
Spider-Man : Brave and Bold

A Spider-man fanfiction with some crossovers . I will introduce a few villains from different places. There will be both MCU and comic elements from both Marvel and DC.

Breaking_Bad · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
27 Chs

Chapter 16 : City Under Attack (I)

Peter slowly crawled out from the pile of debris he was buried under.


He tried to get his bearings back in order. His entire body seemed to be buzzing after that missile attack. He shook his head and then got back up on his feet.

Looking around he could see a lot of people—Police, reporters, medics and other people. They were gathering around. He decided to get out of here. And got to the building where his civilian cloths were and changed and after that went back home.

As he was walking away Peter could see more and more police cars coming to the scene. Right then he received a call on the encrypted number. He took his new phone out which he had got from Nick Fury in case they needed to contact Spider-Man again. Needless to say the one calling right now was the Boss himself, Nick Fury.

"Spider-Man. I want the full reports of what happened there. Is the Green Goblin really back?" As soon as the call was picked up Nick Fury's commanding voice came through.

"Not green Goblin. It's Hob-Goblin now. And no he is not Norman Osborn. Someoneone else." Peter sighed. He really wasn't in the mood to play 20 questions. But SHIELD could really help him. It would be idiotic to not take their help with how bad the situation has become.

"Do you know his identity?" Fury asked again.

"No. But i guess we will meet him very soon. He was here to give a warning of some sorts. He was talking about some kind of Crowning Ceremony."

"I think he was referring to something big that he is about to do soon. We need to be ready for him. Stilt-Man the villain i fought just before Goblin appeared . He had Pumpkin bombs on him too. He said he got it from This Hob-Goblin. I think Hob-Goblin has recruited all the super Villains that have escaped from the prison." Spider-Man told Fury how bad their situation really was.

"That MotherFucker..." Nick Fury couldn't stop himself from cursing.

"Yeah....Not a good situation. When more than a dozen Super villains team up together after escaping from their prison. It's definitely not for something good." Spdier-Man pointed out the obvious.

"Sigh*.... I'll move a squad to New York City. We will check the entire city to find where the villains are hiding. Though, I don't think we will have to find them. Instead they will find us. Or specially YOU. They are all your enemies they will try to hunt you for sure. Are you ready for that kind of Battle?" Fury wasn't too happy with this situation. Sending a Kid to fight A whole army of Super villains was something that even his consciousness found wrong. But He also knew about the capabilities and achievements of Spider-Man. If there was anyone who could fought all those villains it Spider-Man.

"Heh... Don't worry. I born ready and they are just some jokers I've defeated in the past. I can take them." Peter was amused hearing the slightest bit of concern in the One-eyed Boss of Spies.

"Alright. SHIELD will help you fight against those villains. My agent are already searching for their locations. We will inform you as soon as we get some lead. You fix your injuries before that and suit up." Fury declared his final message.

" Oh yeah..... About suit. Hey, Do you think you can give me some money? You see, In the last fight my suit got burned,torn and probably wet. So yeah.... It's...Now , it's pretty much useless. And that was my last suit so can you maybe Give me some money to make a new suit?" Peter was pleading by the end.

Nick Fury remained silent for a while so Peter got anxious and tried to explain again. "Hey. If I'm to fight more than a dozen Villains I'll most probably need an upgrade. Don't you think so?"

"Yes you do. I'll send you an address. Go there and you will find everything you will need to make a new suit." Fury said before he cut the call.

Peter looked at his phone and after 3 seconds he got a message. Which was from Shield ofcourse. Peter decided to call his Aung May once and then Mary Jane too to ask if she is safe. And after that go to this address to get his new suit.




Harry Osborn gritted his teeth as he continued to watch the news about the latest events that happened in New York. Molten-Man and Stilt-Man's attacks and how that damned wall-crawler defeated them both. Harry felt like killing someone at the moment. How he hated that menace so much. Just hearing his name was enough to trigger Harry to get crazy.

But what happened after that was something that Harry Osborn couldn't believe. Someone on the Goblin's Glider came down and attacked Spider-man and defeated him before blasting the wall-crawler with missiles.

He couldn't comprehend what had happened. 'Has father returned? But I saw his dead body. But if he is dead then who the hell is in that Goblin costume.'

