
Spirit Captor! 101 Demon souls!

The "Paranormal Spirit Captor Club", is an after school club that mostly consists of teenagers hanging out, looking for ghost, watching scary movies, and researching old horror artifacts. They have recently gained possession of an odd cube artifact named the "Obsidian 100". An artifact said to have sealed 100 souls. Join Kai a young baseball player stuck afterschool with these knuckleheads. What will happen? What is the "Obsidian 100"? Find out that and more on "Spirit Captor! 101 Demon souls!"

Zuesgetsu · สมัยใหม่
2 Chs

A Spooky Night!

God I wish I didn't look up...

What I was looking at could only be described as something straight out of a horror movie. I barely know how to describe it. But here goes- It's eyes were sown shut, it's jaw was hanging wide open, on it's forehead was the number 84, it's teeth were as sharp as an alligator's, it's tongue was that of some sort of reptile. What was worse wasn't even it's head, it was it's hulking body that seemed as if it was on all fours on the ceiling top while the head itself was twisted like an owl.

The drool kept hitting my face and the thing? Monster? Bad mutant gone wrong? Let out a massive roar as if to say "Your my next meal". Well honestly I didn't care what it meant all I know is I just started running for my life.

I ran so fast I felt like even the greatest baseball players couldn't catch me. And yet- that thing was tailing me on all fours like it was nothing. It dropped it self onto the ground when I started running and began following- no I think the better word would be. Began HUNTING ME DOWN!

As I ran for my life the walls began oozing green slime. different shaped hands began crawling out of the ooze. Some ethereal and others solid. One in particular caught my attention, a zombie like rotting arm sprung out clearly attempting to grab me sprung out of the ooze.

I ducked the second I saw the arm reaching out. It felt like I had seconds to react. I ducked and began running again. The big monster chasing me stopped for a second the bite the zombie arm.

I used that opportunity to run to a turn in the hallway. I saw the janitors closet and hid in there.

As I hid I heard the monster running in the path I previously turned. It sounded like it was running full speed. By what I heard, it sounds like the monster was completely passed me.

I was exhaling like crazy, exhausted from running so fast. My heart was pounding a mile a minute. I could barely comprehend what was going on.

Not only that, I was stuck in a tiny janitor's closet. With nothing but brooms, mops and barely any real space to breath.

Thoughts began rushing through my head...

"What the hell is going on?"

"What was that thing?"

So many thoughts...

I suddenly felt my shoulder getting colder, it felt like a cold lifeless hands hand touched it. Then suddenly I heard in a calm wistful voice.

"Shhhh if your heart keeps beating so fast...you'll awaken him..."

I was completely startled I was about to scream. But then it suddenly put it's hands across my mouth. It twisted it's head to my face, what I saw was.

Christ it had no eyeballs, no teeth, it was if it's eyeholes and mouth were a deep blackness, it's face was that of a shriveled rotting corpse of a man, it's hair looked gray, dried, and unkept. And weirdly enough it also had a number on it's forehead, 96.

"dIDn't I jUsT sAy SHUT UP!" It said in a more twisted and domineering voice.

My eyes widened in fear, but it wasn't time for me to freeze. I bit it's hand and ran out the closet. it was a bit weird...a bit too easy.

Regardless I didn't have time to properly think. The only thing that was on my mind was escaping and finding a way to defend myself.

As I ran I saw my baseball club room door. I thought to myself:

"If it was that easy to get away from the other guy...maybe I could use a baseball bat to defend myself."

I rummaged through all of the equipment to find my bat, a few kneepads and a helmet.

I looked at my bat, kissed it and said "God I missed you old buddy. We've been through a lot but things might just get a whole lot tougher."

"Alright I can do this!" I said to myself as I was about to run out the door. However I stopped and thought.

"Wait wait wait- Wait a second. I can just jump out the window."

I attempted to open the windows with all my might.

"Maybe it just...needs...a little elbow grease" I said as I struggled to even move it an inch. I tried every window in that room, nothing just wouldn't budge.

I sighed a bit and said-

"Of course it wasn't gonna be so easy."

Suddenly I heard a loud scream from what sounded like a girls voice.


Someone was in trouble...no I knew that voice...

"Aoi is in trouble!"