
Spider-Verse: The Devouring Spider

Waking up in someone's body is one thing but finding yourself thrusted in a world full of dangerous things is another. This is a story of a young man who got transmigrated into a chaotic world with superheroes and supernaturals. Ps- The universe/world the mc is a combinations of cartoon movies like Incredibles, Megamind and many more, I have also changed the timelines, places, and names in the story. =This is a new writers work so don't expect much, I only started writing a month ago and English is not even my second language so there will be grammar errors, flaws, and plot holes in the story. This will also be kinda slow phase=

PHONEIX_PRIMA · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
16 Chs

Edna Mode

Ace followed his parents out of the facility, feeling a mix of excitement and nervousness.

They walked to the parking space, where a sleek black car was waiting for them. Derick opened the door for him and his mother, then got in the driver's seat. He started the engine and drove out of the gate.

"Where are we going?" Ace asked, looking out of the window.

"We're going to see Edna Mode," his father said. "She's an old friend of ours, and a genius designer. She's going to make you a super suit."

"A super suit?" Ace repeated, his eyes widening.

"Uh-huh" his mother responded, smiling. "Every hero needs a suit right"

Ace felt a surge of adrenaline. In his pastlife he had always dreamed of being a superhero, like the once he had seen on TV and comics.

'But being a superhero or a vigilante is forbidden by that stupid law right?' Ace thought.

He then turned to his parents and asked them a question that had been bothering him. "Uhh... mom, dad. Aren't the superheroes banned right now?"


His father sighed and glanced at his mother. They had expected this question, and they had prepared an answer.

"The government is planning to make the supers come back," Derick said. "Because of the high crime rate that is happening right now. The police and the military can't handle it alone. They need the supers help."

"The government is already cooperating with Winston Deavor," his mother added. "He's a billionaire businessman and a super fan. He's been working on a project to restore the public's trust and admiration for the supers. He's going to sponsor the supers, and provide them with resources and support."

Ace nodded, understanding. 'So the plot has already started huh' Ace thought

He had heard of Winston Deavor, and his company, DevTech. He had seen his commercials and interviews, where he praised the supers and advocated for their legalization. He seemed like a good guy, a visionary, a hero.

'But her sister can be classified as the villain of the plot though.' Ace thought amusedly

Ace was sitting in the back seat of the car, looking out the window at the busy streets of Metro City. He saw people rushing to their destinations, cars honking their horns, and skyscrapers towering over the horizon. He also saw the almost made Metro man museum.

'The plot of Megamind will also about to start huh.' Ace thought

He wondered how Metro Man could still do superhero things when it was banned by the government though. He then decided to ask his father, Derick, about it.

"Dad, why can Metro Man still do superhero things when it's banned?" he asked.

Derick glanced at the rearview mirror and smiled. "Well, son, you see, Metro Man is not just a superhero. He's also a star. A celebrity. An idol. The people of Metro City love him so much that they don't care about the law. They cheer for him, they worship him, they follow his every move. He's like a god to them."

Ace nodded, but he was not satisfied. "But what about the government? Don't they try to stop him?"

Derick sighed and shook his head. "The government has bigger problems to deal with, champ. The crime rate in Metro City is all-time high. There are gangs, robbers, murderers, and terrorists everywhere. The police and the army are overwhelmed and outnumbered. The government knows that they need Metro Man's help, even if they don't admit it. So they turn a blind eye to his actions. They pretend that they don't see him, or that they can't catch him. They let him do what he does best: saving the day."

"I see" Ace nodded in understanding.

"Here we are" Derick said as they finally arrived at Edna's mansion, a large and elegant building surrounded by a well-kept garden.

His father stop the car at the mansions gate and pressed a button. A voice came from a speaker.

"Who is it?" the voice asked from the intercom, sounding impatient and annoyed.

"It's me Edna, Derick Maxim, I'm here with my family."

There was a pause, then a click. The gate opened, and the car drove in.

"Welcome, darlings. Come in, come in. I've been expecting you."

Ace and his parents walked out of the car then they proceed to go to the door, where a short woman with a bulbous nose and brown eyes, in a stylish dress and glasses greeted them. She had short black hair and a confident smile.

"Edna, it's so good to see you again," Ace's father said, hugging her.

"Likewise, my dear. You look well," Edna said, then turned to Ace's mother. "And you must be his lovely wife. I'm Edna, a friend and a designer of supersuits."

"Hello, Edna. I'm Amanda. It's a pleasure to meet you," Ace's mother said, shaking her hand.

"And who is this handsome young man?" Edna asked, looking at Ace with curiosity.

"This is our son, Ace. He's here to get a suit from you," Ace's father said.

"Ace, huh? Nice name. And what are your powers, darling?" Edna asked.

Ace felt a bit nervous, but he answered politely. "I have a spider physiology ma'am. Organic web, wall crawling ability, talons, four spider legs at my back, and elongated fangs that secrete paralyzing venom."

Edna's eyes widened in admiration. "Wow, that's impressive, darling. You must be quite a hero. Come on, let's go to my studio. I have some ideas for your suit."

She led them inside the mansion, which was filled with paintings, sculptures, and other artworks. They followed her to a large room with a high ceiling and a glass wall. There were many machines, mannequins, fabrics, and tools in the room.

"This is where I create my masterpieces," Edna said proudly. "I have designed suits for many famous supers, such as Mr. Incredible, Elastigirl, Frozone, and especially your father, Downburst. And now, I will design one for you, Ace."

She then asked Ace to sit on a chair and scanned his body with a device. Then she handed him a paper and a pencil. "What do you want your suit to look like, darling?" she asked.

Ace thought for a moment 'Since I have the same powers Spider-man have, let's make my costume be the same as his but let's change it a little bit'

Ace then drew a sketch of a suit that resembled the Venom Spider-Man suit, with a red spider logo on the chest. He showed it to Edna, who nodded approvingly.(Its in the novel's cover)

"Very nice, very nice. I like your style. And no capes, I see. Good, good. Capes are dangerous, you know. They can get caught on things, or get sucked into jet engines, or get pulled by villains. No capes!" she said emphatically.

She took the sketch and went to a machine that looked like something from a sci-fi movie. It had many tiny robotic arms that moved and wove the suit. Edna made some adjustments on a screen and said, "This suit will enhance your powers, Ace. It will be flexible, durable, resistant to heat and cold. I cut it a little roomy for the free movement, the fabric is comfortable for sensitive skin... And machine washable, darling. That's a new feature. It will be the perfect suit for you."

She looked at the progress of the machine and said, "It will be finished tomorrow and delivered to the facility. You don't have to worry about the expenses he government has already paid for this."

Ace's father thanked her and said, "You're amazing, Edna. You always were."

Edna smiled and said, "Thank you, Derick. You're too kind. And you're welcome, Ace. I hope you like your suit."

Ace's mother said, "I'm going to stay here for a while, if you don't mind. I want to see more of Edna's work."

"Of course, Amanda. You're welcome to stay as long as you like. I have plenty to show you," Edna said.

Ace's father said, "Okay, then. I'll take Ace back to the facility. We'll see you later, honey."

He and Ace said goodbye to Edna and Amanda and left the mansion. They got into the car and drove back to the facility, where Ace went to his room and slept after changing his clothes. He dreamed of his new suit and the things he could done with it.


PHONEIX_PRIMAcreators' thoughts