

He stares into her eyes like a mirror. He tears his shirt and she bites down on her lip as his body seduces her. He puts an arm around her and draws her close to his body. Rachael’s heart pounds in her chest like a drum. She can feel his hot breath against her neck. “Rachael,” she hears a familiar and alluring voice. Rachael can hear Samuel’s voice but she cannot see him. “I want to hold your small hands and kiss them,”. She feels little kisses on her fingers. “I want to touch you,” his voice says and she closes her eyes. Rachael feels a soft hand press hard against her nipple and she lets out a moan. She raises her head to see Gabriel still looking at her. He bends and kisses her neck, he nibbles her neck and traces his way to her collar bone. Gabriel smiles as Rachael’s body grows weak against his. He says something but Rachael cannot hear his words. His mouth moves but he has no voice. “Rachael,” Samuel’s voice calls out to her, a voice without a body. Rachael is a girl trying to come to terms with her father’s death. Things seem normal until she meets the twin supernatural. Things change when the twins develop feelings towards her. Bonds are tested between them as they long for her all the while running from Dracula. Rachael learns about her family secrets. She endures pain and finds courage in her journey. The twins face Dracula in a grand finale and their love for Rachael will be tested with a heavy sacrifice. Secrets will be discovered. Bonds will be tested. Will Rachael survive her new chaotic world?

KingPablo · แฟนตาซี
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   "I'm not. I am aware that he is quite capable but instead of doing something that will most definitely kill him, why don't we just text him the address.

I followed them here, remember?", Samuel says to his brother.

"Once he gets here you can jump into his head, it is safer while he is in the vicinity.

Jumping into his mind when you aren't sure of his current location could just kill him and right now, dead John means dead us", Samuel adds.

Gabriel looks at his brother with a little bit of awe behind his eyes, "For a second there I almost thought you cared about John until you said dead John means dead us", Gabriel says.

"Just fucking text the guy, so we can get over with this. Rachael needs us", "We can agree on that".

Gabriel pulls out a pager from his shoe, "You just carry a pager in your shoe?" "Shut up, Sammy".

Gabriel hands it over to Samuel, "Type in the location".

Samuel types in the location of his father's lair and hands the pager back to his brother. "This is a big drop from our club lifestyle, no entertainment", Samuel says, "No chicks," "No drugs" "No music".

"But there are definitely animals in here", a deep voice joins in on their rant.

They both snarl as they recognize this voice to be a living embodiment of their hatred, Count Dracula.

He Is accompanied by Alex and Cletus; "I'm sorry we don't have such entertainment facilities in these quarters".

"He be talking smooth like a medieval prick", Gabriel taunts.

Dracula chuckles, "You will soon be joining your mother boys".

The twins' frown as their blood seethe with anger, their eyes glow blue as they stare into their father's.

If stares could kill.

"Whatever you are planning, it won't work", Gabriel says as he clenches his fist.

Dracula turns to his subordinates, "They think they'll survive", he smiles at them.

Cletus returns his smile and Alex keeps a straight face.

"I will be seeing you boys soon and here is for entertainment", Dracula swiftly turns and slaps off Cletus's head.

His head bounces against the wall and falls onto the ground, it rolls close to Dracula's feet and dirt enters his silky hair.

"Terrible gambler", Dracula says as he walks out of the dungeon. Alex glances at the twins before following her boss.

The twins shiver as both pain and anger fills their mental reservoir, "He needs to die, Gabriel", Samuel says with a trembling in his voice, "He will," Gabriel says.

Dracula walks away feeling relieved.

Finally, the pieces are in place.

He is quiet as he drifts into his own thoughts, Alex's heels echoes in his ears and he signals to the red head to dismiss herself.

He walks past his supposed throne room and goes into the hallway.

He goes to the extreme end where there is a door hidden in the darkness, he opens the door and enters the room.

The room is dark with a mirror at its center and two armored guards stand at both sides of the mirror.

Their faces are covered by some metal masks and they both have sheathed swords at their waist.

He goes to the front of the mirror and the two guards move backwards putting some distance between themselves and the mirror.

There is no reflection in the mirror; he adjusts his shirt.

"Hic sum, pater" Dracula says.

Eyes as beautiful as the stars appear in the mirror, there is no face, no figure, just a beautiful pair of eyes staring at Dracula.

There is no mouth but there is a voice, "Loquere, fili mi", the mysterious mirror speaks.

"I have captured the sphinxes, all that is left is the time and your incantations. In a few weeks you will be able to walk, breathe and live in the world of the living.

And all the creatures of the world will bow before your feet", Dracula says.

A chuckle comes from the mirror, "There will be no need for the experiment anymore. I am overjoyed but we should not get complacent just yet.

We have to be on our toes until it is done and one of them replaces me in hell", the mirror says.

"Of course, father. So, about my wife…", "We will not have this conversation until I have flesh", the mirror cuts him short.

"I have done everything you have asked. Her soul better be in one piece", Dracula says furiously, "Don't you speak to me in that tone boy", the mirror replies with agitation.

The two armored guards walk forward and put their hands on the heel of their sword, ready to make a move against Dracula but he is not fazed.

He frowns hard, "When the time comes, deliver on your promise. Satan", Dracula says and storms out of the room in anger.

He rests his back against the door and raises his head peering into the darkness of the hallway ceiling.

One day father, I will drain you of all your blood.

He clenches his fist hard and groans when he feels a sharp pain, "Damn it," he tightened his fist so hard that his nails dug into his palms.

He raises his hands to his face and sees his blood, "Calm down, don't let your anger cost you.

That is what you would always say, Justina" he says to himself before walking into the darkness of his lair.

Vengeance will be mine.



     Rachael sat on a bench and buried her face into her palms. She just ran from her parents' house after she had a heated argument with her mother about the kind of guy she sees.

She was frustrated as she felt restrained by her mother's overprotection.

She felt a hand rub her short curly hair, she raised her head and saw her father wearing a wide grin on his face.

He held a bunch of roses in his hand and took one out of the many, he put into her curly hair and sat down beside her.

"Don't be angry with your mother baby girl, she is only trying to protect you" Frank McQueen said, "But I'm not a child anymore dad, I am eighteen. I can date whoever I want", "That's true but you don't have the experience your mother does and she knows a bad boy when she sees one".

"Has it occurred to her that I may like bad boys?", Rachael said and Mr. McQueen looked at his daughter with a surprised face.

He laughed, "Look here young lady, you will soon be off to university and we won't be able to keep an eye on you.

Your mother is simply trying to let you know the kind of people to avoid.

Sure, your boyfriend looks cool with all his bad boy swag but that is exactly the kind of guys that use girls and dump them.

Yes, he is desirable but believe me you are not his girl", "And how would you know, dad? You guys aren't even giving him a chance".

But he knew, being a doting father, he had investigated her so-called boyfriend just to be sure he wasn't some monster but found out he was just a normal everyday douchebag.

Frank couldn't tell his daughter that, "Baby girl, just trust your mother. You know we both love you very much.

Promise me you are going to be good to your mother", "Only if you guys meet him", Frank McQueen laughed.

"Are you trying to bargain with me?" he asked, "Well, yeah", Rachael stood her ground as she was determined to prove that her boyfriend was a good guy.

"Okay, deal. But your mother will crucify him, so don't get your hopes up on an approval".

"Will you be on my side?", Rachael asked, "Hell no, I don't want my wife to kill me", he said and Rachael laughed.

"I want someone to love me the way you love mom", "One day, but right now you should be more concentrated on your studies, okay?".

Rachael nodded in agreement.