
Mission Hammer [Prt.1]


"Eh eerht sgniht era...#1. Eert pmuj, #2. Croc epor dna #3. Raeps hsad." said the Tribe leader.

"The three things are #1. Tree jump, #2. Croc rope and #3. Spear dash." I translated and looked at Sonic.

"Fi uoy taefed su ni lla eerht fo meht, neht uoy nac evah eht remmah." said the leader with a smirk.

Sonic looked at me for translation and I translated, "If we defeat them in all three of them, then we can have the hammer."

Sonic nodded and said, "Lets begin then."

I looked at the tribe leader, he was still smirking.

"Stel ees fi uoy nac niw ro ton." said the leader.

"Lets see if we can win or not." I translated.

"Tsrif eht eert pmuj. Stel nigeb." said the leader and clapped his hands twice as a signal.

Then the other tribe members nodded and we went outside including the tribe leader.

"So, what is this Tree jump?" asked Sonic.

"Hm, I don't know." I replied and looked at the leader.

"Os, tahw si eert pmuj?" I asked.

"Eert pmuj si a emag fo deep, ytilibixelf, krowmaet. Uoy owt era gniog ot yalp sa a maet, ohw sehcaer eht hsinif enil tsirf sniw. Tub uoy owt ot etelpmoc eht ecar rehtegot." replied the tribe leader.

"Tree jump is a game of speed, flexibilty, teamwork. We two are going to play as a team and jump from one tree to another while dodging the obstacles. The team who reaches the finish line first wins. But we two have to complete the race together." I looked at Sonic.

And he smirked.

"Piece of cake." I and Sonic said in unison.

Now, dear readers, let me describe what the game-I mean race looked like, I mean its surroundings and all. There were two tracks. There was some distance between the two tracks. Each team was sitting at the starting line in each of the tracks. There were trees placed in a row in each track.

It looked quite easy but there were hidden traps and obstacles. And all we had to do was jump or swing from one tree to another. We can't do the race on the ground. I think that's why is it called "Tree jump".

Then the game began. . .

It was easy for me and Sonic as we have super speed but our competitors weren't that bad. I and Sonic jumped from one tree to another while dodging the obstacles. It got harder and harder, however we could do it easily.

We dodged a big group of bees, stones, water and some poisonous snakes as well. It was still easy for us. Sonic and I were now swinging from one branch to another branch. Well, he was just a little ahead of me, anyways. We are a team. We had just completed the half track. There was still a long half track to reach the finish line.

Then, we reached a tunnel. We came down from the trees and started running on the ground. And we ran inside the tunnel without any hesitation. Well, I wasn't afraid of the dark and I guess Sonic wasn't afraid either. We were out of the tunnel within a few seconds. After we were out of the tunnel, we quickly climbed on the tree and continued the race again.

There were hidden booby traps on the trees which we didn't bother to be trapped in. We kept jumping and swinging from one tree to another.

"Ha! This is fun!" said Sonic while swinging.

I chuckled and said, "Yeah!"

But just then...I accidently pressed something (which was actually a booby trap) and just then, two ropes appeared from behind me and tied my wrists and ankles. Then, I fell down on the ground under the tree.

"Oh no..." I first tried to untie the rope tied on my ankles but failed.

And...Sonic had already went ahead. I guess he didn't notice I was gone. Nevermind, I again tried to untie myself but failed again! And just then...I sensed something crawling on my head. I quickly shook my head and....a....spider...fell down..next to me...

"What!!?? A spider!!!??? No, no, no. It can't be. It-It can't be...." I thought to myself and looked up at the tree only to see a huge pack of spiders falling upon me.

My eyes widened. I can fight any other creature on this planet but just not spiders!!! This was my worst nightmare!!! I have Achranophobia! The fear of spiders! I can't stand a chance against them and now even my hands and ankles are also tied. I can't run nor use my powers! But if my emotions take control of me then my powers will surely show up themselves!!

Then, the spiders fell upon me. "Noo!!" I screamed.

Now the spiders were everywhere, on my head, on my legs and even on my stomach!! I-I can't take this anymore. My heart beat was fastening. I was panicking and scared.

"Sonic!! Soonnnicccc!!!!" I called out but I think he didn't heard me.

I couldn't hold much longer...tears rolled down my cheeks.

The spiders had surrounded me.

I whispered with tears in my eyes, "Eva...please save me..."

Then I closed my eyes, tears rolling down my cheeks, still surrounded by spiders. I lost all my hope.

"S-Sonic...E-Eva...Save me..." I whispered again.


"Sonic!! Soonnnicccc!!!!" I heard someone calling me then.

I stopped and jumped down from the tree. Then I turned around and realized that Sonica was gone!! S-She was behind me where did she go now?? I don't know why but I started panicking.