'Who the hell is it posing as My father's alter ego ? I have to find him. I'll get my answers and if he isn't Father. Then only death awaits him for acting as someone he is not.' Harry threw the TV remote at the television angrily.

At that moment , The glass window on the side wall broke apart and in came someone who looked very familiar but unfamiliar at the same time.

"Harry Osbornnn.....". The Hob-Goblin hovered in the air on his glider as he looked at the young Osborn.

When Harry finally got a good look at who it was his eyes widened and he shouted ,"Who.... Who The hell are you?"

"Awwww.... Don't you remember Papa darling?" Hob-Goblin mocked the man.

"Shut up you fucker. You can't be him. You are just a shitty Cheap cop ... Gak..."

Hob-Goblin suddenly came in front of Harry and grabbed him by the neck and then flew to the wall and slammed Harry against it.

"Yes.You are right. I'm not your pathetic father. I'm far Better than Him. I'm his Superior successor. I'm the Hob-Goblin." The villain hissed before throwing Harry to the ground.

Harry fell down and grabbed his neck that was already turning black from the Hob-Goblin's touch. "What the.... Hell do you want..?"

"Now that's an intelligent question Osborn. You see, I'm here for all the devices and weapons that Oscorp has built under the secret project with the code name 'Spider-Slayers'." Hob-Goblin declared his reason of attacking the young Osborn.

Harry's eyes widened to the limit after he heard about what Hob-Goblin was here for. As the CEO of Oscorp of course he knew what secret project Hob-Goblin was talking about. In fact He himself had started the Spider-Slayer project.

Hob-Goblin smiled at Harry's reaction. "Hehe.... Surprised? I know all about your little tricks Harry. I know all the games you intend to play and all your plans." Then he took out a big folding knife and opened it. "Now, It will be in your best interest to help me. Lest you want to die and meet your father so soon?"

Harry couldn't belive it. Hob-Goblin had cornered him completely. He could do nothing but comply to help him. Harry got up and started to slowly walk towards the door.

Some might ask what plan and games Hob-Goblin was talking about. The secret was, that Harry Osborn had a somewhat similar plan to The Hob-Goblin. He too intended to get the supervillains out of jail and use them to help him kill Spdier-Man. And for that he, with the help of all the money Oscorp had built powerful and enhanced weapons.

Things like an Armour for the already powerful Rihno. Or better Weapons for Shocker or The Spider-slayer robot that would hunt Spider-man from anywhere and kill him. Harry knew this was all illegal and could destroy him and Oscorp but he didn't care. Now though, Instead of himself Hob-Goblin was the one going to use it.

And even if he did kill the spider, Harry for some inexplicable reason didn't feel satisfied by that idea. He wanted to kill Spider-man with his own hands in front of world. But now Someone acting like a cheap copy of his Father's alter ego had robbed him of that chance too.

Soon they reached the ground floor and got in a Van that started to drive towards the Oscorp Tower. Three more Vans started following their Van too. The Hob-Goblin kept smiling and giggling at Harry all the way.




Peter finally reached the address he was given by Fury. It was a Gym. He was a bit confused. Who should he talk to here? So he went straight towards the Manager's office to talk to the Manager who just happened to be a huge scary Muscle monster. If Peter's Spider-Sense would have tingled the slightest bit he would have believed the man in front of him was a villain. The guy had that aura. He asked him. "Hey. Um, Do you might....Know Nick Fury? He sent here."

The manager got up. And then the Manager , "My name's Hanz. Follow me."

Hanz took him somewhere behind the main hall and then opened the back and soon they reached a door that he opened with a code. The door opened to reveal a staircase behind it. They both descended down only to come to Very lit Labratory. There were many people there doing various tasks.

"Director told me to take you here and assist you. There's your table and you can ask me whatever you might need." Hanz said as he pointed in one direction.

Peter stared at him for a second before speaking, "Great. Alright then. I'll need some red and blue coloured spandex and nylon fabric? And a sewing machine?"

Hanz looked at him as if he was speaking an unknown language. He stayed silent for a while before speaking. "Why do you need Spandex? What do you want to do?"

"Uh, I'm here to make a suit."

Hanz squinted his eyes and continued looking at him for a few seconds before he turned around and started walking. "Follow me."




