
Bella's school life

Betty leaves her room and finds her father in the sitting room, she was thanking God he was not drunk.

Sir , Good morning sir 

How are you?

Fine sir.

Okay ,go and pack your bag and go-to school .

Ok sir.

Betty arrives at school 7:30 and goes to class after assembly,she sees Jessica and her groups at the corner of the class staring at her she just rolls her eyes and goes to her sit,her best friend Bella is her seatmate , immediately Bella see's her friend she notices something is wrong.

Betty what happened to you? You look off;Bella said.

Nothing Bella,so what's popping?

Bella noticed the change of expressionnut didn't push further since Betty did not want to talk about it maybe she should play around for some while.

Nothing much has popped but something interesting popped up recently Betty ;Bella said.

Okay,so what is this interesting thing.

Time for pay back KC,Bella thought to herself.

Bella remembered why she hated KC ,it was because he talked bad about her,on the day she was planning to confess to him but overheard him talking to his gangs about how he will use her since it was obvious she liked him it's was exactly 4:30,14th, February,in the school staircase corner after that day everyone was surprised by her drastic change to him even KC was surprised she even hated him more because he was also targeting her best friend so he could use,of course ,she will never have a problem if he did like her best friend and not her,but he wanted to use her only bestie,No Way.

Um..Betty would you be happy if you hear KC is one of those boys?

No,he can't be a player ,come on  now tell me the interesting news now, please.

Okay o,KC likes you and is planning to ask you out.

Betty scrunched her face up in disgust then replied;

What?!Ewe,he so disgusting;to admit she liked KC but after what Bell had told her she hated him.

How did you know he likes me?Betty asked again 

Bella decided to open to her bestie

He doesn't like you..

So why did you so he likes me,Betty asked surprised.

He wants to use you

What?!How..How did you know Bellai over heard him talking ,he said that if he could get to together with the most beautiful girl in school which is you he will get popular and he will make sure he get anything gettable from you.

He is so disgusting.

In Velveeta High, there was a beauty contest every year in the school were all the student will vote for the most beautiful girl in the school and Betty known as Elizabeth in the school is the most beautiful girl,people loved because she was nice,caring,sweet and talented,she always got the most vote her best friend Bella was second due to her strong friend ship with Betty,she was happy to be friends with Betty. Jessica was the third and was jealous of Betty & Bella because they stood out than her and they were best friend there were rumors that she was abylly but they were just rumors right.

After lectures they were on break  Betty and Bella are eating and chatting together , Jessica walks up to them 

Bella speaks first..


Well are you talking to me,Bella.

Well ,i don't see any stupid person that after calling get name will still ask if they are talking to her, Bella answered smiling in sweetest way 

Jessica vjust rolled her eyes stomped her foot and left

Such a drama queen , Betty said.

Break was over and classecontinued after school,Betty and Bella walked home together.