"S-Sonica!!" I ran back as fast as I could.

I also realized that the weather started getting a little stormy or something. But I didn't care about the weather. All I could think about was Sonica. Why am I worrying about her so much?!!

"Sonica! I am coming!!" I increased my speed.

Finally, Finally!! I found Sonica. But there were spiders all over her! She was surrounded by spiders. A-and...was s-she crying!!??

"Sonica!" I called out.

I grabbed a stick and then shooed the spiders away.

"S-Sonic..." said Sonica. She was crying. I kneeled down and quickly hugged her.

"Sshh...Its okay, Sonica. I am here now...Its okay." I brushed her quills.

Hopefully she calmed down and we separated from the hug.

"Its okay, Sonica." I wiped her tears and smiled a little. And I also noticed that the weather got a little better now. Hm, that's kinda strange but nevermind...

Then, I tried to untie her wrists. Luckily, I was able to free her wrists but I couldn't untie her ankles.

"Oh, come on!" I kept trying and trying but it was no use.

But just then, the tribe members (our competitors) overtook us.

"Oh no." I said as I was still trying to untie the rope.

"I-I am sorry, Sonic. This is all happening because of me... We will loose because of me..." said Sonica while looking down.

I sighed and said, "I have no other choice now."

"What do you mean..?" asked Sonica.

Then, I stood back up and picked her up in bridal style. Then, I jumped up on the trees and continued the race. I was also blushing slightly. What is wrong with me? Then, I looked at Sonica, only to realize that she was looking at me with a faint blush on her cheeks but then she looked away. I shook it off and focused on the race.

I increased my speed and soon, we were close to our competitors but they were closer to the finish line!

"Oh no!" I hurried and increased my speed.

I think I can't make it!! Then, Sonica placed her hand on my shoulder and suddenly I felt a strong energy. My eyes glowed light blue and then.... *Zoom!* We were at the finish line just before our competitors. I-I don't how did this happen, what was that energy...But...we w-won!!!

"W-We won! We won, Sonica!!" I cheered and placed her down on the ground and sat next to her.

"We won, Sonica." I whispered and smiled at her.

"Yeah. We won. All thanks to you, Sonic." said Sonica.

I scratched my head and replied, "We did it as a team, Sonica."

I smiled and she smiled a little too.

I couldn't help it. She looks more beautiful when she smiles. Wait, what?! Did I just think she is beautiful? Well she is but- Oh my god! What's happening to me?! Why do I feel butterflies in my stomach all of a sudden?

Just then, the leader arrived.

"Uoy now eht tsrif eno. Won owt erom tfel." said the leader which I probably didn't understand.

But Sonica nodded at the leader. I looked at her and just blinked.

She chuckled and said, "He said that we won the first one. Now two more left."

"Ooohh! Now I get it." I replied.

Then, the leader grabbed his spear and suddenly pointed it towards Sonica.

"Hey!? That's not safe you know!" I brought my hands infront of her in a defending way.

But the leader just cut the rope with his spear. I was overthinking. Hehe (─.─||)

"Knaht uoy." said Sonica and the leader nodded.

I guess she said "Thank you."

The tribe leader's Pov (Translated in our language)

These two hedgehogs seem to be brave. They have won the first one, let's see if they win next time or not. That blue hedgehog with right stripes seems to be a little strange. It feels as if that hedgehog has a strange energy, surrounded by a powerful yet unknown aura.

Now the next is ' Croc rope ' but it looks like that can't be done today. I sun is setting. Those two hedgehogs will stay at the prison with their friends this night. And I assume that they won't run away.


After Sonic picked me up in bridal style, I felt kinda strange. Anyways, he continued the race. But to my surprise our competitors were already close enough to the finish. Sonic tried to increase his speed but I thought he couldn't do it. I had no other choice. I placed my hand on his shoulder, took a deep breath and transferred a little bit energy in him. I knew that a little energy would be enough for him, after all my powers are really really strong.

And as I expected, we won the race with ease. And as soon as we reached the finish line, I quickly took back the energy because I don't think Sonic could handle it for much longer. He might also get hyped.

But now, it was already evening. A whole day had passed and we were both tired. I thought we would compete the second task or whatever it was but the leader said that it will be done tomorrow and I and Sonic have to stay in the prison with our friends this night. We had no other choice.

We went inside the prison and one of the tribe members locked the door from outside which is obvious.

Just then Amy hugged Sonic and said, "Sonic! Did you win?"

I rubbed by arm slowly as they hugged.

Then they separated from the hug and Sonic said, "Yeah, we won the first game. Now two more left and soon you will get your hammer back, Amy."

"I hope so." replied Amy.

