
Spirit of silence

It’s basically a cool story about a girl being sold to a wealthy person, and then they fall in love.. blah blah blah sounds pretty generic but if you get into it it’s gonna be amazing and you’re gonna have fun I promise you that :) there is also lots of cool powers and stuff magic etc

Robert_Mosu_4955 · แฟนตาซี
3 Chs


Chapter 2: Awakening to Freedom

Sophia's eyes snapped open, and the vivid dreams of the prince and the enigmatic queen began to fade, leaving her with an inexplicable sense of empowerment. Her heart raced, not only from the dream but also from the realization that her voice had returned. She spoke, the sound of her own words a beautiful melody to her ears.

"Good morning," she whispered to herself, savoring the gift of speech, one that had been denied to her for as long as she could remember. It was a miracle that came with a sense of freedom she had never known.

Barefoot and clad in her delicate nightgown, Sophia gently placed her treasured book back in its hidden compartment. The frailty of her body, which had held her captive for so long, had given way to newfound strength. It was as if the magic from her dream had seeped into her very bones, granting her abilities she had never imagined.

As she secured the book within its secret alcove, a cacophony of unfamiliar voices reached her ears from downstairs. Her parents were conversing with strangers, their tones hushed but filled with an undeniable tension. Sophia was drawn to the voices, her curiosity piqued. She watched from the window as her parents spoke to the enigmatic visitors, their eyes flickering in her direction.

Fear gnawed at her heart. Why were her parents revealing her existence to outsiders now, after keeping her hidden for so many years? The walls of the mansion, which had once felt like a shield, were now closing in on her. She was gripped by a sense of dread, and a single thought consumed her mind: she needed to escape.

With trembling hands, she unlocked the window and descended to the ground. The soft earth beneath her feet was a stark contrast to the cold, marbled floors of her prison. She paused for a moment, taking deep breaths to steady her racing heart and collect her thoughts. The world outside was vast and unknown, and she was uncertain of where to go. Her knowledge of life beyond the mansion's walls was limited to the stories she had read in the hidden book.

As Sophia ventured deeper into the woods, the exhilaration of her escape coursed through her. Each step was a step closer to freedom, and the thought of breaking free from her captivity filled her with a sense of elation. The morning air was crisp, and the soft sunlight filtered through the dense canopy of leaves, casting dappled patterns on the forest floor.

But Sophia's escape was not destined to be a solitary one. As she moved deeper into the woods, she collided with a tall, young man who appeared to be around her age. His eyes sparkled with amusement as he reached out and grabbed her hand, helping her to her feet.

"Running away, are we?" he asked, his tone light and filled with humor.

Sophia, still trying to come to terms with her newfound ability to speak, could only nod in response. The events of her escape and her captivity were far too complex to explain in mere words to a stranger.

The young man introduced himself as Folly, a name that seemed to fit his lighthearted and carefree demeanor. He explained that he had been on a journey to seek adventure, echoing the yearning for excitement that had been a recurring theme in her beloved book. He had stumbled upon her escape, and his charm and genuine nature put Sophia at ease.

As they continued to walk through the forest together, they began to share pieces of their lives. Folly's longing for adventure and his carefree spirit resonated with the prince in her cherished book. Sophia, in turn, divulged snippets of her story – her life in captivity, the miraculous return of her voice, and the puzzling encounter with her parents and the enigmatic visitors.

Folly listened intently, his eyes reflecting empathy and understanding. Despite the uncertainty of their circumstances, Sophia couldn't help but trust him. He seemed like the kind of person who could make even the darkest of times feel a little brighter.

Their newfound companionship provided a respite from the tumultuous events of the morning. The forest seemed to hold a sense of peace, where they could share their stories and hopes.

But that tranquility was shattered when they heard the distant sounds of a large group of people approaching. Panic flickered in Folly's eyes as he grabbed Sophia's hand, pulling her with him to evade capture.

For a fleeting moment, they believed they had escaped, their heartbeats returning to a semblance of normalcy. But then, a multitude of people closed in on them, encircling them with an eerie and unsettling determination. The air grew heavy with tension, and Folly was apprehended, his hands handcuffed with surprising efficiency.

Sophia watched in horror as Folly was restrained, and her own hand was seized, yanking her away from his side. Their captors led them down a narrow alleyway, their faces obscured by hoods, and their movements carried an air of organized chaos.

Fear and confusion gripped Sophia's heart as they dragged her further away from the forest, the sanctuary she had known for mere moments. Who were these people, and what did they want? She glanced at Folly, who met her gaze with an expression of helplessness.

" don't worry, everything will be okay just trust me"

With tear drops in her eyes " okay.."