
Immoral Abyss

Al'Hazrel shook her wrist slightly as she tilted her head to the side and dashed straight at the crowd of [Corrupted Goblin Minions] gathered before her with a brow slightly raised.

She didn't know that these creatures were so, weak.

Not even waiting for the corrupted goblins to pull their act together, Al'Hazrel dove down with her hand forming a claw that was slashed in the direction of the goblins - swift and efficient.

The goblins, albeit a little disorderly, dashed about from one side to the other like frogs on a hot pan to evade the raining claws of Al'Hazrel.

Any goblin that got caught by the claw of the demonic angel, would be instantly shredded to thin pieces. They weren't even given a chance to resist the sudden onslaught.

Al'Hazrel after creating chaos in the midst of her targets, suddenly swirled mid-air as she descended, her spinning arms and claws created a realistic illusion of a spinning black circle that chopped off the limbs of anyone that comes in contact with it.

Soon, all that was left of the corrupted goblins was a bloody mess with guts and gore scattered around the area in a disordered fashion. Al'Hazrel, standing in the middle of it all, wasted no time in finishing off the struggling to live or escaping survivors.

As soon as the goblins were killed off completely, the other corrupted fae seemed to have completely lost their sense of reasoning, dashing towards Al'Hazrel with all their might.

"Being a very strange species, the monsters have a tendency to go crazy at the sight of blood or anything related to it. Some are very dangerous at this stage, and will get wilder the more blood is spilled."

Al'Hazrel turned back to George who was still busy with his circling, and nodded her head to indicate her understanding of how the creatures behaved. To her comprehension, she shouldn't allow them to see more gore to prevent them from going berserk.

If she was able to do this successfully then it would be very easy bagging a victory against these strange creatures and finally getting to deal with the others.

Al'Hazrel chuckled, leaped forward and grabbed the nearest corrupted fae by the horn, raising it up to the sky and smashing it down to the ground.

She was sure that the strike was definitely enough to knock it out, but just for safety reasons - she raised her leg and stomped on the back of it's head.

The skull of the corrupted fae caved in with a loud crack, but unexpectedly didn't explode from the sheer force Al'Hazrel had smashed on it. Seeing this, the demonic angel praised the creature's durability and moved to the next target.

Like a bolt of lightning, Al'Hazrel had leapt forward, kneeing a corrupted fae in the guts, and before the victim could regain it's defensive stance, it was kicked away to the side by Al'Hazrel's splendid sidekick.

Before the others could react, the demonic angel was upon them with blows, claws, bites and kicks. Her blows were elegant, fluid and powerful, taking down her targets in a few moves.

Anytime she got too crowded, one of the crude circles drawn by George would light up, and a spiralling cone of energy directly towards her. Upon reaching her, the cone would spin around her at fierce speeds, tearing apart anything it touches before finally fading away.

"Sigh, it's almost finished." George muttered as he drew another circle, and after drawing a few more the corner of his lips lifted into a dark sneer. His voice was soft and barely audible as he spoke, "Immoral Abyss, Awaken!"

Suddenly, each and every circle lit up in a bright purple light, and one by one, the light rose up to form spiralling cones of purple light. Each and every cone were purple except one, the smallest and darkest one amongst all - glowing in a faint metallic lustre.

After spiralling for a while, the cones of light froze, and with that came an explosion of purple light that engulfed the circles below. When the light dispersed, and the lines of all the circles formed an intersection - the faint outline of a large magic circle was formed.

"Immoral Chaos Manifestations, Go!"

As soon as George uttered this command, all the cones flew rapidly in scattered directions to locate their targets. Some exploded on impact, dealing damage to a group of enemies, while others shot through their targets one after the other.

George only stood and watched with only the dark and tiny cones still floating before him, his eyes were narrowed as he swung his hands from side to side, directing some lighter coloured cones.

He didn't even spare a glance at the berserk corrupted fae, killing them before they had the opportunity to deal any true damage. His cones were efficient, and except from those that exploded on impact they didn't spill too much blood.

Al'Hazrel just stood dumbfounded. She was unable to anything, but watch as George began the ruthless massacre another of large gathering of foes. None of them, were able to put up a defense before this power.

"How— How can one counter this kind of attack that can come from any direction?"

The numbers of the corrupted fae had begun to dwindle, and only a few stronger ones were left. Seeing that escaping was fruitless, all those still left - a dozen in total charged towards Al'Hazrel with bloodlust.

Al'Hazrel broke out of her thoughts and took a stance, but before she could blink, a black light whizzed past the side of face and the the next second, dozens of cones were spiralling around her.

Before she could react, all the cones spinning around her sharply lashed out at their targets, ripping apart flesh and slitting throats as they dancer around the battlefield.

Al'Hazrel was stunned, and shocked speechless. She watched as bodies fell and blood spurt out of wounds uncontrollably.

Vicious - Al'Hazrel stared at the calm George behind her - Really vicious.