Harry and Hob-Goblin reached The Oscorp Tower and Harry got out of the Vehicle and Hob-Goblin left his glider in the Van and got out too.

Harry took the Goblin to 31st floor of the building. This was the floor where Oscorp did all kinds of 'Secret Research' and this was all where They hide the special inventions.

Harry clicked some buttons on a small screen that was embedded in a metal wall. And soon the metal. wall split apart revealing the contents behind it.

Gaint Armours. Mechinal Devices very much like Dr. Octopus's metalic limbs. Or Shockers Gauntlets. Lots of Big humanoid Robots that had weapons enough to kill a huge population.

"HAHAHAHAHAHAHA.... Perfect. This will help in achieving my great ambitions very well." Hob-Goblin started laughing after he saw all the things in the lab.

After that he took out a device and said something in it. And soon.....


Someone broke the door of the lab and Harry turned to look in that direction and saw The Gaint form of Rihno. Behind him lots of known Super villains came pouring in the Lab.

"Come on boys. Take your gifts now." Hob-Goblin raised his hands and laughed.

Soon all the villains had taken some kind of weapon from the lab. And they were all set for whatever evil plan they were orchestrating.

Super Villains like Rihno, Shocker, Doc Ock, Sadman, Electro, Kraven, Bullseye, Scorpion, Cobra, Storm Wyns and many more had all gathered together and leading them all was the Hob-Goblin.

"It's show time now. Soon this city will be mine . All Mine. HAHAHAHAHAHAHA.... " Hob-Goblin declared his plan and all the villains cheered and soon they all went out in the city leaving Harry Osborn alone.




Captain Stacy was sitting in his office. Talking to his superior and giving him the reports of the events that had happened today. Soon after, he ended the call and put the phone down and sighed.

"Any new news about Spider-Man or The new Goblin?" He asked as he turned to look at The officers that were standing in front of him.

"No sir. They both have disappeared after the events during afternoon. We haven't located either of them anywhere." One officer gave the answer.

Stacy was going to speak again but right then , someone opened the door and came rushing in. "A riot has occured in the streets in Brooklyn. The perpetrators are all wearing Goblin Masks and are attacking everyone and every store on sight. It seems they are the Jack O'Lanterns that we have been searching for."

"Send in more officers there now. I want this situation to be under control as fast as possible." Stacy gave his orders as he got up from his seat.

Soon another officer came rushing in "Some people in Black suits are shooting at Police officers near Central Park."

But this time before Stacy could say anything another officer entered the office. "The Rihno has appeared. He is currently attacking all the police vehicles and officers in Harlem and is heading down towards Hell's kitchen.

Another officer entered, "Shocker and Kraven are attacking the police officers in Hell's kitchen. Storm Wyns gang is also with them there."

"The Jack O'Lanterns gang has attacked the Grand Central."

"Sandman Aka Flint Marko has appeared in the financial district and is currently targeting the Police personel too."

"Electro has appeared in the Times Square. He is doing nothing but there's lots of lighting crackling around him. It looks like he is absorbing power."

Stacy was stupified hearing all the reports. So many villains have all appreared at once. There seems to be a plan behind it all. It must be the Hob-Goblin. Stacy took a deep breath before opening his eyes again.

"We will fight back. Don't let them take over." He raised his voice.

"Contact military and ask for their support. Tell the officers they can use their weapons to scare the rioter's away. But don't harm them. I'll take full responsibility." He gave his orders to One officer.

Then he turned to look at another officer. "Ring the emergency distress Siren all over the city. And contact the media. Tell them to help us send out a message to all the citizens to take shelter and stay there until further notice."

He gave another order. "I want all officers , wether on leave or off-duty right here, right now. And you , prepare the vehicle we are going to the scene ou... "


Suddenly a large Boom was heard from outside and all the Police officers put a hand on their guns. Stacy immediately ran out to see what was happening. When he did got out though what he saw filled even him with fear.

The Police Headquarters was surrounded by a huge crowd of people. They were all either wearing Goblin masks or a black full body suit. And in between them all stood a figure of one man. He was standing way above the rest with the help of his limbs. Dr. Octopus.

Stacy turned to look at Gordon. "Light up the Signal . We need him right now."


And done. Next chapter Spdier-Man vs Sinister-Six....














Yeah, Things just got out of hand.