
Spider-Man Mayhem

Reincarnating into Peter Parker and Spider-Man isn't what it's all cracked up to be... Would the Mc have what it takes to wear the symbol and the mask. You would just have to read and find out ... My Mc is a heroic type, killing isn't going to be what goes through his mind when he's Spider-Man, sorry for those that want an edgy and dark Spider-Man but mine doesn't have that boner... This is an Algamation of different Spider-Man stories and making it into one big universe, so some dates won't match with what you know... anyways enjoy

Shadow_D_Monarch3 · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
186 Chs

Chapter 1

[?????? POV] 


 'What the hell is going on. Why do I hear the sound of baby crying.' I thought as I tried opening my eyes. 

But all that I could see were blurry images 'The hell? Am I going blind... this is starting to scare me' I thought 

While my thoughts were delving into panic I soon heard the voice of someone close to me. It weirdly felt like someone was holding me up. 

"Congratulations madam on giving birth to a healthy baby boy. Do you have a name picked out for him" 

'What? No way it couldn't possibly be...' I thought as I listened closely. 

"Yes doctor me and my husband have thought long and hard about his name..." 

It sounded like a woman and she sounded exhausted. Probably from giving birth... 'I have been reborn haven't I. But how is that possible, I just went to bed after studying all night' 

"His name is Peter Benjamin Parker" said the woman holding me softly. 

Hearing the name she chose made my brain short circuit slightly.... 

'Peter Benjamin Parker... Peter Benjamin Fucking Parker... deep breaths, take deep fucking breaths.... either my new birth mother and father are big comic books geeks or... or I FUCKING REINCARNATED AS PETER FUCKING PARKER. SPIDER-MAN BABY WOOOOOAAAHHH' 

As soon as these thoughts enter my head, the sound of babies laughter could soon be heard. "Hehehehehe" 

"Awww it looks like he really likes the name very much, don't you think so honey" said whom I assume is my now new mother. 

The voice of a man soon appeared answering the question "Yeah, he sounds like he's going to be a very happy child. I can already expect great things from him. After all it looks like he's going to have my good looks. Hahahahaha" 

"Richard he was just born, he still doesn't look like either of us give it a few weeks then say that." 

"I don't need to wait Mary, I just got this feeling" 

'Hearing their names just keeps cementing the fact that I have been reborn. I wonder what happened to me, and it's not like I'll be missed. I bet those abusive assholes are probably just shrugging their shoulders at my death(?)' 

The more I thought about my predicaments the more tired I got, and soon I couldn't hold out for much longer and quickly feel asleep. 

[Third Person's PoV] 

Seeing the baby sound asleep in her arms Mary just gave him a beautiful smile. She turned towards the doctor and asked "Do you know when we could be discharged" 

The doctor with a small smile behind his mask just said "It usually takes a few days to make sure everything is in order and there's nothing wrong with both the baby and mother. So I say you are free to leave after a week" 

Mary still smiling just nods gratefully "Thank you" 

"Just doing my job" 

And just like that a week soon passed. 

Mary can be seen getting in a car with a baby in her hands and her husband in the front driving the car. 

"Honey, your not too tired right? Want to visit my brother? I wanna show him our little bundle of joy" 

Mary who was still holding onto baby Peter just says "Sure, I'm sure Ben is going to be ecstatic meeting his nephew and finally being an uncle." 

After minutes of driving they soon arrived infront of a modest home. They went and knocked on the door, and out came a couple. As soon as the couple saw them their face just showed pure happiness. 

The woman then went and hugged Mary. "How are you, are you sure it's safe to visit it hasn't been long since you given birth" 

Mary just smiled at the woman's concern as she said "I'm fine May, you don't have to worry about me" 

The woman who is now known as May let's out a sigh of relief before looking and petting the baby in Mary's arms "And this must be little Peter, he's just adorable" 

May's husband who is Richard's brother came and started carefully touching the baby "Hey little guy, from now on you can just call me uncle Ben, alright?" 

May just jokingly slaps Ben's arm "He can't understand you, you big doofus" 

"He's got that intelligent look from Richard, I'm sure he understands me perfectly. Isn't that right little guy." 

And just like that they started their little dinner celebration, welcoming Peter into their lifes. 

[Peter's Pov] 

It's been a week since I have been reincarnated as Peter Parker, and I can't say it's been that bad. Apart from barely being able to see or have control of my limbs. Everything has been going perfectly fine. 

Do I miss my previous life? I can't say I do. Maybe it's because of my excitement of being able to experience a new life or maybe It's because I didn't have a strong emotional connection with my previous parents. 

I guess I have to wait and see until my shock subsides. But I know with 100 percent certainty I won't miss my parents. They were abusive and manipulative assholes, if I would get just one wrong answer they would beat me until bruises formed all over my body. 

But before I could explain myself and everyone else that those bruises came from them. They would tell everyone that I love getting into fights and would always come home bruised up. So no one believed me when I say they abuse me, they always put on this happy family facade infront of everyone. 

One time the abuse got so bad they locked me in a closet for a few days and let me almost starve to death for days. They went around telling everyone I had ran away from home and put on this pity party. When they finally let me out they put on this big show, to show everyone they cared. Honestly I hate them with a passion. 

To escape from reality I would read and watch different types of fiction, from manga to anime and watch different types of super hero movies. 

So I'm extremely glad I don't have to suffer from their abuse again. I feel free, even though I can barely move, I still feel free... 

Being introduced to aunt May and uncle Ben is such a surreal experience. That excitement just comes rushing back, especially when it comes to meeting characters I read about. Especially if those characters are from your favorite super hero franchise. 

Just hearing the name uncle Ben all I thought about was "With Great Power Comes Great Responsibility" 

'I guess now what I have to worry about is my now new Parker luck and hope it doesn't kill me early on.'