"So, what happened there? We couldn't see anything 'cause we were in this prison." said Tails.

"Well-" Sonic got cut off as a tribe member came in with some bowls of soup and placed it down and again went outside.

"I am hungry." said Sticks.

Then, she picked up a bowl of soup.

"Wait! We don't know if its safe-" before Tails could finish his sentence, Sticks already drank the soup.

"Delicious. This soup is better than Amy's soup." said Sticks.

"What!!?" Amy glared at Sticks but Sticks acted as if she didn't notice it and continued to drink her soup.

Then Knuckles, Amy and Tails also took 1-1 bowl for each. Sonic and I also took one bowl of soup for us and we all drank it.

After we were done Tails asked, "So, tell us what and how you two won today?" Sonic looked at me and I just nodded once.

- Time skip -

"If I had a key then I would surely be free from here!" said Amy.

Just then I remember Key. I haven't been with Key since 2 days. I sighed.

"Its time to sleep now." said Tails.

"We have to sleep on the ground?" asked Amy and he nodded. "Okay.. Goodnight."

Then, everyone laid down. Sonic laid down beside me and Amy laid down beside him. Thankfully, I was at the corner of the wall so that I don't get stuck between two people. Soon, I heard snorings. But I wasn't sleepy at all. I was just thinking about Key.

I sighed and faced the roof, my head rested on my crossed arms.

"I hope you are fine, Key." I thought as I sighed again.

"You're still awake?" whispered Sonic.

I looked at him and looked back at the roof. "I thought you were asleep." I said.

"Yeah...well, I wasn't that sleepy so..." replied Sonic.

I sighed and turned towards the wall.

"Can I ask something?" asked Sonic.

"No." I replied.

"Well...how come you are so afraid of spiders? I mean you used to be emotionless before and I thought that you weren't afraid of anything. But..today what I saw confused me." said Sonic.

"I said no quest- well...I-I have Arachnophobia, the...fear of spiders...." I replied.

"But how did you get this Aracho- or whatever phobia? Is it since birth?" asked Sonic.

I sighed and said, "I don't think it's since birth. I don't remember clearly but...when I was a small baby....I was playing in the cradle but just then so many spiders jumped on me out of no where. I cried and cried very hard. I started to run out of breath but just then a shadowy figure saved me and picked me up from the cradle and hugged me while I was sobbing."

There was silence between us. I sighed.

"Well...to be honest...I...may have Acqua phobia...I can't swim." said Sonic.

"Was that a secret?" I asked.

"Uhh....well...it was for me but my friends already found that out....so..." replied Sonic.

I didn't say anything.

Then, Sonic said, "Sonica! A spider on the wall!"

My eyes widened and I quickly turned away from the wall and clinged to Sonic tightly. "Is-Is it gone?" I asked with my eyes still closed.

He chuckled.

Then, I realized that he had pranked me. I growled and jumped on top of Sonic. "If you ever do that again, I swear I am going to kill you, hedgehog." I growled while pointing my index finger at him.

He smirked and then suddenly, he pushed me aside, jumped on top of me and said, "Oh really?" He held me down and interlocked our fingers.

I don't know why but I felt butterflies in my stomach. Was I blushing?

"Sonic, let me go." I growled.

Then, he bit his bottom lips and said, "Sonica...I want to tell you something." He was blushing and but I growled, but to be honest, my cheeks were turning a bit red.

"Sonica...I..." he didn't complete his sentence.

My cheeks were burning up now.

"Sonica, I-" he stopped again because we heard some footsteps from outside and he looked outside.

I quickly pushed him off of me.

"S-Sorry, Sonic. I-I don't know what had got into me." said Sonic while blushing.

[ "Oh My God! Why am I blushing? Have I lost it? What was I even doing? I am so stupid! What must she be thinking right now?" Sonic thought to himself. ]

I didn't say anything and turned towards the wall again. I was blushing a little bit I let out a growl at him.

Calm down, Sonica. It was nothing. Just...calm down. I thought to myself and took a deep breath.

Then, I noticed Sonic yawing. "I think I am gonna fall alseep now. Goodnight, Sonica." said Sonic as he yawned again.

I sighed and looked at the wall. Soon he fell alseep.

I sighed again.

What was all that? Why was I blushing so much? Do I like him? But we are just friends... I thought to myself.

Now, everyone was asleep except me. I sighed and closed my eyes.

Then, I felt a hand wrapped around my stomach. I slowly turned my head back only to realize that it was Sonic. He was alseep but still his hand was wrapped around me. I clenched my fists to hold back a growl but my cheeks were buring up again. What is wrong with me!? I slowly held his hand and pushed it away from me. Don't make me kill you, Sonic. I took a deep breath again and thankfully, I fell asleep.