around her curves was tied with a sash around her thin waist. With each step, her ample bosom pushed aside the upper portion of her robe, teasing all onlookers. Looking down on me with her sultry eyes, only disdain came out of her lush full lips.

"Did you think with your measly amounts of qi that you could hide from me? Even your so-called Son of Heaven was so easily defeated. Look at him."

I saw. His head was stuck inside the wall with the other half of his body hanging out, motionless. I wasn't sure if she had killed the Gonk. However, Number One was unconcerned with Gonk's current pathetic state and only cared about himself.

"She called me an imbecile! Let me at her! Let me at her!"

"You want to switch with me then, Number One?"


No response. I knew Number One was only bluffing with empty threats. Even Gonk was no match for her. Actually, she would have looked completely like a beautiful seductive woman, but the fox ears and long tails gave her away. She was a fearsome beast. I jumped out of the frying pan and now I was in the fire.

The fox lady swiped her tail at me, and all I heard was Number One screaming like a little girl.

"No!!! Somebody save me!"

I wondered if Gonk and Number One were telepathically connected like me and Number One. I wondered so because, as if answering Number One's telepathic shrieks, Gonk came back from the dead and saved the day.

"Oh! Maybe he really can hear my thoughts, Number Two! Look at Gonk! He really did it! He heard me and saved you!"

"What?! Stop lying. You're the one who was screaming like a little girl for saving!"

If Number One and I were really telepathically connected with Gonk, then we could really call ourselves a Son of Heaven.

We would be a trio like the phrase: me, myself, and I.

"I call dibs on 'me,' Number Two! You can't have it!"

Number One calls himself 'me' too much, and sometimes that makes me feel like I'm not real.

"Of course you're real Number Two! You're myself!"

Anyway, I digress. Number One is back to himself again and spewing lies now that he's temporarily saved. I say temporarily because Gonk wasn't holding up so well. He infused his qi to his back to block the fox lady's attack, he was struggling to stand.

"That'll leave a mark. Thanks for taking one for the team, Gonk!" I just shook my head at Number One, but he was right. A non-cultivator like us would have been squashed flat.

His forehead was all cut up and bleeding. Blocking the swatting tail caused him to spit out a stream of blood. Typical of fighting cultivators. I don't know how they do it, but they can spit out streams of blood when being smacked around.

See? Gonk just spat out another stream of blood after being smacked by another tail. I should ask Gonk how he does that. It seemed like the fox lady was impressed though.

"You live up to your name Son of Heaven! You took my attack at the Golden Core stage twice and lived. And you're only a Foundation Stage cultivator to boot! It's a shame to kill such a handsome man, but human threats must be eliminated! Prepare to die!"

I saw the perfect jawline of the Son of Heaven clench. I felt my own jaw, but for some reason even if I bit down hard, it didn't feel like anything close to Gonk's. Suddenly, my thoughts were broken by the voice of a bewitching siren, coming out from the forest.

"Sister Scarlett. Don't be so hasty to kill such a man. How about this? You know I am the best at formations. Why not let me keep the handsome man prisoner, and let me have my way with him? I can share him with you if you want some fun and torture him too."

Numbers One was excited. I guess he thought he would get a similar treatment. He was shouting too loudly in my head.

"My days as a virgin are over! Come and take me!"

"Sister Ivy! What a splendid proposal! We can use all of our collection of whips! What about this one? He's ugly, and I doubt he can hold up, seeing how he's a non-cultivator."

Number One was furious. He had no luck with the pretty ladies, and he cursed Gonk's heavenly blessed looks.

"Bah! You're ugly! Why does Gonk get all the luck! Even the lady with the sexy voice wanted him and saved him!"

The nine tails of a similar fox lady could be seen coming out from the high canopy of the trees. I thought it was odd seeing the subtle vibrations of the earth, but I understood why the ground trembled as the sound of footsteps approached.

Sister Ivy's large muscular hands broke the thick branch of a large tree as she stepped out into the clearing. I could only politely describe her as a very muscular woman.

Gonk had a chiseled muscular physique, and yet Sister Ivy outclassed him. By far.

I felt chills run down my spine as I was eyed up and down.