

As soon as they arrived in the Great City, Evie, Gav, Gideon and Vera went straight to the castle. Queen Beatrice on the other hand had left them to attend to some other important matters.

Evie thought that it was time for Vera to tell everything to Gideon so the moment they arrived inside the castle, Evie nodded discreetly at Vera. Vera quickly understood what Evie was trying to tell her with that nod, and after she nodded back to Evie, Evie grabbed Gav's hand and pulled him in the opposite direction to leave the couple to have some time alone.

"Can you bring me to a quiet place where you loved hiding at back when you were still living here?" Evie asked Gav as she led him out to the veranda. "I want us to talk Gav. And no, I'm not going to bring you into our room. I'm afraid you'd just sleep on me again, so bring me somewhere else that we can spend some time together."

Gav bit down on his lips as if to stop himself from smiling.