
Spirit Evolution

Nicolas was one of the strongest innate power practitioners in his previous world but, his own brother killed him, after death, he reincarnated in a body of 15 years old boy that has 2 spirits in his body and in a world where everything is ruled by people with the most powerful spirits, someone with 2 spirts can be counted as outstanding but, he has a 2 trash spirit that can’t evolve, snake and bird. Will he successfully return to his family and wife in another world or will he die in this new and mysterious world full of Spirit Masters? *The cover is not mine and if author wants me to remove to cover, contact me*

TheMightyOne · แฟนตาซี
15 Chs

Chapter 8- The Challenge

Amplify-Speed works by using Innate Power to ease brain limiters a little and Amplify-Defense works by using Innate Energy to make a new layer of 'skin' under or above the real skin so the new layer of 'skin' could absorb the damage from the impact.

And 17 hours later after adapting to his new amount of Innate Energy, Nicolas finally learned all of three basic Innate Art.

"Ahhh, finally, I learned it all." Said Nicolas as he yawned.

And just as he wanted to take a sleep because he was tired and exhausted, he suddenly heard someone yelling.


'Grey? Who is that? I don't remember forming enmity with someone named Grey?'

After rummaging through previous body owner memories, he finally found out who is Grey.

'Ah yes, he is Christopher's slave, slave of the young lord that wanted to sleep with previous body owner's mom.'

'It seems like he is here for trouble.'

'Well perfect, I just needed to find someone to test my new abilities.'

Before, Nicolas didn't even have any thoughts about taking revenge for the previous body owner just because he occupied his body, it's not like he intentionally occupied the previous body owner's body.

Others may call him trash or scumbag but, that's just part of Nicolas's character, if he could avoid troubles he would and if he couldn't, well...

Nicolas despises cowards or those who were hiding their power without any obvious reason. He also despised people who intentionally want to show-off their powers so the others would admire them or for any other similar bullshit.

In his previous life, Nicolas never tried to hide his power but also, he never tried to show-off.

If someone is worthy 10% of his power then he would use 10% of his power, if someone is worthy of his full strength then he would use his full strength. That was one of Nicolas's previous life mottos.

'At first, I didn't want to revenge previous body owner but now, it seems that even if I

don't do anything, they will still come at me.'

"Well let's see what this idiot wants."

And after a minute, Nicolas left the hotel and entered the abandoned street behind the hotel where he was called from.

He immediately saw Grey after he entered the abandoned street.

"Hahaha Nicolas, I thought that you didn't have balls to show up, at least you can die with some dignity left." Said Grey as he laughed.

"Oh, so you will just kill me here?" Asked Nicolas with a questioning gaze.

According to the previous body owner's memories, Nicolas shouldn't have any worth to Cristopher so there is no need to kill him stealthily.

Nicolas only had 1 Gold Coin on him right now, which is nothing to Christopher, even his slave, Grey, should at least have 50 Gold Coins at him right now.

Nicolas suddenly smirked as he thought of a way to make some quick money.

"Hahaha, of course not, Lord Christopher is fair to everyone, he will give you a chance to survive, and that is if you can win against me in Royal Arena!"

'Ha, just as I thought, he wants me to become an example for those who want to oppose him.

Well, this is just making things easier for me.'

'I'm not in the need of money right now but, I will be in the near future so, I will try to take as much money as I can from this •Duel•'

"So Nicolas, do you accept the challenge from this granddaddy of yours."