
Chapter 1:Initation

It was a normal day in Edra, a magical town.10 year old Mason Watts was getting out of bed.As he put on his clothes he looked out his window into the trees behind his home.He saw the leaves flowing in the wind.His blonde hair twinkled in the sunlight as his blue eyes also shimmered. "Mason it's your Initiation Day" his mom said. "I can't wait to get my spirit animal" he thought to himself. "Maybe it's a tiger or shark or a tiger shark".He got in his mom's car to go to the Initiation Site where people had been given chosen ones for over a century.When he got there a crowd of kids where waiting.Once it was his turn he walked towards Selena the goddess who first gave spirit animals.He got down on one knee and she touched his forehead.She said "You are noble and kind,you put others before yourself you are most definitely a badger,Mason Watts".He thought to himself "A badger,cool!".He stepped back into a group of kids who had their spirit animals already.A black girl with her hair in braids walked forward "Cooperative and noble,a true wild one there is no denying you are an Alpha Wolf,Tegan Elliot".She stood by Mason "Hi i'm Tegan" the girl said. "I'm Mason" he said.A boy with brown hair and green eyes approached her and kneeled. "A real go-getter agile and fast you are a leopard,Isaac Reed". "Hey wanna be friends" he said to them "Okay" said Tegan.